Skin Color Policy


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Democrat voters have shown the uncanny ability to remove education, experience, logic, and intellect from the equation when it comes to deciding for whom to cast their vote.
Instead, they treat the awarding of their political support the same way a sports fan treats their rooting for a team: rah, matter what happens!

2. The obvious example that comes to mind is the current President, who has proven an ability to guide the economy to a far greater degree of success than the previous President.

Yet, reliable Democrat voters can’t wait to put the party of failure and stagnation back in power.


3. But, at issue in this post is the manipulation of the education system to provide, not education…or even equality….but a special class of Americans ready and proven to do harm to the others.

Under the racist administration of Obama, the Department of Justice's civil rights division and the Department of Education's office for civil rights “informed school officials that they would be investigating more than disciplinary policies applied variably across racial lines. Now, uniformly constructed and applied disciplinary policies would be viewed as noncompliant if they produce disparate results.

One doesn't need to be a constitutional or civil rights law scholar to see this as a problem.

And, in fact, when current Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education in 1981, his guidelines were quite clear that discrimination constituted different rules or different application of those rules between races -- not uniform rules and applications that produce disparate results."
School disciplinary policies must be local

4. Let’s do that again: Obama’s regime warned schools that they would be investigated by the Justice Department, and lose federal funds, if they disciplined black and Hispanic students at a higher rate than white or Asian.

No matter the reasons, the infractions, issues, actions or behavior of the individuals in question.

Only ethnicity or skin color mattered.

This is what you supported if you voted Democrat.

I’ll bet right now that no Democrat voter here will even try to defend this sort of policy.
And I'll show how these policies directly resulted in deaths of innocent students, and teachers.
Asian hockey fans should pay 20% less for tickets.

Finally ... A racial policy we can all get behind...

5. Here.....Liberals searching for a solution to a problem:

Liberals, and their titular head, Hussein Obama viewed the degree of lack of success in education and in life for minorities as stemming from early entry into the police and prison system.

It would make sense to combat this problem with programs designed to strengthen the family and religion, to reduce crime.

Not for Liberals!

Their answer is to ignore the criminality that leads to the induction into the legal system.

And toward this end, they threatened the school authorities if they disciplined minorities in any higher percentages than white or Asian students…..and bribed local police forces not to arrest under any circumstances.

A better answer:
1. Democrat voters have shown the uncanny ability to remove education, experience, logic, and intellect from the equation when it comes to deciding for whom to cast their vote.
Instead, they treat the awarding of their political support the same way a sports fan treats their rooting for a team: rah, matter what happens!

2. The obvious example that comes to mind is the current President, who has proven an ability to guide the economy to a far greater degree of success than the previous President.

Yet, reliable Democrat voters can’t wait to put the party of failure and stagnation back in power.


3. But, at issue in this post is the manipulation of the education system to provide, not education…or even equality….but a special class of Americans ready and proven to do harm to the others.

Under the racist administration of Obama, the Department of Justice's civil rights division and the Department of Education's office for civil rights “informed school officials that they would be investigating more than disciplinary policies applied variably across racial lines. Now, uniformly constructed and applied disciplinary policies would be viewed as noncompliant if they produce disparate results.

One doesn't need to be a constitutional or civil rights law scholar to see this as a problem.

And, in fact, when current Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education in 1981, his guidelines were quite clear that discrimination constituted different rules or different application of those rules between races -- not uniform rules and applications that produce disparate results."
School disciplinary policies must be local

4. Let’s do that again: Obama’s regime warned schools that they would be investigated by the Justice Department, and lose federal funds, if they disciplined black and Hispanic students at a higher rate than white or Asian.

No matter the reasons, the infractions, issues, actions or behavior of the individuals in question.

Only ethnicity or skin color mattered.

This is what you supported if you voted Democrat.

I’ll bet right now that no Democrat voter here will even try to defend this sort of policy.
And I'll show how these policies directly resulted in deaths of innocent students, and teachers.
Great post! I've written about this travesty and the insane logic used in conjuring up this policy.

Whites had to be subjected to punishment equal to the blacks and Hispanics. That means is 38 blacks and Hispanics were disciplined for breaking school rules, 39 whites had to be punished before another black or Hispanic could be disciplined. If they didn't find any rule breakage by another white, those blacks and Hispanics would go without punishment even if seven more were guilty of breaking rules.

I understand that the pendulum swings to high degrees before it settles in the optimum place of the middle place. But this is so inane, no one could take this seriously. Just another racialling dividing moment in the Obama regime.

In the same vein, Obamas created another department for giving more help to students. BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE BLACK. The Office of African American Education is to be applied to only those whose skin matched Obama's despite the need by caucasian students who are disadvantaged.

