So, everyone has swilled the Kool-Aid then?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
From coast to coast, American to American, conservative to liberal . . . just about everyone I've mentioned the Floyd situation to seems to think that the law enforcement officer arrested (recently) for his death ought to be lynched tout fucking suite without a trial by a jury of his peers, due process, whatever. Not one individual with whom I've discussed this particular event sees anything in Floyd's arrest and immobilization and ultimate death but cold-blooded murder. Huh? Normally, when everyone, everywhere seems to agree on something despite their drastically different cultures, political ideologies or upbringings one of two possibilities is afoot. Either the national 24/7 mainstream cable media is lying to their faces, playing their emotions like dueling banjos, trying very hard to whip up frenzies of hate, mistrust and/or political fervor or . . . the media is lying to them.

First, let me state that I love the hell out of most cops and federal agents. These guys and gals likely didn't know what the hell they were signing up for, ran scared for some time on their beats/the job after they did realize, and then learned quick how very, very quickly they or their partners or friends on whatever force could get fucked up for life or dead or perhaps even worse—charged with committing a crime in the line of duty.

See, all the cop haters out there—well most of them—seem to have forgotten how they depend on other men and women in uniform with guns to save them and their families from the "bad guys". That, and they've never quite learned that if you don't fucking commit or attempt to commit a crime or do suspicious shit, you've got very little to fear from any cop. Comply, even be polite, and you'll be fine. And if you're about to be arrested, let it happen. The time of your arrest is not the time to fight the system. Do that after being arrested. Do that with a lawyer, public or private hired.

It's cliché, right? To say cops have it rough? Well boys and girls cops have it rougher than rough. It (meaning their day to day "normal" job) can go from boring to downright terrifying in the blink of an eye. Takes a big fucking psychological toll on them around the clock sometimes, even often. And yet many, many career law enforcement officers and agents face down this chasm of terror on a daily basis, stare down into the abyss of human evil, and carry on for years and years dancing on this double edged blade. And what would you do without them? Without cops riding around out there guarding your wife and children and parents and sisters because you're too much of a sheep to step up and join the force yourself?

I'm not really justifying Floyd's death, but I am also not jumping on the lynching wagon either, hell the fuck no. Floyd was a big man and a convicted felon—a home invader. Reforming one's life is one thing, having committed a violent felony is another.

Main point is this: there are several sides to every story and every event. But in Floyd's case, everyone seems to have forgotten that, gulped down the media mixed Kool-Aid, and decided to storm the castle, literally or from the comfort of their living rooms. It's all a bit terrifying, really . . . this nationwide blind mob mentality. Do you all really think the media would have broadcast footage of Floyd's death for no specific political reason or purely in the pursuit of justice? Are you all that damned gullible? Really? If so, then, well . . . I guess it's time for you to shut up, get off your couches and join the mass loot and pillage coming soon to an urban hellhole near you. Put your money where your mouths are. Otherwise, try thinking for yourselves on occasion. Stop letting CNN, MSNBC . . . and Fox News make you their bitches.

The search continues for a fellow human being who is not drunk and blind on the Kool-Aid . . .
I can’t imagine being a police officer in this day and age.

What would happen if they all went on strike?
From coast to coast, American to American, conservative to liberal . . . just about everyone I've mentioned the Floyd situation to seems to think that the law enforcement officer arrested (recently) for his death ought to be lynched tout fucking suite without a trial by a jury of his peers, due process, whatever. Not one individual with whom I've discussed this particular event sees anything in Floyd's arrest and immobilization and ultimate death but cold-blooded murder. Huh? Normally, when everyone, everywhere seems to agree on something despite their drastically different cultures, political ideologies or upbringings one of two possibilities is afoot. Either the national 24/7 mainstream cable media is lying to their faces, playing their emotions like dueling banjos, trying very hard to whip up frenzies of hate, mistrust and/or political fervor or . . . the media is lying to them.

First, let me state that I love the hell out of most cops and federal agents. These guys and gals likely didn't know what the hell they were signing up for, ran scared for some time on their beats/the job after they did realize, and then learned quick how very, very quickly they or their partners or friends on whatever force could get fucked up for life or dead or perhaps even worse—charged with committing a crime in the line of duty.

