So 32 dems & 64 gop vote for ANOTHER govt shutdown? what gives?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.
Well, they will pay a price at the polls for their choice. This is a rare display of bipartisanship, America can ill afford to let it go to waste. But then again, Gramps, the bill passed overwhelmingly in the House, so there's no need to go up in arms. Those who continue voting to perpetuate our current state of affairs may have taken the second to last step in their political careers, I derive satisfaction in that prospect; for it gives us all a chance to press the reset button on five years of absolute misery.
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First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.

You do realize W and the GOP created the financial disaster in the first place, right?
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.
Cheney was correct, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter...". Well, they matter a little. If money is tied up in balanced budgets, it is not circulating in the private sector. Bad things follow.

What happened after Clinton balanced the budget? Bush inherited the resulting recession.

Everyone always seems to miss the fact that deficits are not bad and debt is not what it's made out to be.
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.
Contrary to the media narrative, there would be no shutdown. They could vote on another CR, which would keep the sequester in place.

The republicans sold out in order to restore their precious military spending priorities, which were sequestered under the Budget Reconciliation Act.

This is a huge scam being played on you by the republicans, right under your nose.
On top of everything else, my Rep from GA-10 voted no... and he's running for Senate next year. Ouch, I was planning to vote for him. He'd better pick up the slack.

[MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]:

Here you are, Gramps.

Aye/No   Party     Name of Rep              
Aye 	    D   	Clay, Lacy 	             
Aye 	    R   	Wagner, Ann 	       
Aye 	    R   	Luetkemeyer, Blaine    
Aye 	    R   	Hartzler, Vicky 	       
Aye 	    D   	Cleaver, Emanuel 	    
Aye 	    R   	Graves, Sam 	        
No 	    R   	Long, Billy 	                
No 	    R   	Smith, Jason
Thanks, Cleaver is my rep btw :(

My vote gets lumped in with the inner city vote lol. It's a lost cause
It's good most GOPers realize now the shutdown is a Democrap weapon and they fell for it back in October.

You can't change things in DC with the Democraps running the Senate and White House, so one needs to beat them in the next 2 elections to fix this mess. Shutting down the GOV is the ultimate stupidity.
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.
Contrary to the media narrative, there would be no shutdown. They could vote on another CR, which would keep the sequester in place.

The republicans sold out in order to restore their precious military spending priorities, which were sequestered under the Budget Reconciliation Act.

This is a huge scam being played on you by the republicans, right under your nose.

A cr simply would have postponed this mess for a couple months. Thereby allowing them to beat us over the head with this shit every couple months. This bill takes it off the table till after the election.
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.
Contrary to the media narrative, there would be no shutdown. They could vote on another CR, which would keep the sequester in place.

The republicans sold out in order to restore their precious military spending priorities, which were sequestered under the Budget Reconciliation Act.

This is a huge scam being played on you by the republicans, right under your nose.

A cr simply would have postponed this mess for a couple months. Thereby allowing them to beat us over the head with this shit every couple months. This bill takes it off the table till after the election.
So what? The sequester would have stayed in place.

Now, it's business as usual baseline spending increases for everybody.

You are being scammed.
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.

You do realize W and the GOP created the financial disaster in the first place, right?
You do realize that obamaturd has spent more and increased the debt more then Bush, right? Obamaturd and the dimwits are the problem, and the fools who put them in office.
Contrary to the media narrative, there would be no shutdown. They could vote on another CR, which would keep the sequester in place.

The republicans sold out in order to restore their precious military spending priorities, which were sequestered under the Budget Reconciliation Act.

This is a huge scam being played on you by the republicans, right under your nose.

A cr simply would have postponed this mess for a couple months. Thereby allowing them to beat us over the head with this shit every couple months. This bill takes it off the table till after the election.
So what? The sequester would have stayed in place.

Now, it's business as usual baseline spending increases for everybody.

You are being scammed.

Perhaps. I never claimed to be very knowledgeable about politics. I only have my gut and the little bit of knowledge I have to form my opinions. And scam or not this is the best possible solution to removing, if only temporary, a weapon from the Democrats.

Earlier today I heard Charles Krouthammer explain what im trying to say but in a much more articulate manner. He is one of the few tv/radio personalities I usually agree with.

[MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]:

Here you are, Gramps.

Aye/No   Party     Name of Rep              
Aye 	    D   	Clay, Lacy 	             
Aye 	    R   	Wagner, Ann 	       
Aye 	    R   	Luetkemeyer, Blaine    
Aye 	    R   	Hartzler, Vicky 	       
Aye 	    D   	Cleaver, Emanuel 	    
Aye 	    R   	Graves, Sam 	        
No 	    R   	Long, Billy 	                
No 	    R   	Smith, Jason
Thanks, Cleaver is my rep btw :(

My vote gets lumped in with the inner city vote lol. It's a lost cause

Ahh, so you live near Kansas City? Well that explains it, then. You have my condolences. Vote anyway, tis your civic duty, but vote intellegently so as to have that notch on your belt the next time you are accused of voting blindly.
The sequester is a disaster, the majority of cuts are against the DoD budget. It was a good scam by liberals to gut the military by duping the GOP to vote for the sequester, while Obama is still growing the debt with obamacare and other welfare goodies....which in turn means we haven't saved a fucking dime from the sequester. Democraps have just funneled money from the DoD budget to welfare projects.
A cr simply would have postponed this mess for a couple months. Thereby allowing them to beat us over the head with this shit every couple months. This bill takes it off the table till after the election.
So what? The sequester would have stayed in place.

Now, it's business as usual baseline spending increases for everybody.

You are being scammed.

So what? The sequester would have stayed in place.

Now, it's business as usual baseline spending increases for everybody.

You are being scammed.

It's a win for democrats. They hated the sequester too.

Earlier today I heard Charles Krouthammer explain what im trying to say but in a much more articulate manner. He is one of the few tv/radio personalities I usually agree with.
The same Krauthammer who admitted that he had no idea who Obama really was until a couple years after he was elected?

He lost all credibility with me, as someone who is far too easily bamboozled and blinded by the myth of his own brilliance, the moment he owned up to that.

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