So going forward can we expect prosecution to be a new political strategy?

Nah, that's paranoid fantasy spoonfed to you by paid liars who butter their bread with your gullibility.

And of course the BLM protests were for decreasing state sponsored violence. Nobody has to be ashamed of supporting that. So you live in fatasyland.
The BLM riots were over George Floyd and the myth that Police are targeting black men and exterminating them! THAT'S the fantasy. Always has been.
No matter how hard they try to tell themselves that the legal shenanigans taking place surrounding Trump are of his own making not even the Democrats actually believe that.

Deep down they know that most of what is taking place is political antipathy weaponized and organized by the DNC.

It follows then that as the genie has been let out of the bottle we will see more of this behavior going forward as it demonstrates itself to be a very handy tool for taking out opponents.

The Harry Reid effect. Blow up all the bridges to prevent your opponent from works great! It works great until you need to cross back over that is.

If they get away with it with impunity, yes it will be our new reality from now on. But if we who oppose that as the evil that it is can set aside our individual pet peeves, ideology, prejudices, and antipathy and unify sufficiently to make them pay dearly for it at the ballot box, we might squelch it once and for good. And we can also elect people who will put laws into place to ensure nobody can do it with impunity ever again.
No matter how hard they try to tell themselves that the legal shenanigans taking place surrounding Trump are of his own making not even the Democrats actually believe that.

Deep down they know that most of what is taking place is political antipathy weaponized and organized by the DNC.

It follows then that as the genie has been let out of the bottle we will see more of this behavior going forward as it demonstrates itself to be a very handy tool for taking out opponents.

The Harry Reid effect. Blow up all the bridges to prevent your opponent from works great! It works great until you need to cross back over that is.

I pray Trump and the Republicans adopt the same tactics but I know they will play the bigger party and not do these things. The aggressor sets the rules, and we need to go after these rabid partisans
What he should GET is equal protection under the law just like every other American is entitled to!
He is getting that and more. Any other citizen would be in jail awaiting trial, in the documents case alone.

He gets specially qualified gag orders, since he is a candidate.

Would the SCOTUS be hearing absolute immunity arguments for "every other American"? Nope.
The BLM riots were over George Floyd and the myth that Police are targeting black men and exterminating them! THAT'S the fantasy. Always has been.
Sorry, you don't get to put words in their mouths and thoughts in their minds to maintain you ignorant partisan fantasy.

The protestors made it clear why they were there: to oppose state sponsored violence against brown people.
If they get away with it with impunity,
Which they will, because that's what happens when you respect and use due process.

Contrast that to the orange slob, who thought he didn't have to respect due process and tried to steal an election, stole top secret materials, and committed decades of fraud.
So a riot that lasted less than 24 hours and did so little damage to the Capital that it was back in session the very next day is worse than the rioting that liberals did that lasted months and caused billions of dollars of damage to cities all over the nation?

That wasn't the right attacking liberals by the way. Not a single liberal was harmed in that protest that turned violent because security at the Capital was so badly handled. That was the right protesting against an election that they felt was corrupt and trying to stop the certification of that election.
NAZIs marching in Nashville.
Sorry, you don't get to put words in their mouths and thoughts in their minds to maintain you ignorant partisan fantasy.

The protestors made it clear why they were there: to oppose state sponsored violence against brown people.
Yet the statistics belie the fact that there IS excessive State sponsored violence against brown people! So the "fantasy" here is that narrative!
No matter how hard they try to tell themselves that the legal shenanigans taking place surrounding Trump are of his own making not even the Democrats actually believe that.

Deep down they know that most of what is taking place is political antipathy weaponized and organized by the DNC.

It follows then that as the genie has been let out of the bottle we will see more of this behavior going forward as it demonstrates itself to be a very handy tool for taking out opponents.

The Harry Reid effect. Blow up all the bridges to prevent your opponent from works great! It works great until you need to cross back over that is.


Trump is easy, because he's a criminal. Yes, they're going after him because he's running for president, doesn't mean he's not guilty.
He is getting that and more. Any other citizen would be in jail awaiting trial, in the documents case alone.

He gets specially qualified gag orders, since he is a candidate.

Would the SCOTUS be hearing absolute immunity arguments for "every other American"? Nope.
Including Joe Biden?
The current maga fuckup candidate for NC governor quoting and praising hitler.

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