See, all the cop haters out there—well most of them—seem to have forgotten how they depend on other men and women in uniform with guns to save them and their families from the "bad guys". That, and they've never quite learned that if you don't fucking commit or attempt to commit a crime or do suspicious shit, you've got very little to fear from any cop. Comply, even be polite, and you'll be fine. And if you're about to be arrested, let it happen. The time of your arrest is not the time to fight the system. Do that after being arrested. Do that with a lawyer, public or private hired.

It's cliché, right? To say cops have it rough? Well boys and girls cops have it rougher than rough. It (meaning their day to day "normal" job) can go from boring to downright terrifying in the blink of an eye. Takes a big fucking psychological toll on them around the clock sometimes, even often. And yet many, many career law enforcement officers and agents face down this chasm of terror on a daily basis, stare down into the abyss of human evil, and carry on for years and years dancing on this double edged blade. And what would you do without them? Without cops riding around out there guarding your wife and children and parents and sisters because you're too much of a sheep to step up and join the force yourself?

I'm not really justifying Floyd's death, but I am also not jumping on the lynching wagon either, hell the fuck no. Floyd was a big man and a convicted felon—a home invader. Reforming one's life is one thing, having committed a violent felony is another.

Main point is this: there are several sides to every story and every event. But in Floyd's case, everyone seems to have forgotten that, gulped down the media mixed Kool-Aid, and decided to storm the castle, literally or from the comfort of their living rooms. It's all a bit terrifying, really . . . this nationwide blind mob mentality. Do you all really think the media would have broadcast footage of Floyd's death for no specific political reason or purely in the pursuit of justice? Are you all that damned gullible? Really? If so, then, well . . . I guess it's time for you to shut up, get off your couches and join the mass loot and pillage coming soon to an urban hellhole near you. Put your money where your mouths are. Otherwise, try thinking for yourselves on occasion. Stop letting CNN, MSNBC . . . and Fox News make you their bitches.

The search continues for a fellow human being who is not drunk and blind on the Kool-Aid . . .
This cop was way wrong.
He's going to jail.
But the rioting and looting are wrong too.
Blacks bring a lot of this on themselves.
Cops like Derek Chauvin are the icing on the cake.

Send the bill for all of this to Chauvin after he's in the state penn.
I can’t imagine being a police officer in this day and age.

What would happen if they all went on strike?

A lot more black people will gun each other down in the streets , and hate crimes against whites would quadruple the first day. Of course, that reult is just fine with many, until they or their own relatives get on the wrong end of black hood rat violence.
I'm usually on the cop's side when these things happen but in this case, no -- you don't kneel on a man's neck unless you're trying to kill him.

Rubbish. You dominate and control, to protect yourself and your fellow officers. This guy was a large and violent asshole. BArney Fife you can chain to a parking meter; these big guys on crack or meth or steroids you sit on their heads until the paddy wagon arrives.
I care for the police and all law enforcement. From what I have seen it was handled wrong but that needs to be investigated and then if necessary prosecuted. I doubt very much anyone has all the facts at this point.

That being said. To go out and start looting and burning shows the understanding and restraint of a child. Then these same people will turn around and want respect. Respect is earned not given because of race or creed.
Respect is given to certain offices because of the office.
While I appreciate all comments, the fact that every news outlet and so-called "thinking man's" youtuber is siding—without question—against the PD, is to me quite alarming. It's amazing to watch; one day your liberal and conservative news people and youtubers are at each other's throats, as per the norm, as the duality of American civilizational political ideology was intended to function, and then the next day ALL of them everywhere are singing the same tune, as if in chorus and choreographed ahead of time. The outcome of this universal synchronicity is fire and death, looting and pillaging, annihilation and the mob mind unleashed. Sounds like a giant leap forward for humanity, eh? In the service of so-called justice chaos raining down.
From coast to coast, American to American, conservative to liberal . . . just about everyone I've mentioned the Floyd situation to seems to think that the law enforcement officer arrested (recently) for his death ought to be lynched tout fucking suite without a trial by a jury of his peers, due process, whatever. Not one individual with whom I've discussed this particular event sees anything in Floyd's arrest and immobilization and ultimate death but cold-blooded murder. Huh? Normally, when everyone, everywhere seems to agree on something despite their drastically different cultures, political ideologies or upbringings one of two possibilities is afoot. Either the national 24/7 mainstream cable media is lying to their faces, playing their emotions like dueling banjos, trying very hard to whip up frenzies of hate, mistrust and/or political fervor or . . . the media is lying to them.

