Snopes admits Obama built cages for immigrants


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The left-wing bias of popular “fact-checking” sites like Snopes or Politfact has been well documented for years. So when Snopes took on the task of fact-checking the claim “The Obama administration, not the Trump administration, built the cages that hold many immigrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border,” I expected them to, at the very least, rate it as “Half-True” or “False” and come up with some longwinded explanation with some absurd standard for why the Obama administration was in the clear. Last year, couldn't bring itself to admit that family separations happened under Obama, even though their research proved it did. But alas, Snopes couldn’t find a way to clear the Obama administration on this one, and had no choice but to rate the claim as true.
Snopes Admits Obama Built Cages for Immigrant Children

Now this is comical and the ding dongs who still use it as their truth bible bahaah..
Should we really be shocked this peckerwood did such things.
That is progress I suppose. I have actually seen a few of them that ended up being bad for the left as "unverified" and implicitly false even when their sources they cited essentially verified it.
There has been numerous photos of migrants in cages during the Obama Administration. Some were omitted or photoshopped to make it appear that Trump was the one that has them in cages.
Does that mean it's OK to do it and treat these people horribly? Because Obama did it first?
The left-wing bias of popular “fact-checking” sites like Snopes or Politfact has been well documented for years. So when Snopes took on the task of fact-checking the claim “The Obama administration, not the Trump administration, built the cages that hold many immigrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border,” I expected them to, at the very least, rate it as “Half-True” or “False” and come up with some longwinded explanation with some absurd standard for why the Obama administration was in the clear. Last year, couldn't bring itself to admit that family separations happened under Obama, even though their research proved it did. But alas, Snopes couldn’t find a way to clear the Obama administration on this one, and had no choice but to rate the claim as true.
Snopes Admits Obama Built Cages for Immigrant Children

Now this is comical and the ding dongs who still use it as their truth bible bahaah..
Should we really be shocked this peckerwood did such things.

So what?


Jim Acosta and Rachel Maddow will still repeat the lie.

So will Sleepy Joe, Crazy Bernie, Spartacus, Pocahontas and the rest.
Does that mean it's OK to do it and treat these people horribly? Because Obama did it first?
Pres.Trump didn't know about kids being locked up in cages. He was just informed when the Dems started accusing him of locking kids in cages. But Obama had knew about it, all through his whole two term in office.

Does that mean it's OK to do it and treat these people horribly? Because Obama did it first?
The issue is that there was no concern until it could possibly hurt Trump politically. If the left wing lunatics and corporate media didn’t care when Obama was doing it, why do they all of a sudden care now? Especially when they called it a fake crisis only 3 months ago.

You know it’s politcal bullshit opportunitism....otherwise the Dimms wouldn’t have blocked the funding for so long.
I doubt the Manchurian muslim knew about that level of detail? He was so lazy, golfing, parties, hollywood, GW summitts, Marthas Vinetard etc. He would only care if instructed to care about it for Dem power by handlers.
The left-wing bias of popular “fact-checking” sites like Snopes or Politfact has been well documented for years. So when Snopes took on the task of fact-checking the claim “The Obama administration, not the Trump administration, built the cages that hold many immigrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border,” I expected them to, at the very least, rate it as “Half-True” or “False” and come up with some longwinded explanation with some absurd standard for why the Obama administration was in the clear. Last year, couldn't bring itself to admit that family separations happened under Obama, even though their research proved it did. But alas, Snopes couldn’t find a way to clear the Obama administration on this one, and had no choice but to rate the claim as true.
Snopes Admits Obama Built Cages for Immigrant Children

Now this is comical and the ding dongs who still use it as their truth bible bahaah..
Should we really be shocked this peckerwood did such things.

Poor Snopes, even a broken clock is unbiased twice a day.
So because Obama did it, it makes what Trump is doing OK? Now you want Trump to emulate Obama?
The Liberals used MSM to try and tried to use Obama pictures and apply them to Trump.

Then they created the DRAMA TRUMP PUTTING PEOPLE IN CAGES............Fake news.........LYING............but it got their base foaming at the mouth, which was what they were after.

Lying to the public is Righteous to the left now.................shows all I need to know about them...........

And now the Fake ass AOC picks...........and outrage............and the thing voted NO on funding more facilities.

How about they Pony the Hell up on funding more long term holding cells, instead of fake outrage on temporary holding cells.........

And the BS continues.
Does that mean it's OK to do it and treat these people horribly? Because Obama did it first?


Congress needs to act. Many of these families aren’t even real families. This has become a Cartel run invasion and children are the weapon. Almost how Hamas uses human shields. Except instead of Islamist Terrorists hiding behind them it is Cartel members and gang members.

They rely on people with big hearts to feel sorry for them and overrule those with logic. Until we start playing by their rules we will not win.

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