Sick and tired of US debate on raising the min. wage.

If Kroger cannot operate without $7.25 wages
They deserve to fail


Who cares if unskilled workers can never find a first time job?
Who cares if po black folk don't have decent food available near their homes?

Fuck all y'all, eh?
Who cares if Kroger workers have to borrow $10,000 a year to pay for college because Kroger wont pay a wage over $7.25?

Who cares if the taxpayer has to subsidize the food and housing of that struggling black family because Kroger won’t pay over $7.25 an hour?
No one expects the breadwinner of the family to stay at MW for very long. Why do you assume a black man with college aged kids is still working at MW and can't get a better job? That sounds racist to me.

Yeah, but they do. There are lots of people who simply don't want to work hard.

Again, I pointed out repeatedly, you can easily buy a $50 lawn mower, and make $50 to $100 a lawn during the summer. Easily. But that takes work, and effort, and you don't get paid breaks, and a straight 8 hour shift. You have to get the job done. You have to do the work, to get the money, and if that means staying on the job for 12 hours one day, then you stay working for 12 hours until you get all the lawns mowed.

They don't want to go out in the heat, and get stuff done. They want to stay in an air conditioned building, sipping free soft drinks all day, and complaining they should be paid more.

This is typical left-wing ideology, that everyone should have the same outcome, without putting in the same effort, or same work.
You sound like a fuckin plantation owners, complaining about slaves, while sipping hooch in a house being fanned by a slave, get the fuck outta here with that lazy man bullshit.
Let’s use the Big Mac Economic Index

The Big Mac was introduced in 1969 for 49 cents. The minimum wage worker making it was paid $1.60.
He could buy 3.25 Big Macs an hour.

Today that Big Mac costs $3.99 and the minimum wage worker makes $7.25.
He can’t even afford two Big Macs an hour

3.25 Big Macs would cost $13 an hour to buy. In line with a $15 an hour wage.

Right, and today, the cost of labor is dramatically higher than just the cost of the wage.

View attachment 452593

The cost of taxes and benefits on top of the base wage, dramatically increase the cost of employment.

What this means is that in 1969, the price of a big mac was much lower because the cost of paying employees was lower.

Further, that cost of labor filters into every material used in the making of the product. For example, the employees at the meet packing plant were paid less, thus the cost of beef was less. The employees at the bread bakery were paid less, thus the cost of buns was lower.

Every single step in the supply chain filters down to the customer.

This is why the claims are ridiculous, because the moment you raise the minimum wage, the cost of the products will adjust up accordingly.

For example in Denmark where they pay McDonald's employees around $20/hour, they seem to ignore the fact that they also charge almost $20 for a "value meal". In fact, a hot dog in Denmark will run you $12.

This is the limitations of the Big Mac index. While the cost of the burger alone, may seem only incrementally more expensive, the cost of everything else has dramatically changed.

View attachment 452601

This is a receipt from a friend who lived in Germany, and moved (happily) to the US with her husband.

One order of 20 pct Chicken nuggets, and 3 ice teas.

$19. 15.50 Euros is about $19.

See? This is the problem with all minimum wage arguments. You believe, falsely, that if you increase the wage, that somehow all the prices will remain the same. Wrong. The prices will adjust. There is no free lunch. Someone has to pay the bill.


Water is rushing in through the hole in the boat......quick, make another hole.....DURR
Yeah make another hole in your head, duh!!
Long Beach just mandated a 4 dollar raise for grocery store owners. Two major grocery stores promptly closed leaving all employees out of a job and out of job benefits.

If they need a $7.25 minimum wage to stay in business, they deserve to close
Good. The two biggest grocery stores closed. Yaaay. The people are out of a job. The neighborhood now has to go elsewhere to shop. Meanwhile the Kroger company will not feel a thing. It's a win lose in all the right places.

If Kroger cannot operate without $7.25 wages
They deserve to fail
Never put them out of business before. I guess people just keep eating groceries. Who knew?

Well likely it won't put them specifically out of business. Instead it put their smaller competitors out of business.

Remember, regulations that cost companies money, inherently benefit the rich, at the expense of the poor. Large companies will generally have the money to pay those higher wages.... especially when their competitors are forced out of business. In my town, the small grocery chains, most were wiped out after the minimum wage went up to $7.25 from $5.25.