First, let me state that I love the hell out of most cops and federal agents. These guys and gals likely didn't know what the hell they were signing up for, ran scared for some time on their beats/the job after they did realize, and then learned quick how very, very quickly they or their partners or friends on whatever force could get fucked up for life or dead or perhaps even worse—charged with committing a crime in the line of duty.

See, all the cop haters out there—well most of them—seem to have forgotten how they depend on other men and women in uniform with guns to save them and their families from the "bad guys". That, and they've never quite learned that if you don't fucking commit or attempt to commit a crime or do suspicious shit, you've got very little to fear from any cop. Comply, even be polite, and you'll be fine. And if you're about to be arrested, let it happen. The time of your arrest is not the time to fight the system. Do that after being arrested. Do that with a lawyer, public or private hired.

It's cliché, right? To say cops have it rough? Well boys and girls cops have it rougher than rough. It (meaning their day to day "normal" job) can go from boring to downright terrifying in the blink of an eye. Takes a big fucking psychological toll on them around the clock sometimes, even often. And yet many, many career law enforcement officers and agents face down this chasm of terror on a daily basis, stare down into the abyss of human evil, and carry on for years and years dancing on this double edged blade. And what would you do without them? Without cops riding around out there guarding your wife and children and parents and sisters because you're too much of a sheep to step up and join the force yourself?

I'm not really justifying Floyd's death, but I am also not jumping on the lynching wagon either, hell the fuck no. Floyd was a big man and a convicted felon—a home invader. Reforming one's life is one thing, having committed a violent felony is another.

Main point is this: there are several sides to every story and every event. But in Floyd's case, everyone seems to have forgotten that, gulped down the media mixed Kool-Aid, and decided to storm the castle, literally or from the comfort of their living rooms. It's all a bit terrifying, really . . . this nationwide blind mob mentality. Do you all really think the media would have broadcast footage of Floyd's death for no specific political reason or purely in the pursuit of justice? Are you all that damned gullible? Really? If so, then, well . . . I guess it's time for you to shut up, get off your couches and join the mass loot and pillage coming soon to an urban hellhole near you. Put your money where your mouths are. Otherwise, try thinking for yourselves on occasion. Stop letting CNN, MSNBC . . . and Fox News make you their bitches.

The search continues for a fellow human being who is not drunk and blind on the Kool-Aid . . .
Even though our justice system is terribly corrupt, we don’t railroad people. Try him in court. When find guilty, sentence him to life in prison.
From coast to coast, American to American, conservative to liberal . . . just about everyone I've mentioned the Floyd situation to seems to think that the law enforcement officer arrested (recently) for his death ought to be lynched tout fucking suite without a trial by a jury of his peers, due process, whatever. Not one individual with whom I've discussed this particular event sees anything in Floyd's arrest and immobilization and ultimate death but cold-blooded murder. Huh? Normally, when everyone, everywhere seems to agree on something despite their drastically different cultures, political ideologies or upbringings one of two possibilities is afoot. Either the national 24/7 mainstream cable media is lying to their faces, playing their emotions like dueling banjos, trying very hard to whip up frenzies of hate, mistrust and/or political fervor or . . . the media is lying to them.

First, let me state that I love the hell out of most cops and federal agents. These guys and gals likely didn't know what the hell they were signing up for, ran scared for some time on their beats/the job after they did realize, and then learned quick how very, very quickly they or their partners or friends on whatever force could get fucked up for life or dead or perhaps even worse—charged with committing a crime in the line of duty.

