Simple SOLUTION to gun control


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
All you gun grabbers that are upset by the fact the 2nd Amendment protects our right to own weapons... simple solution.

Since no law that bans semi automatics will survive a court challenge and since no law banning magazine sizes will either, go for what you REALLY want.

Ask for an amendment to repel the 2nd. Or are you afraid that admitting your goal is the elimination of all firearms will not pass muster with the citizenry?
Sorry, but that's the dumbest "solution" I've seen anyone come up with...and that's saying a lot.

I love my guns and want to keep them. I also support sensible gun laws.
Sorry, but that's the dumbest "solution" I've seen anyone come up with...and that's saying a lot.

I love my guns and want to keep them. I also support sensible gun laws.

So explain what sensible gun laws need to be passed. Ohh and make sure they do not violate my second amendment rights or my supposed right to privacy.
What do gun folks use those assault and semi-auto weapons for? Do you hunt with them?

Are any guns off-limits for regular folk? How about an uzi (is that even a gun)? lol

Just curious.
Sorry, but that's the dumbest "solution" I've seen anyone come up with...and that's saying a lot.

I love my guns and want to keep them. I also support sensible gun laws.

So explain what sensible gun laws need to be passed. Ohh and make sure they do not violate my second amendment rights or my supposed right to privacy.

Excellent points.
What do gun folks use those assault and semi-auto weapons for? Do you hunt with them?

Are any guns off-limits for regular folk? How about an uzi (is that even a gun)? lol

Just curious.

All a supposed Assault rifle is is a semi automatic rifle with a detachable clip. Depending on the caliber yes in fact people do hunt with them.

But hunting is a red herring, there is no requirement for my 2nd Amendment rights to prove I hunt. If there was hand guns would be banned since very few locations allow hunting with a hand gun.

You are aware that in 1939 the Supreme Court held that in order for a weapon to be protected by the 2nd Amendment it must have been in use by the military, is in use or of use to said military. That was how they outlawed sawed off shotguns.
I love my guns and want to keep them. I also support sensible gun laws.

People who love and want guns know there are already sensible laws on the books which are not enforced.

You really do not fool anyone when you talk of gun rights support then immediately cast out ideals diametric to the preservation of that natural right.

Just like Obama.
What do gun folks use those assault and semi-auto weapons for? Do you hunt with them?

Are any guns off-limits for regular folk? How about an uzi (is that even a gun)? lol

Just curious.

How about self defense and home defense? Where did it state in the Second Amendment that the "right to bear arms" was supposed to be solely for hunting?
Was just wondering if a semi-auto weapon would pulverize that bunny. lol And no, I did not know that about the SC gun ruling. Thx, RGS.
What do gun folks use those assault and semi-auto weapons for? Do you hunt with them?

Are any guns off-limits for regular folk? How about an uzi (is that even a gun)? lol

Just curious.

How about self defense and home defense? Where did it state in the Second Amendment that the "right to bear arms" was supposed to be solely for hunting?

You're reading too much into my question. I'm fine with things the way they are, was literally wondering if a big-assed weapon was used for hunting is all. Probably lions or tigers or bears but not bunnies or quail. Amiright?
What do gun folks use those assault and semi-auto weapons for? Do you hunt with them?

Are any guns off-limits for regular folk? How about an uzi (is that even a gun)? lol

Just curious.

How about self defense and home defense? Where did it state in the Second Amendment that the "right to bear arms" was supposed to be solely for hunting?

You're reading too much into my question.
I'm fine with things the way they are, was literally wondering if a big-assed weapon was used for hunting is all. Probably lions or tigers or bears but not bunnies or quail. Amiright?

LOL, I noticed it after reading your other response.
What do gun folks use those assault and semi-auto weapons for? Do you hunt with them?

Are any guns off-limits for regular folk? How about an uzi (is that even a gun)? lol

Just curious.
The answer to your question is I DO pretty much whatever I WANT within the law. I am a law abiding citizen. You have little if anything to fear from me. Your problem is with the know...the guy that has no problem getting whatever illegal substance he or she wants to and using them in a criminal manner without regard to the laws. Ice, heroin, any number of banned substances manages to find its way into the country and onto the streets. Guns do as well. Your worrying about MY ownership of ANY firearm, be it a single shot .22 or a freqin cannon is foolishness.

Why do you people feel the need to make law abiding citizens justify the execution of their constitutional rights? Do you have to justify your speech? Do you have to justify your right to avoid self incrimination? Do you have to justify ANY of the rights you hold precious and have guaranteed under the Bill of Rights? Should you?

The term 'assault rifle' is a manufactured media term. Ooooo scary...its AN 'ASSAULT' rifle. Its not. Its just a rifle. And BTW...the 'assault rifle' used in the Colorado attacks failed, leaving the shooter to use a more banal handgun and shotgun...with lethal effect. Shame no one in that crowd was similarly armed or at least trained in lethal response. 71 people need not have died.
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@ Pheonixops: lol, that's ok. I've never even held a gun and know nothing about them ... so I ask!
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All you gun grabbers that are upset by the fact the 2nd Amendment protects our right to own weapons... simple solution.

Since no law that bans semi automatics will survive a court challenge and since no law banning magazine sizes will either, go for what you REALLY want.

Ask for an amendment to repel the 2nd. Or are you afraid that admitting your goal is the elimination of all firearms will not pass muster with the citizenry?
Cite any serious attempt to ban guns.
What do gun folks use those assault and semi-auto weapons for? Do you hunt with them?

Are any guns off-limits for regular folk? How about an uzi (is that even a gun)? lol

Just curious.
The answer to your question is I DO pretty much whatever I WANT within the law. I am a law abiding citizen. You have little if anything to fear from me. Your problem is with the know...the guy that has no problem getting whatever illegal substance he or she wants to and using them in a criminal manner without regard to the laws. Ice, heroin, any number of banned substances manages to find its way into the country and onto the streets. Guns do as well. Your worrying about MY ownership of ANY firearm, be it a single shot .22 or a freqin cannon is foolishness.

Why do you feel the need to make law abiding citizens justify the execution of their constitutional rights? Do you have to justify your speech? Do you have to justify your right to avoid self incrimination? Do you have to justify ANY of the rights you hold precious and have guaranteed under the Bill of Rights? Should you?

Holy shit! Take a chill pill and read the thread before flying off the handle at me.
All you gun grabbers that are upset by the fact the 2nd Amendment protects our right to own weapons... simple solution.

Since no law that bans semi automatics will survive a court challenge and since no law banning magazine sizes will either, go for what you REALLY want.

Ask for an amendment to repel the 2nd. Or are you afraid that admitting your goal is the elimination of all firearms will not pass muster with the citizenry?
I don't REALLY want the 2nd amendment repealed. I would like sensible arms control, but like you said, that isn't going to happen. The politicians of this country are too weak to stand up to the gun lobby. Therefore, I plan on building an arsenal that would make the United States Army blush, and blow away the first motherfucker that looks at me sideways.

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