Poor get poorer. Rich get richer. That's how that works.
The inefficient will not survive, but would not for long anyway. People will continue to buy groceries. If you are effective and effecient at it, you can survive, if not, you won't. Feeling nostalgic for poorly run operations? Not going under due to increased labor cost. Most grocery worker making close to that already if have been there a while. It is a fast paced inventory turn business, having what people want, good purchasing, and timely (JIT) supply chain management more important in the long run. I suspect it always has been, as this industry has seen changes in minimum wage before.
Joe Biden, as do most economist wants to raise the min. wage to 15.00 an hour, from the poultry 7.25 as it stands today. Most workers of course do not make 7.25 an hour as we all know, most are making btwn 8-12 an hour, with 12.00 being the standard. However, this debate has got to come to an end and real work, not words have to prevail this time.

For the last 12 years Wall Street as has Main Street retailers via online venues, all have seen profits soar to historic levels and Trump rallied and braged on how rich the rich was getting especially his last 4 years, not only with tax cuts but with market this bullshit about ppl will lose jobs...tired of hearing about it.

And waiting on a recovery from this pandemic will take another decade, if not more with so many business's, closing. However, NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY WILL MAKE A DIME, OUTSIDE OF SPECULATORS AND HEDGE FUNDERS on WALL STREET, WITHOUT CONSUMER SPENDING.

Its time Biden, congress and the senate take the effort, the vote and raise the min. wage to a level that can not only help families regroup again with a new job focus, but also help business's grow also. Amazon raised wages profits only grew. Some companies will have to fold, welcome to life!! But at least the owner can go out and find a job paying 15 bucks an hour vs 7.25.

from the poultry 7.25 as it stands today.

Some may consider it chickenfeed, But it's more than many deserve.

I'm glad you're all for increasing the buying power of teenagers, drop outs,

It doesn't help those on a fixed income a bit.
News Flash....if your lazy and worthless, your not working to began with. But to use this stupid argument that anybody and everybody will get that money while working is typical political genre...just raise the damn wages and see what happens.
But I won’t pay $15 an hour for someone to sit on my couch and watch movies while my kids sleep.
Last time I checked--babysitters are not subject to minimum wage laws--I get your point and agree whole heartedly however.

Well yes they are actually. If I opened a babysitting service, where I employed teen girls to do babysitting jobs, I would be required to pay them the minimum wage.

And that by the way, is why there are very few babysitting companies. The last one I looked up, was only available in extremely expensive areas.
In my experience which is extensive, most people do not hire baby sitters through a service. We use teens in our own neighborhoods. These teens, do not make minimum wage and do not pay taxes either.

.... so you agree with me? Because that was kind of my point. There is no wide spread babysitting services businesses out there, specifically because it would be too expensive, and thus no one would use them.

That's the whole point. And the article I listed, was explaining that. My own sister who has children, said that she had a couple of babysitters a few times, until she just realized it was way too expensive.

Now she had kid swaps with her friends. She hasn't paid for a babysitter in almost 10 years.

If you were in Sweden right now, you would say the exact same thing about house painting. You would be saying in my experience which is extensive, most people do not hire painters through a service. We use teens to paint houses, and they do not make the minimum wage, or pay taxes.

How do I know this?

Economist Lee Ohanian:

Do you know why we don't have a home painting industry in Sweden? And he said: One of my colleagues estimated how much I would have to earn in order to pay a painter $1 after taxes. So, the Reader's Digest version is: marginal tax rates are so high that one would have to earn something like $18 or $19 if their painter was to receive $1 after taxes. So, the homeowner is going to be taxed once, and then the home painter is going to be taxed. So: we all paint our own houses because it's way too expensive.​

Now in that particular case, the reason was specifically taxes. The cost of taxes in Sweden means that if your house needs painted, you do it yourself, or pay a teen. Only the rich and wealthy can afford to hire a business.

But the same logic applies. If the minimum wage is too high, then business is destroyed, and jobs don't exist. You end up hiring teens.

So yes, no doubt you hire teens, and don't use a professional service, because it costs too much with the minimum wage. I agree.
I believe my original post, "Last time I checked--babysitters are not subject to minimum wage laws--I get your point and agree whole heartedly however. is what prompted your response. If you would read the first seven words, you would have saved yourself and me a lot of typing. LOL
Let’s use the Big Mac Economic Index

The Big Mac was introduced in 1969 for 49 cents. The minimum wage worker making it was paid $1.60.
He could buy 3.25 Big Macs an hour.

Today that Big Mac costs $3.99 and the minimum wage worker makes $7.25.
He can’t even afford two Big Macs an hour

3.25 Big Macs would cost $13 an hour to buy. In line with a $15 an hour wage.

Right, and today, the cost of labor is dramatically higher than just the cost of the wage.

