Sigh! Yet another American word for “lie”….

Chips Rafferty

Active Member
Mar 30, 2007
North of Melbourne, Australia.
"mischaracterize complex intelligence information."

My God, this MUST turn Oddball off of Dimwit and his demonic junta! :eusa_clap:

After all, according to him and his silent sidekick Christ, poor ol' demonstrably thoroughly decent Satan is the father of all liars. Therefore, according to Stricture, the continuously lying Bush admin is SATANIC and so are its supporters! :shock:

Surely we can’t have more explicit proof of God’s detestation of the deeds of Dimwit’s evil regime than this:

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren

It describes and fits Dimwit's criminal machinations in Afghanistan and Iraq like a finger in a bum, doesnt it!

Clearly, God will damn all who support Dimwit and Amuruka’s War on T-u-u-r to the everlasting fires of Hell!!

DO I HEAR AN “AMEN’?... W-O-O-O-o-o-o!!.....HELLeluiah, you Huguenot half-wits! :eusa_dance:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

By the time the oppos work their way through their Websters' (bloody Noah bloody Webster, a regionalised dictionary for crying out loud, nearly as bad as that Maquarie rubbish) and their Old Testament and New Testament - Cliff Notes versions - AWOL Bush and his offsider Ol ' Five Deferments Cheney will be well gone. Or not. They might decide to hang on and mount a coup. My money's on the coup by the way ;)
Provide one shred of evidence from a reputable source that Bush lied about anything as President. You are making a claim that is ludicrous on its face.

Meanwhile I can name a President that not only lied but did so to a sitting Judge, while under oath in a matter that directly effected him.
Provide one shred of evidence from a reputable source that Bush lied about anything as President. You are making a claim that is ludicrous on its face.

Meanwhile I can name a President that not only lied but did so to a sitting Judge, while under oath in a matter that directly effected him.

Picked up a bad head wound on active circus, didya, Gunny? :cuckoo:

Here ya go,

Ah fuck it …just type in “Bush lies” into whatever Reich sanctioned search engine you use, and use the brain you were born with, not the gung ho Golem one the Marine Corp gave you.

I will give you what I consider is his best lie, though, "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."

There ya go. I’m sure you can get most sheeple here to agree with you and prove you can talk to imaginary Jewish friends in the firmament. After all, they all get their orders from him too! (Although some Doubting Thomases insist these poor delusional pricks are conducting a schizophrenic tete a tete with their own fascistic persona.)

The same “God” that Dimwit is a thick as thieves with, tells them the whole wicked world is out to get them, so they had better bomb everyone in it before some Bedouin bully sends an armada of balsa wood bombers to obliterate God’s Chosen American Race.

(You do remember the “War of The World’s” -like flap over Saddam’s intercontinental bombers, with their weed-whacker engines, that were going to turn the entire U.S. East Coat into a sheet of glass, doncha, Gunny?)

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