So Abraham Lincoln was a white supremacist?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011

“Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

We previously discussed the effort at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to have the famous statue of Abraham Lincoln removed as racist. The student government has now voted unanimously in favor of a resolution that calls for the removal of the Abraham Lincoln statue on campus. The students declared that the president who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, advocated for the 13th Amendment, and led the war against the South and slavery was “not pro-Black” and a “remnant of White Supremacy.”

“Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist
While many in the North (and South) were abolitionist and desired the end of slavery, there was a UNIVERSAL consensus that Black people were an inferior race. There were occasional examples of Blacks who were intelligent and capable, but speaking of masses of people, nobody expected them to accomplish anything noteworthy after they were emancipated.

It is entertaining to watch Planned Parenthood slowly start to distance itself from its founder, Margaret Sanger, whose main thrust was discouraging reproduction by Negroes and other undesirables.

So if the intention is to "cancel" everyone who believed that Blacks were inferior ("racists"), you had better wipe the slate clean because that belief was universal.

In fact, if a contemporary person believes that evaluating people by objective standards is unacceptable because it will result in Blacks being excluded, then that person is, by definition, a racist.
Well, to be fair.

Mr. Lincoln, before he was elected, DID opine that the two largest ethnicities (at that time) were incompatible.

He suggested that both groups would be happier if one of them (guess which one) would move to the islands of the Caribbean.

(He presumably changed his mind after he decided to plunge the nation into a brutal four-year war.)
Have those that feel slighted ever be satiated with their existence knowing that only a small minority enjoy a privilege status and that minority is not associated with color yet the means to afford it?

“Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

We previously discussed the effort at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to have the famous statue of Abraham Lincoln removed as racist. The student government has now voted unanimously in favor of a resolution that calls for the removal of the Abraham Lincoln statue on campus. The students declared that the president who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, advocated for the 13th Amendment, and led the war against the South and slavery was “not pro-Black” and a “remnant of White Supremacy.”

“Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist
They should have also condemned John Wilkes Booth as a traitor who levied war against the Union.
Dishonest Abe was a white supremacist and made no bones about it. He was a rabid racist even for his time.

He was murdered not for freeing the slaves, but for mass murdering 850,000 Americans and destroying half the nation, thus committing treason and terminating our republic. Too bad he wasn’t hung in 1861.
Dishonest Abe was a white supremacist and made no bones about it. He was a rabid racist even for his time.

He was murdered not for freeing the slaves, but for mass murdering 850,000 Americans and destroying half the nation, thus committing treason and terminating our republic. Too bad he wasn’t hung in 1861.

Well to be historically-honest, five free black men met Abraham Lincoln at the White House, where he told them that Congress had already set aside funds for a colonization scheme he supported, and that he was counting on their support. That's how the shithole named "Liberia" was founded as a place where black folks could repatriate themselves with Africa...

Did Lincoln Want to Ship Black People Back to Africa?
Dishonest Abe was a white supremacist and made no bones about it. He was a rabid racist even for his time.

He was murdered not for freeing the slaves, but for mass murdering 850,000 Americans and destroying half the nation, thus committing treason and terminating our republic. Too bad he wasn’t hung in 1861.

Well to be historically-honest, five free black men met Abraham Lincoln at the White House, where he told them that Congress had already set aside funds for a colonization scheme he supported, and that he was counting on their support. That's how the shithole named "Liberia" was founded as a place where black folks could repatriate themselves with Africa...

Did Lincoln Want to Ship Black People Back to Africa?
Yes. It’s likely had the murdering racist asshole not been murdered by Booth, he would have forced blacks out of the country. Imagine how that would have gone? It’s likely many would have died. A reenactment of the Trail of Tears, of sorts.
Dishonest Abe was a white supremacist and made no bones about it. He was a rabid racist even for his time.

He was murdered not for freeing the slaves, but for mass murdering 850,000 Americans and destroying half the nation, thus committing treason and terminating our republic. Too bad he wasn’t hung in 1861.
Dude you should know booth was just a patsy same as oswald,that he was killed the same reason kennedy was for opposing the fed even though it was not called that back then,he was killed by a conspiracy as well,only difference was kennedy was a great president unlike dishonest Abe.
..these KIDS don't know anything about what real life is kids are always looking for a ''quest'''---like a lot of people, they don't even know ANY history ......if they go to a history class, the teacher is probably a liberal and they don't/can't go into the details because of time restraints

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