Just how can anyone pretend this man was a uniter or did anything without racial undertones?
Libs are not big on quantitative analysis.

If they want to believe that the biggest threat to Black Yoot is police shooting them, then, DAMMIT they are going to believe that, and don't fuck with their minds using them damn STATISTICS proving otherwise.

If they want to believe that there is a massive conspiracy in the "Justice Community" to incarcerate Black Yoot, then they are going to believe that, and they don't want to hear no nonsense showing that the Black incarceration rate is actually LOWER than the Black crime rate, according to reliable victimization surveys.

And if they want to believe that the only reason Black Yoots are disciplined in school more than white students is RACISM, then don't fuck with the minds with statistics about Black Yoots' behavior fully justifying the level of disciplinary action.

Do you get the picture?
1. Democrat voters have shown the uncanny ability to remove education, experience, logic, and intellect from the equation when it comes to deciding for whom to cast their vote.
Instead, they treat the awarding of their political support the same way a sports fan treats their rooting for a team: rah, matter what happens!

2. The obvious example that comes to mind is the current President, who has proven an ability to guide the economy to a far greater degree of success than the previous President.

Yet, reliable Democrat voters can’t wait to put the party of failure and stagnation back in power.


3. But, at issue in this post is the manipulation of the education system to provide, not education…or even equality….but a special class of Americans ready and proven to do harm to the others.

Under the racist administration of Obama, the Department of Justice's civil rights division and the Department of Education's office for civil rights “informed school officials that they would be investigating more than disciplinary policies applied variably across racial lines. Now, uniformly constructed and applied disciplinary policies would be viewed as noncompliant if they produce disparate results.

One doesn't need to be a constitutional or civil rights law scholar to see this as a problem.

And, in fact, when current Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education in 1981, his guidelines were quite clear that discrimination constituted different rules or different application of those rules between races -- not uniform rules and applications that produce disparate results."
School disciplinary policies must be local

4. Let’s do that again: Obama’s regime warned schools that they would be investigated by the Justice Department, and lose federal funds, if they disciplined black and Hispanic students at a higher rate than white or Asian.

No matter the reasons, the infractions, issues, actions or behavior of the individuals in question.

Only ethnicity or skin color mattered.

This is what you supported if you voted Democrat.

I’ll bet right now that no Democrat voter here will even try to defend this sort of policy.
And I'll show how these policies directly resulted in deaths of innocent students, and teachers.

I'll stop on the hero worship line here.

Reconsider the greater success / economy thing. Our great aged trophy wife hunter (he has bagged three and even picked up some side kills while dumpster diving), has done better than I expected.

BUT things are mostly just a continuation of Obama era trends. I'll even add Obama wasn't THAT different than W.
1. Democrat voters have shown the uncanny ability to remove education, experience, logic, and intellect from the equation when it comes to deciding for whom to cast their vote.
Instead, they treat the awarding of their political support the same way a sports fan treats their rooting for a team: rah, matter what happens!

2. The obvious example that comes to mind is the current President, who has proven an ability to guide the economy to a far greater degree of success than the previous President.

Yet, reliable Democrat voters can’t wait to put the party of failure and stagnation back in power.


3. But, at issue in this post is the manipulation of the education system to provide, not education…or even equality….but a special class of Americans ready and proven to do harm to the others.

Under the racist administration of Obama, the Department of Justice's civil rights division and the Department of Education's office for civil rights “informed school officials that they would be investigating more than disciplinary policies applied variably across racial lines. Now, uniformly constructed and applied disciplinary policies would be viewed as noncompliant if they produce disparate results.

One doesn't need to be a constitutional or civil rights law scholar to see this as a problem.

And, in fact, when current Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education in 1981, his guidelines were quite clear that discrimination constituted different rules or different application of those rules between races -- not uniform rules and applications that produce disparate results."
School disciplinary policies must be local

4. Let’s do that again: Obama’s regime warned schools that they would be investigated by the Justice Department, and lose federal funds, if they disciplined black and Hispanic students at a higher rate than white or Asian.

No matter the reasons, the infractions, issues, actions or behavior of the individuals in question.

Only ethnicity or skin color mattered.

This is what you supported if you voted Democrat.

I’ll bet right now that no Democrat voter here will even try to defend this sort of policy.
And I'll show how these policies directly resulted in deaths of innocent students, and teachers.

I'll stop on the hero worship line here.

Reconsider the greater success / economy thing. Our great aged trophy wife hunter (he has bagged three and even picked up some side kills while dumpster diving), has done better than I expected.

