Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Smoking is bad.

The argument of "Public Smoking" has been a long and hard one.

It's entire debate has been one on Liberty. Ironically, Libertarians fight for freedom to smoke wherever. They ignore how it infringes the freedoms of non-smokers.

I agree that it's up to the business or the people who vote to determine where we can or cannot smoke.
People, especially young people, shouldn't smoke, but I do and you want the old to smoke, they die sooner. Got it kiddos?

I use to smoke. I'm happy with the fight against it. I use to burn leaves and inhale them wondering why I'm doing it to myself. I quit by buying a car and using the money I spent on Cigs to pay for the payment. I had a VERY nice car.
Hard to believe thereäs still a tobacco apologist hanging on. We've done this before...


And here...

And here...

And here...

And Here.. Here... Here....

As early as 1986, the U. S. Surgeon General concluded:
1. Involuntary smoking is a cause of disease, including lung cancer, in healthy nonsmokers.
2. The children of parents who smoke compared with the children of nonsmoking parents have an increased frequency of respiratory infections, increased respiratory symptoms, and slightly smaller rates of increased lung function as the lung matures.
3. The simple separation of smokers and non-smokers within the same air space may reduce,
but does not eliminate the exposure of nonsmokers to environmental tobacco smoke. --- 2nd link above
Denialists... smh
Pretty ironic. You people only want the government and 'control freaks' to stay out of your lives regarding certain behavior and choices you are in favor of. When it comes to something you don't approve of, it is a completely different story.

pretty ironic you're sounding just like a parrot. Was that your reason to come into the thread to DUMP on people?
Look in the I'm a political board genius thread of mine. He tried this shit in there and I cornered him. No way out. He's smart but not smarter than me.

^The 2%
Smoking is bad.

The argument of "Public Smoking" has been a long and hard one.

It's entire debate has been one on Liberty. Ironically, Libertarians fight for freedom to smoke wherever. They ignore how it infringes the freedoms of non-smokers.

Exactly. So drowning in blind ideology about the "right of an individual" to smoke they completely miss the right of the individual standing next to him to breathe.

I agree that it's up to the business or the people who vote to determine where we can or cannot smoke.

I don't -- after all the business didn't force him to light up. Let the smoker himself take the responsibility for his own actions if he lights up in a restaurant. Suppose some clown, rather than smoke in a restaurant, dropped his pants and took a dump on the table. Treat his smoking the same way. No reason the business should have to establish a "dump free zone" -- it's just common friggin' sense.
Pretty ironic. You people only want the government and 'control freaks' to stay out of your lives regarding certain behavior and choices you are in favor of. When it comes to something you don't approve of, it is a completely different story.
No I want them out of everything.
I found the advice helpful because an "addiction" is something that controls you, whereas a "habit" is just a pattern you can continue or break. Or to look at it upside down, "addiction" offers an excuse, "habit" doesn't.

Any kind of pattern-break I find is easier when done in bulk -- change the furniture around, paint the room, get up at a different time of day, take a different route. The new patterns reinforce each other.

Former smoker. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances out there. More so than cocaine.
And unfortunately, some people have more addictive personalities than others.

I mean when you have lung disease and are still smoking, you are serving an addiction. Not a habit.
The side affect I am trying to battle at the moment is stuffing my face. Oy.

That's always a problem. I'm almost at nine months now after 40 years of smoking. Tried to quit a number of times, but what finally worked for me was to use the patch and gum. I chewed lots of pieces that first month but that tapered off and now no patch and maybe twice a week I get the urge and chew a piece of gum. I can actually breath now!
And you can bet these same people such as the OP is fine and dandy with legalizing pot

so as usual they are Hypocrites and can't stand not being in everyone's business. If people want to smoke cigarettes it's their business and it's a LEGAL product
I found the advice helpful because an "addiction" is something that controls you, whereas a "habit" is just a pattern you can continue or break. Or to look at it upside down, "addiction" offers an excuse, "habit" doesn't.

Any kind of pattern-break I find is easier when done in bulk -- change the furniture around, paint the room, get up at a different time of day, take a different route. The new patterns reinforce each other.