See, all the cop haters out there—well most of them—seem to have forgotten how they depend on other men and women in uniform with guns to save them and their families from the "bad guys". That, and they've never quite learned that if you don't fucking commit or attempt to commit a crime or do suspicious shit, you've got very little to fear from any cop. Comply, even be polite, and you'll be fine. And if you're about to be arrested, let it happen. The time of your arrest is not the time to fight the system. Do that after being arrested. Do that with a lawyer, public or private hired.

It's cliché, right? To say cops have it rough? Well boys and girls cops have it rougher than rough. It (meaning their day to day "normal" job) can go from boring to downright terrifying in the blink of an eye. Takes a big fucking psychological toll on them around the clock sometimes, even often. And yet many, many career law enforcement officers and agents face down this chasm of terror on a daily basis, stare down into the abyss of human evil, and carry on for years and years dancing on this double edged blade. And what would you do without them? Without cops riding around out there guarding your wife and children and parents and sisters because you're too much of a sheep to step up and join the force yourself?

I'm not really justifying Floyd's death, but I am also not jumping on the lynching wagon either, hell the fuck no. Floyd was a big man and a convicted felon—a home invader. Reforming one's life is one thing, having committed a violent felony is another.

Main point is this: there are several sides to every story and every event. But in Floyd's case, everyone seems to have forgotten that, gulped down the media mixed Kool-Aid, and decided to storm the castle, literally or from the comfort of their living rooms. It's all a bit terrifying, really . . . this nationwide blind mob mentality. Do you all really think the media would have broadcast footage of Floyd's death for no specific political reason or purely in the pursuit of justice? Are you all that damned gullible? Really? If so, then, well . . . I guess it's time for you to shut up, get off your couches and join the mass loot and pillage coming soon to an urban hellhole near you. Put your money where your mouths are. Otherwise, try thinking for yourselves on occasion. Stop letting CNN, MSNBC . . . and Fox News make you their bitches.

The search continues for a fellow human being who is not drunk and blind on the Kool-Aid . . .
Even though our justice system is terribly corrupt, we don’t railroad people. Try him in court. When find guilty, sentence him to life in prison.

I can’t imagine being a police officer in this day and age.

What would happen if they all went on strike?
I can’t imagine, either. And that’s why I waited to make my judgement until enough info came out. He tarnishes the image of the other 99% that are good.
From coast to coast, American to American, conservative to liberal . . . just about everyone I've mentioned the Floyd situation to seems to think that the law enforcement officer arrested (recently) for his death ought to be lynched tout fucking suite without a trial by a jury of his peers, due process, whatever. Not one individual with whom I've discussed this particular event sees anything in Floyd's arrest and immobilization and ultimate death but cold-blooded murder.

I've never seen anyone say the cop should hang without a trial or due process - the two things of which he deprived George Floyd; the two things so many on here are depriving George Floyd in their comments that he was a criminal so it's OK to kill him. People want him charged and convicted - and then hung.

And it was cold-blooded murder. Judge Napolitano, on Fox, has just reported that a cop checked Floyd for a pulse during the choke-out and found no pulse yet Chauvin continued to keep his knee pressed. I don't have a linkable article but ex-Commissioner of the NYPD, Ray Kelly, is on Fox saying one cop tried to convince Chauvin to let up, that he had too much pressure on the neck for too long. Still, Chauvin did not let up.

It was absolutely cold-blooded murder.
He tarnishes the image of the other 99% that are good.
and that's the shame of it
Like he tarnished the image of those who stood there and watched him kill Floyd and did nothing? Or like he tarnished the image of those who support the union who are already defending Chauvin?

Cops do a good enough job tarnishing their own image. Floyd isn't a tarnishment of those cops; he IS the image of those cops.
He tarnishes the image of the other 99% that are good.
and that's the shame of it
Like he tarnished the image of those who stood there and watched him kill Floyd and did nothing? Or like he tarnished the image of those who support the union who are already defending Chauvin?

Cops do a good enough job tarnishing their own image. Floyd isn't a tarnishment of those cops; he IS the image of those cops.
I suspect this may be a more deep seated problem. This cop had multiple complaints against him, like so many other bad cops. Seems to be a pattern that bad cops aren’t removed. This would seem to indicate that police departments and local prosecutors aren’t doing their job. It’s almost as if bad cops are protected.

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