Sleepless in Gaza and Jerusalem

It looks like Tinny doesn't like it when someone tries to make a point. Surely, he could have found a video or at least some pictures of the bombed out bus in which the young girl. Avigail Smith, the daughter of a Baptist minister living in Israel with his family, was blown to pieces by a suicide bomber. Evidently, Tinny has no problem with something like this, the same as he has no problem with the constant suicide and car bombings of the Shiites and Sunnis which happen all the time in the Muslim world.


Uhhh, OK???

Israel really needs to stop its war.
What war?
I see. Israels war with Palestine ranks right up there with, Normandy, El Alamein and the Battle of the Bulge.I watch it every night on CNN. Wolf Blitzer goes into intimate detail to show the Nazi-like IOF and their atrocities. Not for the faint hearted. Someone should protest to the UN.
I see. Israels war with Palestine ranks right up there with, Normandy, El Alamein and the Battle of the Bulge.I watch it every night on CNN. Wolf Blitzer goes into intimate detail to show the Nazi-like IOF and their atrocities. Not for the faint hearted. Someone should protest to the UN.

The son of Jewish refugees from Poland,[2] Wolf Blitzer was born in Augsburg, Germany,[3][4] and raised in Buffalo, New York. Blitzer graduated from Kenmore West Senior High School and received a Bachelor of Arts in history from the University at Buffalo in 1970. While there, he was a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi. In 1972, he received a Master of Arts in international relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. While at Johns Hopkins, Blitzer studied abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he learned Hebrew

In the mid-1970s, Blitzer also contributed to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as the editor of their monthly publication, the Near East Report
Wolf Blitzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you lost again?

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.
Why, Tinny, as a humanitarian, I would assume that you would want others to be aware of what terrible things are happening. You mean to tell us that it doesn't bother you when your Muslim buddies kill innocent people? I really wouldn't be surprised if you are not on any forums showing what your buddies are doing. For one thing you probably don't care what they are doing to others, and secondly there are no Jews involved so you wouldn't want to waste your time since there would be nothing derogatory for you to say against the Jews.

jt2 wouldn't want to waste your time since there would be nothing derogatory for you to say against the Jews.

I never said anything derogatory about Jews.

I haven't seen you slde into the anti-Semitic braying so many of your comrades (those you thank) here do.
Why, Tinny, as a humanitarian, I would assume that you would want others to be aware of what terrible things are happening. You mean to tell us that it doesn't bother you when your Muslim buddies kill innocent people? I really wouldn't be surprised if you are not on any forums showing what your buddies are doing. For one thing you probably don't care what they are doing to others, and secondly there are no Jews involved so you wouldn't want to waste your time since there would be nothing derogatory for you to say against the Jews.

jt2 wouldn't want to waste your time since there would be nothing derogatory for you to say against the Jews.

I never said anything derogatory about Jews.
You are not fooling anyone, Tinny, Just what do you think the religion is of the majority of people in Israe?

We've both experienced a lot of anti-Israel posters over the years. Many were (and still are) just anti-Semitic twits. Precious few were actually pro-"Palestinian." I see nothing in TinHorn's posts which would lead me to believe he's anti-Jew ... he's just anti-Israel.
I never said anything derogatory about Jews.
You are not fooling anyone, Tinny, Just what do you think the religion is of the majority of people in Israe?

We've both experienced a lot of anti-Israel posters over the years. Many were (and still are) just anti-Semitic twits. Precious few were actually pro-"Palestinian." I see nothing in TinHorn's posts which would lead me to believe he's anti-Jew ... he's just anti-Israel.
I agree. First one of a critter like that I've seen. Maybe we should paint the thing or have it stuffed and mounted.

Braindead in Gaza'istan

All Media, Animalization and dehumanization | PMW

Since the Palestinian Authority was established it has systematically indoctrinated young and old to hate Israelis and Jews. Using media, education, and cultural structures that it controls, the PA has actively promoted religious hatred, demonization, conspiracy libels, etc. These are packaged to present Israelis and Jews as endangering Palestinians, Arabs, and all humanity. This ongoing campaign has so successfully instilled hatred that fighting, murder and even suicide terror against Israelis and Jews are seen by the majority of Palestinians as justified self-defense and as Allah’s will. The PA presents Jews as possessing inherently evil traits. Jews are said to be treacherous, corrupt, deceitful and unfaithful by nature.
For tinny-----the existence of Israel today ----its establishment---was more dependent upon islamic oppression of jews than upon christian european oppression of jews. Opposition to the existence of Israel is not much different than would be opposition to the establishment of the new country "SOUTH SUDAN" Such oppostion constitutes support of murder, rape and enslavement of both jews and christians. The actual backbone of today's Israel was established during the 1800s The issue of STATEHOOD was already inevitable by 1880
Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx
Nurse! Medicate the whole asylum.
I think you are right, Doc. I wonder if Tinnie's magic computer which really isn't there is able to pick up other videos such as this. We might as well have a little entertainment. No doubt (if Tinnie isn't just another refugee from some Middle East Muslim country, which of course he wouldn't tell us if he was), he like the majority of Americans enjoyed Archie Bunker.

Jtube: All in the Family: Archie
It would be interesting to learn if Tinnie, who claims an Anglo-Saxon plus Pennsylvania Dutch background has converted to Islam like Sunni Man did or if one of his in-laws comes from Gaza. Meanwhile, the Israelis are so, so bad.

Israel treats Palestinian child after PA abandons him

Israeli authorities in the West Bank recently facilitated medical treatment for several Palestinians suffering from chronic health problems, including a two-year old boy who underwent a bone marrow transplant the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. The procedure was conducted despite the refusal of the Palestinian Authority to pay for it. "This procedure will save the child's life," explained Dalia Bessa, the Health Coordinator for the Civil Administration. "When this sort of procedure is needed and the Palestinian Authority refuses to fund it, the Civil Administration steps in, in order to save lives."

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