BUT things are mostly just a continuation of Obama era trends. I'll even add Obama wasn't THAT different than W.
A continuation of the Obma era? LOL! Then Obama's weak recovery was a continuation of the Bush era. LOL!
6. Under Obama “these were far more than guidelines. Behind the scenes, the Obama administration's Department of Education used the DCL to aggressively launch investigations to assure that school districts implemented these guidelines, which constituted a highly questionable departure from what civil rights law requires.

…the whole point was to change the role of the Department of Education's office for civil rights from an entity that monitors compliance with the law to an entity that decides what policies and procedures school administrators should be following -- and to find them noncompliant if out of line.

Given that we're talking about the threat of cutting off federal funds, can there be any question that public school officials became more interested in the wants of federal government than what the best policies were locally?

According to Eden, from 2009 to 2017, "at least 350 school districts -- serving nearly 10 million children, or about one-fifth of all public elementary and secondary schools students in the U.S. -- were investigated for the express purpose of coercing districts into changing their disciplinary policies.

"According to (then-Secretary of Education) Duncan, societal ills such as poverty, broken families, and neighborhood crime have little effect on student behavior. Rather, racism among teachers and administrators is responsible for the fact that black students are more than three times as likely as white students to be suspended."
School disciplinary policies must be local - New Jersey Herald -
Some wimp called MarcATL put a 'funny' emoticon on the post but didn't have the guts to try to defend his god Obama's policy.

Exactly what I predicted about Liberals
7. Obama and the Liberals, never able to see beyond skin color, demanded that minority students no longer be disciplined…..

“….new discipline guidelines strongly recommending that the nation's schools use law enforcement measures and out-of-school suspensions as a last resort. Announced jointly by Duncan and then-Attorney General Eric Holder, the new procedures came as more than friendly guidance from Uncle Sam – they also came with threats of federal investigations and defunding for districts that refused to fully comply.”

“…in just the first year after the Obama administration issued its anti-discipline edict, public schools failed to expel more than 30,000 students who physically attacked teachers or staff across the country. Previously, “if you hit a teach, you’re gone,” he said, but that is no longer the case.”

"...physically attacked teachers..."

This is the sort of nation Democrats/Liberals plan for you.

The Liberal approach to problems is simply to refuse to recognize the problem, i.e., shut your eyes real tight…..

Still no Democrat voters ready to try to defend these racist policies.
1. Democrat voters have shown the uncanny ability to remove education, experience, logic, and intellect from the equation when it comes to deciding for whom to cast their vote.
Instead, they treat the awarding of their political support the same way a sports fan treats their rooting for a team: rah, matter what happens!

2. The obvious example that comes to mind is the current President, who has proven an ability to guide the economy to a far greater degree of success than the previous President.

Yet, reliable Democrat voters can’t wait to put the party of failure and stagnation back in power.


3. But, at issue in this post is the manipulation of the education system to provide, not education…or even equality….but a special class of Americans ready and proven to do harm to the others.

Under the racist administration of Obama, the Department of Justice's civil rights division and the Department of Education's office for civil rights “informed school officials that they would be investigating more than disciplinary policies applied variably across racial lines. Now, uniformly constructed and applied disciplinary policies would be viewed as noncompliant if they produce disparate results.

One doesn't need to be a constitutional or civil rights law scholar to see this as a problem.

And, in fact, when current Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education in 1981, his guidelines were quite clear that discrimination constituted different rules or different application of those rules between races -- not uniform rules and applications that produce disparate results."
School disciplinary policies must be local

4. Let’s do that again: Obama’s regime warned schools that they would be investigated by the Justice Department, and lose federal funds, if they disciplined black and Hispanic students at a higher rate than white or Asian.

No matter the reasons, the infractions, issues, actions or behavior of the individuals in question.

Only ethnicity or skin color mattered.

This is what you supported if you voted Democrat.

I’ll bet right now that no Democrat voter here will even try to defend this sort of policy.
And I'll show how these policies directly resulted in deaths of innocent students, and teachers.

I'll stop on the hero worship line here.

Reconsider the greater success / economy thing. Our great aged trophy wife hunter (he has bagged three and even picked up some side kills while dumpster diving), has done better than I expected.

BUT things are mostly just a continuation of Obama era trends. I'll even add Obama wasn't THAT different than W.
A continuation of the Obma era? LOL! Then Obama's weak recovery was a continuation of the Bush era. LOL!

In a way yes. The Obama everyone was all excited about was Bush like.

Is the unemployment graph that different?
When it comes to skin color, use that in hiring if you are in that

Well you use color...partially.

If they are black then look at their hands. If they have fingers, they're
gonna steal, so save yourself some headaches and don't hire them.
8. But the Obama policy didn’t just encourage physical attacks on teachers…..

….the policy allowed murder.

Obama was the partner in crime for Nikolas Cruz, in the assassination of 17 innocents.

