So if it was a cut and dried case of suicide by cop, why did all the cops lie about shooting?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
LaVoy Finicum was murdered by state and federal agents about 18 months ago, as he was leaving Harney County on his way to Grant County in Oregon. He was in a car full of friends which included two an 18 year old singer who had just caught a ride as she was scheduled to sing at the community meeting they were scheduled to attend in John Day.

Finicum and others had set up camp at the Malheur bird refuge in protest of the persecution, harassment and imprisonment of ranchers and rural land owners, specifically, the Hammonds of Harney county, who are currently serving 5 years of a sentence that was leveled against them after they had ALREADY SERVED THE IMPOSED SENTENCE, at the behest of a prosecutor who was subsequently prosecuted herself and an activist judge.

A lot was made of the protest, because the ranchers and supporters who participated in this particular protest happened to be armed and had stated their intent to protect themselves from the illegal and violent actions of government agents who might bring arms against them. Their protest was a peaceful one, and they were never ordered to leave. They drove freely around the town and the county, people came and went. Then finally, the principals loaded up and vacated the refuge. They were not intending to return, their protest had run it's course.

Famously, two road blocks were set up to prevent Finicum and others from leaving the county, and the car that Finicum and the others were in was peppered with bullets upon approach to the first roadblock. Finicum stopped briefly but as he became aware that they were being shot at, he sped away from the trap, and into another. At that point, the car was still taking bullets, and to draw fire away from the women in the car, he exited and was gunned down almost immediately.

Within days it was revealed that the five state agents involved in the shooting lied about how many shots were fired, and who shot them. More recently, it has been revealed, that not only did they lie..the feds lied too, as it has been discovered that at least one FBI agent shot the car as well.

Bullet hole on LaVoy Finicum’s truck traced to elite FBI team – The Shasta Lantern
Will anything be done about this?

Well they arrested the entire Bundy family and the journalists who were accurately reporting events. The first set of defendants in Oregon were acquitted because the fbi was so egregious in the set up. All the rifles that were in the images the press circulated as evidence that the protesters were planning some sort of armageddon shoot out with turned out to be brought in by undercover feds..and the target shooting that took place at the refuge, again, was headed up suggested and led by undercover feds.

The judges and the prosecutors are corrupt, crazy, and have limitless funding. The people they are killing, throwing into prison, and whose land they are grabbing (they are still doing it) have limited funding, and they die over the course of the decades that the struggle goes on. The Hages and the Hammonds and the Bundys have all *won* in certain court cases..but the feds ALWAYS appeal, and they ALWAYS get rulings overthrown, and then they throw the ranchers and land owners in jail...if they don't just gun them down.
Will anything be done about this?
Maybe increased security at bird sanctuaries? :rofl:

They have it now. The feds moved in, and they aren't leaving.

Spoken like a true pig.
National parks and refuges were created for a reason. To stop people like you shitting on and destroying them.
The feds destroy them, they're destroying them now.
They were created to remove resources from the hands and the pockets of the people who live there, and to funnel money and resources into the friends of corrupt government officials.

And what I hear you saying is that you are okay with human and civil rights violations, if it puts more land into fed hands.

Presumably, so you and your punk friends can enjoy and destroy property that you would never be able to purchase, nor enjoy, via your own means or connections.

Zinke Recommends Reducing Bears Ears National Monument

Oregon National Annual Rainbow Gathering


Cleaning Out The Dakota Access Protest Camp

The Trash Is Upright at Standing Rock

Condoms, tampons and feces: Oregon fraternity suspended after 'disgraceful' trashing of Shasta Lake

This is what federal management looks like:


Federal Forest Policy Is Killing Forests, Destroying Lives

"Wildfires occur naturally and have always been a part of the seasonal cycle in the West, but the size and intensity of the fires have dramatically increased in recent years due, in large measure, to the gross mismanagement of the national forests by the U.S. Forest Service and the incessant lawsuits of radical environmentalists that have thwarted all reasonable attempts at proper forest management.

"As The New American has reported many times over the past three decades, the unconscionable destruction of our vast forests, watersheds, and wildlife habitat is the inevitable result of policies and practices imposed by federal politicians and bureaucrats, in tandem with the obstructionist programs of extreme environmental activists.

"On July 10, 1999, this writer attended and reported on a congressional hearing of the House Resource Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health chaired by the late Representative Helen Chenoweth (R-Idaho). The hearing was held in the logging town of John Day, Oregon, in the heart of the Malheur National Forest, which had been effectively shut down and closed to logging by the U.S. Forest Service. Hundreds of millions of board feet of dead and dying timber and huge sections of blow-down timber were being left to rot and create massive bug infestations and fire hazards, while the local mills were starving for logs and Americans were being forced to import lumber and wood products from Canada."

