So...if Hillary ran again in 2020...

Would you vote for her? If so..why. If not, why not? Even if you are a dem and wouldn't..why not?

I would vote for Satan first

I don't really think that Hillary will make another run in 2020. Why? Because she's getting older, and her time on the campaign trail last time didn't do her health any favors.

And, after all the damage done to the Dems in the last election because she stole the nomination, I don't think the Dems want to put themselves through that again.

If she does run against Trump, I'm probably gonna vote 3rd party.

Because she's getting older, and her time on the campaign trail last time didn't do her health any favors.

It wasn't her time on the trail, it was her time in the bottle.
/----/ Hillery will use her stunt double Teresa Barnwell on the campaign trail.

Hillary is done

Hardly. It's not even 7pm on the East Coast. She has at least another bottle of Chardonnay and a few scotch and sodas left on her daily to do list.

I always thought she was a vodka on the rocks drinker...….

She's an equal opportunity lush, bub.

Believe me, Hilly would be a cakewalk; but also understand, that Warren would be EVEN BETTER if she has no Indian blood in her, lol. And Booker? He would carry less states than Hilly did and that goes also for Khmala, Kmala, or however spell her name, Harris.

The STRONGEST candidate they have is Bernie, and that would cause 30% of former Democrats who were alive during the USSR, to vote Republican.

The bottom line is simple-----------> The Democrats in their current form, can NOT beat Trump, so all he has to do is work on domestic policy and basically ignore them...…..unless they get in his way. If/when they do, point and blame, and hang ANY problems around their necks.

And oh, by the way Leftists---------> how many of you are aware that over 100 politicians got killed in Mexico, during the run up to this election there? How many of you know that almost 13,000 Mexicans got killed?

You didn't? Really?

Well, guess what! People are going to be told about it very quickly, and it won't be me, lol. Guess what that means-) Aw-hell, every conservative on this board can guess, so you can too, lol.

You people are screwed, you really are. You made your bed, NOW SLEEP IN IT!

What do all the deaths during the Mexican election mean?
Would you vote for her? If so..why. If not, why not? Even if you are a dem and wouldn't..why not?

There Are Rumors Hillary Clinton Will Run In 2020 & People Don't Know What To Think

In his column, which ran in the Post over the weekend, Goodwin relied on four key points to make his case: there is currently no other clear Democratic opponent to run against Trump, the sheer number of other Democratic presidential hopefuls could help consolidate Clinton's support, she could potentially beat many Democratic contenders in their own state, and she'd probably bring in a lot of money to take on Trump's reelection.

Oh for chrissake, the alt right's obsession with Hillary is so fucking boring.
And it's fake news. is a gossip site, not a news outlet.
But I guess it's one way to divert attention away from Donald and Jeffy's 2000 missing kids or Michael Cohen's "not going to be a punching bag" for his old boss.
close your eyes and imagine if hillary was making tonight's supreme court pick. oh dear god!

I hate to break it to you, and I know it looks good, but this map is very misleading.

80% of the country's populations live in major cities.

So lookie-loo at your map and find Chicago, NY, L.A., Miami, Phoenix, San Fran, Seattle, Denver, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Nashville, Boston, D.C., Portland, Tampa, Orlando, St. Louis, Albuquerque, Austin....

"“Rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation’s land area but contain 19.3 percent of the population (about 60 million people),” Census Bureau Director John H. Thompson said. """"
New Census Data Show Differences Between Urban and Rural Populations

Oops, so sorry. Reality is a bitch, ain't it?
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I hate to break it to you, and I know it looks good, but this map is very misleading.

80% of the country's populations live in major cities.

So lookie-loo at your map and find Chicago, NY, L.A., Miami, Phoenix, San Fran, Seattle, Denver, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Nashville, Boston, D.C., Portland, Tampa, Orlando, St. Louis, Albuquerque, Austin....

"“Rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation’s land area but contain 19.3 percent of the population (about 60 million people),” Census Bureau Director John H. Thompson said. """"
New Census Data Show Differences Between Urban and Rural Populations

Oops, so sorry. Reality is a bitch, ain't it?

Reality is that the people crammed into major metro areas would starve to death without the people working in the rural areas.

Oh. And HUZZAH! for the Electoral College! The more the Left crams into a few deep blue coastal enclaves, the more the EC matters!
Got a link to back up your bullshit accusations, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?

You need to widen the scope of news and current events. There are dozens, if not hundreds of photos of Uncle Joe getting handsy with women to children.

Reality is about to hit home at 9:00pm tonight

The Senate confirmation fight will hit right after that.
And fact: Susan Collins (R) Maine, has chosen not to attend the announcement tonight.

In the meantime, your red map means shit. Anybody who has a clue about American demographics knows that map is meaningless. Hillary won the popular vote by 3,000,000.
Three million URBANITES. Not hillbillies or rednecks.
That's another fact you Trumpanzees can't deny.
Got a link to back up your bullshit accusations, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?

You need to widen the scope of news and current events. There are dozens, if not hundreds of photos of Uncle Joe getting handsy with women to children.


This meme is highly edited....But beyond that, why doesn't Biden have dozens of complaints and several lawsuits against him like Duh Donald does?
the bernie wing hate hillary so she doesnt have them. the donor wing wants their money back cos they burned a billion dollars on her loss.

crooked hillary, bottom line, please run, you'll get your ass kicked for the third straight time.
These two nominations were worth the price of admission.

All the rest is upside. Many times comedic.

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