View attachment 452593

The cost of taxes and benefits on top of the base wage, dramatically increase the cost of employment.

What this means is that in 1969, the price of a big mac was much lower because the cost of paying employees was lower.

Further, that cost of labor filters into every material used in the making of the product. For example, the employees at the meet packing plant were paid less, thus the cost of beef was less. The employees at the bread bakery were paid less, thus the cost of buns was lower.

Every single step in the supply chain filters down to the customer.

This is why the claims are ridiculous, because the moment you raise the minimum wage, the cost of the products will adjust up accordingly.

For example in Denmark where they pay McDonald's employees around $20/hour, they seem to ignore the fact that they also charge almost $20 for a "value meal". In fact, a hot dog in Denmark will run you $12.

This is the limitations of the Big Mac index. While the cost of the burger alone, may seem only incrementally more expensive, the cost of everything else has dramatically changed.

View attachment 452601

This is a receipt from a friend who lived in Germany, and moved (happily) to the US with her husband.

One order of 20 pct Chicken nuggets, and 3 ice teas.

$19. 15.50 Euros is about $19.

See? This is the problem with all minimum wage arguments. You believe, falsely, that if you increase the wage, that somehow all the prices will remain the same. Wrong. The prices will adjust. There is no free lunch. Someone has to pay the bill.

First, stop typing in all caps. It makes you look childish.

Second, you don't need to be cussing at me, like I know you or something. I'm not your enemy, and I don't even know you.

Third, yes because of inflation itself, prices will always go up by some amount. That's true! Agreed.

However, if you think prices go up at the same rate, without the minimum wage going up... no.

In the late 1990s, I would go to Chipotle, and buy a chicken burrito for $4.25. In 2006, that same chicken burrito was $4.50.

In 2010, that same exact chicken burrito was $6.75.

Prices do not go up at the same rate, with or without increasing the minimum wage. Not even close.

Same is true of Obama care. Yes, health care was going up in price before Obama care. It drastically increased after Obama care, but a much larger rate. And I can show you data proving this.

Yes, because of how the monetary system works, price naturally go up very slowly over time.

However, if you think prices adjust at the same speed, with or without increasing the minimum wage, not so much. That shows otherwise.


Are you implying that people have not stopped smoking?

Screenshot_2021-02-03 20180726_Smoking_Rate-1 jpg (JPEG Image, 960 × 684 pixels).png

I know people personally, who stopped smoking exclusively because it was expensive.
But I won’t pay $15 an hour for someone to sit on my couch and watch movies while my kids sleep.
Last time I checked--babysitters are not subject to minimum wage laws--I get your point and agree whole heartedly however.

Well yes they are actually. If I opened a babysitting service, where I employed teen girls to do babysitting jobs, I would be required to pay them the minimum wage.

And that by the way, is why there are very few babysitting companies. The last one I looked up, was only available in extremely expensive areas.
In my experience which is extensive, most people do not hire baby sitters through a service. We use teens in our own neighborhoods. These teens, do not make minimum wage and do not pay taxes either.

.... so you agree with me? Because that was kind of my point. There is no wide spread babysitting services businesses out there, specifically because it would be too expensive, and thus no one would use them.

That's the whole point. And the article I listed, was explaining that. My own sister who has children, said that she had a couple of babysitters a few times, until she just realized it was way too expensive.

Now she had kid swaps with her friends. She hasn't paid for a babysitter in almost 10 years.

If you were in Sweden right now, you would say the exact same thing about house painting. You would be saying in my experience which is extensive, most people do not hire painters through a service. We use teens to paint houses, and they do not make the minimum wage, or pay taxes.

How do I know this?

Economist Lee Ohanian:

Do you know why we don't have a home painting industry in Sweden? And he said: One of my colleagues estimated how much I would have to earn in order to pay a painter $1 after taxes. So, the Reader's Digest version is: marginal tax rates are so high that one would have to earn something like $18 or $19 if their painter was to receive $1 after taxes. So, the homeowner is going to be taxed once, and then the home painter is going to be taxed. So: we all paint our own houses because it's way too expensive.​

Now in that particular case, the reason was specifically taxes. The cost of taxes in Sweden means that if your house needs painted, you do it yourself, or pay a teen. Only the rich and wealthy can afford to hire a business.

But the same logic applies. If the minimum wage is too high, then business is destroyed, and jobs don't exist. You end up hiring teens.

