
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
the gop has a choke hold on nc....democrats are trying to change that....
it has been a mad house since the gop had majority....bath room issues over economical issues
the gop has a choke hold on nc....democrats are trying to change that....
it has been a mad house since the gop had majority....bath room issues over economical issues
Well “bathroom issues” are important. I don’t think the GOP should sit idly by while the left rejects science, biology, and reality in order to serve up victims to sexual predators. In fact, I would put “bathroom issues” far above economic issues because it is a matter of public safety.
seems there are more sexual predators in government than in bathrooms....

gop refused to accept an extension for the unemployed....cost to the state zero....lost of income ....6 million...that concerns me
I would be furious if Democrats did it - I won’t sit quietly by and ignore it when Republicans do it. Trying to steal elections is an atrocity. It undermines self-governance and the sacrifices made by those who fought and/or died for this nation. The Republican Party should remove every single person who was involved in this.

North Carolina congressional map ruled unconstitutional due to partisan gerrymandering

Demographics change and of course some of it has been artificially created by moving certain segments to certain areas in order to make "red states" blue......part and parcel is Iowa. The declining population by mandate of the federal "gubermint"
necessitated the movement of people from overcrowded welfare types from suburbs in Illinois into small cities like Charles City, Iowa. That town was the epitome of a Norman Rockwall painting. It had a devastating tornado back in May of 1968 that wiped out the downtown area but it came back.......now? It's become a crime ridden shithole. The disease was bused, subsidized and that has been something that has been going on for 20 plus years in other small towns and burgs via U.N mandates.......but if you talk out against it? The leftard clown posse will pull out the "RACIST" card...........my reply? Fuck you.........
seems there are more sexual predators in government than in bathrooms....
No argument there. And we as a nation need to clean both up.
gop refused to accept an extension for the unemployed....cost to the state zero....lost of income ....6 million...that concerns me
How could an extension to unemployment cost the state “zero”? That defies all basic reason.
Gerrymandering is bipartisan....enough is enough.

not like this

The RSLC Redistricting Majority Project – REDMAP

Shillian SEZ????? "Us leftards don't EVER gerrymander, you racists!!!!!! I don't support either bought and paid for political party, Shillian.....so shove that very salient fact up that massive chasm that you call your vaginal region......I am sure that there is PLENTY of room to even turn it sideways.


Gerrymanders, Part 1: Busting the both-sides-do-it myth
It simply takes away the incredible power we were suppose to be given with ''one man, one vote'', and the equality for all, that one man, one vote, gives us all...

I think non partisan computer programs to redistrict congressional districts with smooth borders, when the population has changed is going to be the best way to end this crapola!
when you have 35 congressional districts and the democrats running win 50% of the vote of the state's citizens that voted and win 10 seats in Congress for half the state's voters

and the Republicans running win 50% of the vote and win 25 congressional seats,

something smells funny in Denmark! Something just ain't right with that...!!!
I would be furious if Democrats did it - I won’t sit quietly by and ignore it when Republicans do it. Trying to steal elections is an atrocity. It undermines self-governance and the sacrifices made by those who fought and/or died for this nation. The Republican Party should remove every single person who was involved in this.

North Carolina congressional map ruled unconstitutional due to partisan gerrymandering
Thanks for calling it out despite the (R). Shows you are keeping it real!

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