Former smoker. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances out there. More so than cocaine.
And unfortunately, some people have more addictive personalities than others.

I mean when you have lung disease and are still smoking, you are serving an addiction. Not a habit.

Then how is it that I can smoke a Cigar only 2-3 times a year if it is so addictive?
The whole idea of vaping is absorption, with combustion you get non or slow absorbing byproducts which causes second hand smoke. Is there even a study out there to remotely back your claim, or is this more nanny state zelotry?
Common sense should tell you that not all the nicotine will be absorbed. In enclosed spaces that could lead to others developing a nicotine addiction, particularly children.
And you can bet these same people such as the OP is fine and dandy with legalizing pot
so as usual they are Hypocrites and can't stand not being in everyone's business. If people want to smoke cigarettes it's their business and it's a LEGAL product

Pot isn't physically addicting like nicotine, but I also think it shouldn't be smoked around children for second-hand smoke reasons.
It's all about the VAPIN' today.

A vastly superior Nicotine delivery system.
Fuck nicotine.

You need to try the fuckin' hash oil cartridges.

I wish I could get my Sword of Jah converted.

50 years of joints, and I am ready to vape for the rest of my life.
Or at least a block of hash would be nice. Missouri is going to vote on legalization and medical use in 2016.. I will be working on the campaign..But I will pass myself off as a mute person to avoid putting out contracts on people that piss me off...
The whole idea of vaping is absorption, with combustion you get non or slow absorbing byproducts which causes second hand smoke. Is there even a study out there to remotely back your claim, or is this more nanny state zelotry?
Common sense should tell you that not all the nicotine will be absorbed. In enclosed spaces that could lead to others developing a nicotine addiction, particularly children.

I seriously doubt it. The volumes involved, the concentrations of nicotine required, and the fact that most businesses have HVAC preclude this from being a possibility.

You have direct inhalation required to provide the those of nicotine to have an effect, vs. inhalation of diffuse surrounding air. The issue with SMOKE was that so much of it was rejected from the lungs, plus the myriad of compounds involved.

I think this is less about "the children' and more about you being the typical bitter ex-smoker.
The whole idea of vaping is absorption, with combustion you get non or slow absorbing byproducts which causes second hand smoke. Is there even a study out there to remotely back your claim, or is this more nanny state zelotry?
Common sense should tell you that not all the nicotine will be absorbed. In enclosed spaces that could lead to others developing a nicotine addiction, particularly children.
I was exposed to smoke relentlessly from the ride home from the hospital, until I quit living with my parents.

I have had severe sinus problems since age one, and both of my parents died 15 years earlier than their parents, from smoking related disorders.

They smoke until the day they died, their parents either did not smoke, or, quit in their 50's after heart attacks or pneumonia.

It is never to late to quit.
The whole idea of vaping is absorption, with combustion you get non or slow absorbing byproducts which causes second hand smoke. Is there even a study out there to remotely back your claim, or is this more nanny state zelotry?
Common sense should tell you that not all the nicotine will be absorbed. In enclosed spaces that could lead to others developing a nicotine addiction, particularly children.

I seriously doubt it. The volumes involved, the concentrations of nicotine required, and the fact that most businesses have HVAC preclude this from being a possibility.

You have direct inhalation required to provide the those of nicotine to have an effect, vs. inhalation of diffuse surrounding air. The issue with SMOKE was that so much of it was rejected from the lungs, plus the myriad of compounds involved.

I think this is less about "the children' and more about you being the typical bitter ex-smoker.
"The children" long ago replaced "patriotism" as the last refuge of scoundrels.

That said, I will fight for anyone's right to smoke, and, fight anyone who exposes me to their smoke.
Show us all contradictory studies since then. Cherry picking lacks academic integrity.

Fuck you fakey how about you provide a study done with the same scientific integrity that refutes it. No hurry I'll wait.

Typical far right boob remark by you. One, your long outdated report is of no worth. Two, we know the recent studies contract your silly point. Third, no one cares about silly libertarian principles. Health of all outweigh property rights of those who live in communal property.

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