So, is Abbot, Governor of TX, doing the right thing at the southern border? (poll)

Is Abbot, Governor of TX, doing the right thing @ the border?

  • 5I'm a democrat which means I don't care who invades our country

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
Is Abbot, Governor of TX, doing the right thing?

This link is a disappointment because it doesn't address the latest that's happened, where Abbott took control of a park near the border (and other places?) in defiance of the federal govt. But you can get that info from Politics
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Thanks Gov. Abbot. How can I vote twice in this poll? I just want to be a good citizen.
Of course the Texas Governor is doing the right thing. I doesn't matter what he does, because the federal government isn't doing shit.

State's rights, ya'll motherfuckers. When the federal government devolves to a point where they can no longer perform their constitutional duties, the rights of the individual states are all that stands between the rule of law and chaos.

That's why I'm proud to be an American militia army of one: When my own government fails to function as it should, I and others like myself are the last line of defense between freedom and slavery.
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Of course the Texas Governor is doing the right thing. I doesn't matter what he does, because the federal government isn't doing shit.

State's rights, ya'll motherfuckers. When the federal government devolves to a point where they can no longer perform their constitutional duties, the rights of the individual states are all that stands between the rule of law and chaos.

That's why I'm proud to be an American militia army of one: When my own government fails to function as it should, I and others like myself are the last line of defense between freedom and slavery.

very well said


The Founders would be cheering
first we have to answer ,, is biden doing the right thing by opening the borders and causing all this harm thats driving the governor to do what he is doing,,
Too easy. Of course what Joe is doing and has done on the border is not right. Though, I doubt it is illegal. Legal/illegal do not equate to right/wrong.
Too easy. Of course what Joe is doing and has done on the border is not right. Though, I doubt it is illegal. Legal/illegal do not equate to right/wrong.
he is required by law to secure our borders,, hes doing the opposite,, that means its illegal,,
he is required by law to secure our borders,, hes doing the opposite,, that means its illegal,,
Can you cite that law or is it just common understanding and interpretation?
Mind you, I think the borders should be closed to migrants, except through official portals, also and with known targeted numbers.
Can you cite that law or is it just common understanding and interpretation?
Mind you, I think the borders should be closed to migrants, except through official portals, also and with known targeted numbers.
its called the US constitution in duties and responsibilities of POTUS and congress,,
they are also housing feeding and getting them on transports to be taken who knows where,,

if any of us did that we would be arrested,,

yeh, I guess it really is important (I say this to those who don'tget this)

to have the CORRECT person in office

might help if he or she were actually elected BY THE PEOPLE

you know.. the people who have the most to lose from FREAKISH policies, unlawful policies, un American policies
All the laws/regulations in place for decades and the ones Trump initiated

were violated by briben and co.

Now all the sudden the libs say there w ere never any such laws/regulations! :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

Well, we know how they live off deceit and lies
I like how the roll-eyes/loony tunes emoji's eyes (#16) are all rolling in sync


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