SIX Trump Entities Under Investigation

You've got it completely backasswards.
The head of the FBI is a REPUBLICAN.
Robert Mueller is a life-long REPUBLICAN.
Whoever is fucking with your head is doing a really good job.
Oh give us a break! Stop talking like an idiot. Mueller is DNC shill all the way. Has been ever since he kissed Muslim Brotherhood ass back in 2012, and well before that. As for the DOJ, they define themselves by their ACTIONS.
Then you could explain why a republican senate unanimously extended Mueller as FBI director for two more years.
Which category are you under?
I'm in the camp of 99% of Trump supporters. Still loving every day that he's president, and the tyrant Clintons aren't. Wowed by all the accomplishments of the last 2 years, and laughing at pathetic Democrats who either don't know how lost they are, or make fools of themselves, fruitlessly trying to snow conservatives, with dopey picture-posts. :rolleyes-41:
Which category are you under?
I'm in the camp of 99% of Trump supporters. Still loving every day that he's president, and the tyrant Clintons aren't. Wowed by all the accomplishments of the last 2 years, and laughing at pathetic Democrats who either don't know how lost they are, or make fools of themselves, fruitlessly trying to snow conservatives, with dopey picture-posts. :rolleyes-41:
i got it, youre in the "too dumb to sere it" category.

And, about the FBI document purges, only 1 percent of 160,000 pages were purged under Obama.
That's what Democrats said they would do. It doesn't mean there was any wrongdoing. It's just part of the democrat plan. It's like the democrat socialists picking 85 people who knew Trump and investigating them all just to see if a crime can be fashioned out of ordinary actions.

The public is wise to this.
And airhead Democrats, as usual, are NOT wise to what the pubic is wise to. Just like in the 2016 election. Democrats don't know how ridiculous they look. We are witnessing a clown show, started from the Obama administration, and continuing.

And, about the FBI document purges, o,nly 1 percent of 160,000 pages were purged under Obama.
First, I don't know if 1% is correct or not, but PolitiFARCE is not a reliable source.

Secondly, quantity isn't the issue. Quality is. The great majority of FBI training manuals content, has nothing to do with Islam. It is the part that DO, that matter.

The fact that ANY pages were purged to accomodate seditious Muslim Brotherhood front groups, is one of the biggest scandals of the Obama administration. 876 pages were purged. It would be a scandal if ONE page had been purged for the reasons that they were.

The Trump administration should be taking action to restore the manuals back to their original status, and that would also serve to publicize what a traitorous rat Robert Mueller is.

Mueller worked with Hamas-linked groups to purge counterterror training of material offensive to Muslims

Breaking Bombshell: Mueller Lead 9/11 Cover Up, Now His History of Protecting Radical Muslims Is Exposed

Inside Mueller’s PC purge of counter-terror training at the FBI
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Mueller is coming! Adolf Trump and his mafia family are all in deep shit. Trump's entire illegitimate presidency should be annulled. Go Mueller!

HA HA HA. And the clown show continues. They really don't know how dumb they look.

What a comparison between the 2 investigations. Democrats come up with, what is it, now ? 6 "charges" ? All based on nothing, and going nowhere legally, but with lots of words and bluster.

On the other hand Hillary is about to be investigated (her shields no longer protecting her), for REAL CRIMES, with no way for her to wiggle out of it anymore.
She likely will be indicted, arrested, tried and convicted, and spend the rest of her life in prison. After that, the many murders the Clintons contracted, will be investigated, with mountains of evidence presented for that too. Bye bye Billy.
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And after two years of stoking, it's still just smoke. Smoke that your corrupt communist friends on the left created. And it ain't enough.
Lol, sure it is, if that helps you sleep at night.

Out here in the really real world indictments, guilty pleas, and sentences are flying around like crazy.

But you go ahead and keep your head in the sand.
BFD. So you have an out of control prosecutor extracting guilty pleas through coercion and threats against family members. And the President is out there making America great again despite your efforts to undermine him. Mueller's crimes under color of law are slowly being exposed and his day of reckoning is coming soon. He'll be the one with the indictments flying around him.
You just keep believing that like a good little tRumpkin.
Says the idiot who is still waiting for that Trump indictment he's been saying is imminent (for 2 years now).
I haven't even been here for a year kid.
You mean you just started thinking that?
What is alarming is how Democrats have turned an investigation into Russian Interference / Non-existent illegal collusion into a 100% desperate dig into literally every aspect of the President's life in hopes of finding ANYTHING they can.

This is further evidence that none of this has anything to do with Russians and everything to do with taking down Trump at any and all costs.

Remind me of the Whitewater investigation and all the GOP got was William lying under oath about a blow job.

So I have to say payback is a bitch but what is hilarious is the person ( Trump ) now being investigated was a close friend of the Clintons, so birds of the same feather flock together and their blinded loyal supporters will dive off the cliffs willingly...

Bruce, you don't know much about the Whitewater investigation do you? All the GOP got? How many Democrats went to prison?
What is alarming is how Democrats have turned an investigation into Russian Interference / Non-existent illegal collusion into a 100% desperate dig into literally every aspect of the President's life in hopes of finding ANYTHING they can.

This is further evidence that none of this has anything to do with Russians and everything to do with taking down Trump at any and all costs.

Next thing you know they will find out he is banging an intern in the Oval Office!

Oh wait, that was a different Special Council that was doing the 100% desperate dig into literally every aspect of the President's life in hopes of finding ANYTHING they can.

Amazing how this stuff always comes back around but nobody is smart enough to see it when it is working out so well for them.
Lol, sure it is, if that helps you sleep at night.

Out here in the really real world indictments, guilty pleas, and sentences are flying around like crazy.

But you go ahead and keep your head in the sand.
BFD. So you have an out of control prosecutor extracting guilty pleas through coercion and threats against family members. And the President is out there making America great again despite your efforts to undermine him. Mueller's crimes under color of law are slowly being exposed and his day of reckoning is coming soon. He'll be the one with the indictments flying around him.
You just keep believing that like a good little tRumpkin.
Says the idiot who is still waiting for that Trump indictment he's been saying is imminent (for 2 years now).
I haven't even been here for a year kid.
You mean you just started thinking that?
Don't be stupier than you have to be.
The DOJ and the FBI are willing weapons of the DNC.

Liberals have NO PROBLEM with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.

Inside of every liberal is a fascist just waiting to get out!


Republican led govt, dope.

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