Burning Up the West: Feds, Greens Cause Catastrophic Fires
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Maybe increased security at bird sanctuaries? :rofl:

They have it now. The feds moved in, and they aren't leaving.

Spoken like a true pig.
National parks and refuges were created for a reason. To stop people like you shitting on and destroying them.
The feds destroy them, they're destroying them now.
They were created to remove resources from the hands and the pockets of the people who live there, and to funnel money and resources into the friends of corrupt government officials.

And what I hear you saying is that you are okay with human and civil rights violations, if it puts more land into fed hands.

Presumably, so you and your punk friends can enjoy and destroy property that you would never be able to purchase, nor enjoy, via your own means or connections.

Zinke Recommends Reducing Bears Ears National Monument

Oregon National Annual Rainbow Gathering


Cleaning Out The Dakota Access Protest Camp

The Trash Is Upright at Standing Rock
That's not a picture of a park. That's a picture of a place that you conservatives agreed poisoning would not be that bad.
They have it now. The feds moved in, and they aren't leaving.

Spoken like a true pig.
National parks and refuges were created for a reason. To stop people like you shitting on and destroying them.
The feds destroy them, they're destroying them now.
They were created to remove resources from the hands and the pockets of the people who live there, and to funnel money and resources into the friends of corrupt government officials.

And what I hear you saying is that you are okay with human and civil rights violations, if it puts more land into fed hands.

Presumably, so you and your punk friends can enjoy and destroy property that you would never be able to purchase, nor enjoy, via your own means or connections.

Zinke Recommends Reducing Bears Ears National Monument

Oregon National Annual Rainbow Gathering


Cleaning Out The Dakota Access Protest Camp

The Trash Is Upright at Standing Rock
That's not a picture of a park. That's a picture of a place that you conservatives agreed poisoning would not be that bad.

It's a picture of a place that was under EPA management. I never asserted I was talking just about "parks".

The feds turn everything to poison, including land.

I have many photos of our national forest lands, just those in my vicinity, that have been destroyed by federal management. The feds introduce species of animals that don't belong, they use explosives in our bodies of water, they leave slash in piles and won't allow grazing to keep the flammable understory under control. Then they start fires, and don't provide enough manpower to control them.

And when ranchers light their own backfires to protect their own properties, the feds throw those people in prison. That's what happened to the Hammonds. Then they fine them, and raise their fees and if they can't pay them, they take their land.

Welcome to the world of federal control of resources. That's why we started shooting Brits at the end of the 1700s.
LaVoy Finicum was murdered by state and federal agents about 18 months ago, as he was leaving Harney County on his way to Grant County in Oregon. He was in a car full of friends which included two an 18 year old singer who had just caught a ride as she was scheduled to sing at the community meeting they were scheduled to attend in John Day.

Finicum and others had set up camp at the Malheur bird refuge in protest of the persecution, harassment and imprisonment of ranchers and rural land owners, specifically, the Hammonds of Harney county, who are currently serving 5 years of a sentence that was leveled against them after they had ALREADY SERVED THE IMPOSED SENTENCE, at the behest of a prosecutor who was subsequently prosecuted herself and an activist judge.

A lot was made of the protest, because the ranchers and supporters who participated in this particular protest happened to be armed and had stated their intent to protect themselves from the illegal and violent actions of government agents who might bring arms against them. Their protest was a peaceful one, and they were never ordered to leave. They drove freely around the town and the county, people came and went. Then finally, the principals loaded up and vacated the refuge. They were not intending to return, their protest had run it's course.

Famously, two road blocks were set up to prevent Finicum and others from leaving the county, and the car that Finicum and the others were in was peppered with bullets upon approach to the first roadblock. Finicum stopped briefly but as he became aware that they were being shot at, he sped away from the trap, and into another. At that point, the car was still taking bullets, and to draw fire away from the women in the car, he exited and was gunned down almost immediately.

Within days it was revealed that the five state agents involved in the shooting lied about how many shots were fired, and who shot them. More recently, it has been revealed, that not only did they lie..the feds lied too, as it has been discovered that at least one FBI agent shot the car as well.

Bullet hole on LaVoy Finicum’s truck traced to elite FBI team – The Shasta Lantern
Oh my god, you are hilarious.

You make it sound like the terrorists were just out for a ride in the country, minding their own business when the head terrorist was shot! :lol:

"Finicum and others had set up camp..."

Uh, no, dumbass. They seized federal land by force. They were armed terrorists. They weren't camping, roasting weenies and marshmallows.
Good luck with this "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" thing.