Without Obama’s help in facilitating Cruz’s purchase of the weapon, the murders would not have happened.

Without the Obama/Democrat assistance, Cruz could not have obtained his weapons.

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

Soooo Cruz’s background check showed nothing.

17 dead at Parkland due to Obama Promise Policy.

Amazing he didn't get another Peace Prize.....
9. “Teachers unions have steadily amped up their political involvement: From 2004 to 2016, their donations grew from $4.3 million to more than $32 million -- an all-time high. Even more than most labor unions, they have little use for Republicans, giving Democrats at least 94 percent of the funds they contributed to candidates and parties since as far back as 1990, where our data begins.

Two organizations account for practically all of the contributions made by teachers unions: The National Education Association(about $20 million in 2016) and the American Federation of Teachers (almost $12 million). Both groups -- which compete for members, but also collaborate with each other through the NEA-AFT Partnership -- are consistently among the organizations that contribute the most money to candidates and political groups.”
Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

10. The insanity of Liberals is clear and evident…..can you imagine this:

"According to (then-Secretary of Education) Duncan, societal ills such as poverty, broken families, and neighborhood crime have little effect on student behavior. Rather, racism among teachers and administrators is responsible for the fact that black students are more than three times as likely as white students to be suspended."
Parker, Op.Cit.

Obama and the other maniacs blaming the most liberal profession in the nation as being ‘racist’???????

PS....did you notice not a single Democrat/Liberal showed up to defend/explain the Obama policy?
The clowns have no clue....they just do what their masters tell them to.
1. Democrat voters have shown the uncanny ability to remove education, experience, logic, and intellect from the equation when it comes to deciding for whom to cast their vote.
Instead, they treat the awarding of their political support the same way a sports fan treats their rooting for a team: rah, matter what happens!

2. The obvious example that comes to mind is the current President, who has proven an ability to guide the economy to a far greater degree of success than the previous President.

Yet, reliable Democrat voters can’t wait to put the party of failure and stagnation back in power.


3. But, at issue in this post is the manipulation of the education system to provide, not education…or even equality….but a special class of Americans ready and proven to do harm to the others.

Under the racist administration of Obama, the Department of Justice's civil rights division and the Department of Education's office for civil rights “informed school officials that they would be investigating more than disciplinary policies applied variably across racial lines. Now, uniformly constructed and applied disciplinary policies would be viewed as noncompliant if they produce disparate results.

One doesn't need to be a constitutional or civil rights law scholar to see this as a problem.

And, in fact, when current Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education in 1981, his guidelines were quite clear that discrimination constituted different rules or different application of those rules between races -- not uniform rules and applications that produce disparate results."
School disciplinary policies must be local

4. Let’s do that again: Obama’s regime warned schools that they would be investigated by the Justice Department, and lose federal funds, if they disciplined black and Hispanic students at a higher rate than white or Asian.

No matter the reasons, the infractions, issues, actions or behavior of the individuals in question.

Only ethnicity or skin color mattered.

This is what you supported if you voted Democrat.

I’ll bet right now that no Democrat voter here will even try to defend this sort of policy.
And I'll show how these policies directly resulted in deaths of innocent students, and teachers.

1. Democrat voters have shown the uncanny ability to remove education, experience, logic, and intellect from the equation when it comes to deciding for whom to cast their vote.
Instead, they treat the awarding of their political support the same way a sports fan treats their rooting for a team: rah, matter what happens!

"WASHINGTON -- One explanation for the ferocity of modern politics is that The Political Party That Is Never Wrong is getting a frightful drubbing today. Moreover, it is coming from a man who has only sought political office once in his life, our president, Donald J. Trump. Congratulations, Donald!

He is beating the Democrats with policies that have revived the economy and rendered laughable ex-President Barack Obama's pathetic claim that the "new normal" is some place around 2 percent growth. President Trump responds that his economy is now growing at a rate of some 4.2 percent, most likely even higher. President Trump is also beating The Political Party That Is Never Wrong with his judicial appointees. He has had confirmed 67 to the courts, more than any of his predecessors at this stage in their presidencies, and if all goes well, he will have landed two appointees on the Supreme Court shortly. Finally, he is beating The Political Party That Is Never Wrong by rolling back its stifling regulations and antiquated procedures. The party is desperate."
The Democratic Party, the Party of Resistance

Pretty much what I said yesterday....
Some wimp called MarcATL put a 'funny' emoticon on the post but didn't have the guts to try to defend his god Obama's policy.

Exactly what I predicted about Liberals

Hey, can I quote this in my class on "How to imitate a divisive Russian meddler 101"?

Some folks are such cheerleaders for their teams its unbelievable. Or maybe I should say some folks are such blind cheerleaders nothing they say is believable.

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