Since July 2023, the city of San Francisco has been trying to cover up the murder of Yanfang Wu.

Drop Dead Fred

Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2020
This is from my blog:

Since July 2023, the city of San Francisco has been trying to cover up the murder of Yanfang Wu, has been refusing to release the video of her murder, and has been falsely claiming that her death was an “accident.”

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

April 9, 2024

On July 3, 2023, in the Bayview neighborhood of San Francisco, a woman named Thea Hopkins murdered a 63-year-old Asian woman named Yanfang Wu. The city has video of this murder, but refused to release it to the public. The city falsely claimed that Wu’s death was an “accident.” As of March 19, 2024, the city has still refused to release the video to the public.

On March 4, 2024, in the exact same neighborhood, the exact same violent criminal assaulted a 71-year-old Asian woman. This time, the victim survived. But this time, the city did not make the bogus claim that it was an “accident.” For this March 4, 2024 incident, the city arrested Thea Hopkins and charged her with assault and elder abuse.

The city has still not released the video of Thea Hopkins murdering Yanfang Wu.

The city still claims that Wu’s death was an “accident.”

Since July 2023, the city of San Francisco has been trying to cover up the murder of Yanfang Wu.


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1. When I read the OP, I immediately suspected why the "progressive" authorities wanted to cover up the crime.

2. I studied the murderer's name very carefully. "Thea" is not that strange.

3. So being a journalist manque, I immediately went to Google, and I was able to confirm my suspicions.

4. Yep, Ms. Thea is a member of a certain race that has sucker punched and even murdered many Asians -- especially since the COVID pandemic.

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