That is, we've seen the video of Finculum drawing on the officers, after nearly running one down, so we know the alternate-reality story here is a lie.
LaVoy Finicum was murdered by state and federal agents about 18 months ago, as he was leaving Harney County on his way to Grant County in Oregon. He was in a car full of friends which included two an 18 year old singer who had just caught a ride as she was scheduled to sing at the community meeting they were scheduled to attend in John Day.

Finicum and others had set up camp at the Malheur bird refuge in protest of the persecution, harassment and imprisonment of ranchers and rural land owners, specifically, the Hammonds of Harney county, who are currently serving 5 years of a sentence that was leveled against them after they had ALREADY SERVED THE IMPOSED SENTENCE, at the behest of a prosecutor who was subsequently prosecuted herself and an activist judge.

A lot was made of the protest, because the ranchers and supporters who participated in this particular protest happened to be armed and had stated their intent to protect themselves from the illegal and violent actions of government agents who might bring arms against them. Their protest was a peaceful one, and they were never ordered to leave. They drove freely around the town and the county, people came and went. Then finally, the principals loaded up and vacated the refuge. They were not intending to return, their protest had run it's course.

Famously, two road blocks were set up to prevent Finicum and others from leaving the county, and the car that Finicum and the others were in was peppered with bullets upon approach to the first roadblock. Finicum stopped briefly but as he became aware that they were being shot at, he sped away from the trap, and into another. At that point, the car was still taking bullets, and to draw fire away from the women in the car, he exited and was gunned down almost immediately.

Within days it was revealed that the five state agents involved in the shooting lied about how many shots were fired, and who shot them. More recently, it has been revealed, that not only did they lie..the feds lied too, as it has been discovered that at least one FBI agent shot the car as well.

Bullet hole on LaVoy Finicum’s truck traced to elite FBI team – The Shasta Lantern
Oh my god, you are hilarious.

You make it sound like the terrorists were just out for a ride in the country, minding their own business when the head terrorist was shot! :lol:

"Finicum and others had set up camp..."

Uh, no, dumbass. They seized federal land by force. They were armed terrorists. They weren't camping, roasting weenies and marshmallows.

No, they didn't seize it by force. They walked in when the two *agents* were, by their own decision, cowering at home.

And they roamed freely on and off the refuge the whole time they were there. They went to people's houses, the stores..and people came to visit. They were never told to leave.

So nice try.

Oh yeah, and exactly zero terrorism convictions. None. And in fact, zero convictions at all for the entire first group...which included David Fry.
Good luck with this "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" thing.

That is, we've seen the video of Finculum drawing on the officers, after nearly running one down, so we know the alternate-reality story here is a lie.

No, that's not what you saw. That's what you were TOLD you saw, and that IS in fact, a case of "what are you going to believe, what you see or what we tell you?"

The feds said they didn't fire until they thought he drew. They did fire, they fired on the car the whole time during the approach to the first roadblock, and between the two roadblocks. The feds and the state agents said that Bundy wasn't shot. He was shot, and still has the bullet in his shoulder. The feds said that they didn't fire at all, that was also a lie. The state agents said that they didn't fire...also a lie. They also lied about who shot, and when. All have been exposed as lies.

Finicum was shot and when he plucked at entry and exit wounds at hip and side, he was shot some more. That's why the feds lied. It is their MO to instigate shootouts by jump starting them that way. The deliberately fired upon them to stimulate a response, knowing that the state agents would then take them out.

I saw the autopsy report. Bullet holes at hip and side, on the corresponding hip and side that his hands went to. Having been around weapons and having seen animals shot before, I knew when I saw the video the very first time that he was shot.

Looks pretty fishy. He gets out of the vehicle with hands up and immediately the rear passenger window is shot out and the view is obscured.

I don't understand the need for all this firepower over what is essentially, "trespassing." What crime has been committed, exactly?
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Looks pretty fishy. He gets out of the vehicle with hands up and immediately the rear passenger window is shot out and the view is obscured.

I don't understand the need for all this firepower over what is essentially, "trespassing." What crime has been committed, exactly?
There was no crime. These people were PROTESTERS. They were peaceful, they remain peaceful. They are just fed up with fed bullying, harassment, overreach.

The reason they were shot is because they successfully stopped the feds from stealing their cattle back in 2014.

Here's something interesting...

the prosecutor who re-imprisoned the Hammonds - nutted out, was prosecuted, and lost her job.

the guy in charge of BLM operations at the Bundy Ranch - BLM misconduct probe may derail Bundy Ranch standoff trial

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