So yes, no doubt you hire teens, and don't use a professional service, because it costs too much with the minimum wage. I agree.
High MW proponents routinely ignore human nature. They paint fabulous fantasy landscapes of well off people happily moving through life because the government forced the evil bottomless money pits called businesses to pay them high wages and those businesses didn't react at all, just happily paid the higher wages <insert sound of needle scratching across a vinyl disc here>. Reality is somewhat different. Raise business's costs too high, too fast and they do things to make the increase less painful:

1. If the owner of the business is well off and ready to retire, he might sell the business and the new owner will lay off people as he absorbs it into his business.
2. If he can't sell, he might just close up shop and put everyone out of work.
3. If he wants to continue operating and doesn't have a high profit margin, he'll look at the lower paid jobs in his organization and start eliminating them. He might lay off people, he might bust full time workers down to part time so he can lower labor costs by cutting benefits, he might automate jobs that now cost too much.
4. If he can, he might offshore operations that can be done remotely. Suddenly customer support calls will be answered by a guy with a heavy Indian accent who calls himself "Bob" and who reads off a screen with no understanding of your real problem or how to fix it.
5. If the market will bear it, he might raise prices.

All of these things tend to offset the supposed gains enjoyed in the fantasy, and naturally the end result is a rapid return to square one, where the usual suspects are yelling that the MW is just too low.

I always ask the obvious of those who seem to believe we can just raise wages by fiat with no consequences: Why not just bump the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty altogether?
One word says it all--INFLATION.
Joe Biden, as do most economist wants to raise the min. wage to 15.00 an hour, from the poultry 7.25 as it stands today. Most workers of course do not make 7.25 an hour as we all know, most are making btwn 8-12 an hour, with 12.00 being the standard. However, this debate has got to come to an end and real work, not words have to prevail this time.

For the last 12 years Wall Street as has Main Street retailers via online venues, all have seen profits soar to historic levels and Trump rallied and braged on how rich the rich was getting especially his last 4 years, not only with tax cuts but with market this bullshit about ppl will lose jobs...tired of hearing about it.

And waiting on a recovery from this pandemic will take another decade, if not more with so many business's, closing. However, NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY WILL MAKE A DIME, OUTSIDE OF SPECULATORS AND HEDGE FUNDERS on WALL STREET, WITHOUT CONSUMER SPENDING.

Its time Biden, congress and the senate take the effort, the vote and raise the min. wage to a level that can not only help families regroup again with a new job focus, but also help business's grow also. Amazon raised wages profits only grew. Some companies will have to fold, welcome to life!! But at least the owner can go out and find a job paying 15 bucks an hour vs 7.25.
It's paltry not poultry you dumbass!
Let’s use the Big Mac Economic Index

The Big Mac was introduced in 1969 for 49 cents. The minimum wage worker making it was paid $1.60.
He could buy 3.25 Big Macs an hour.

Today that Big Mac costs $3.99 and the minimum wage worker makes $7.25.
He can’t even afford two Big Macs an hour

3.25 Big Macs would cost $13 an hour to buy. In line with a $15 an hour wage.

Right, and today, the cost of labor is dramatically higher than just the cost of the wage.

View attachment 452593

The cost of taxes and benefits on top of the base wage, dramatically increase the cost of employment.

What this means is that in 1969, the price of a big mac was much lower because the cost of paying employees was lower.

Further, that cost of labor filters into every material used in the making of the product. For example, the employees at the meet packing plant were paid less, thus the cost of beef was less. The employees at the bread bakery were paid less, thus the cost of buns was lower.

Every single step in the supply chain filters down to the customer.

This is why the claims are ridiculous, because the moment you raise the minimum wage, the cost of the products will adjust up accordingly.

For example in Denmark where they pay McDonald's employees around $20/hour, they seem to ignore the fact that they also charge almost $20 for a "value meal". In fact, a hot dog in Denmark will run you $12.

This is the limitations of the Big Mac index. While the cost of the burger alone, may seem only incrementally more expensive, the cost of everything else has dramatically changed.

View attachment 452601

This is a receipt from a friend who lived in Germany, and moved (happily) to the US with her husband.

One order of 20 pct Chicken nuggets, and 3 ice teas.

$19. 15.50 Euros is about $19.

See? This is the problem with all minimum wage arguments. You believe, falsely, that if you increase the wage, that somehow all the prices will remain the same. Wrong. The prices will adjust. There is no free lunch. Someone has to pay the bill.

First, stop typing in all caps. It makes you look childish.

Second, you don't need to be cussing at me, like I know you or something. I'm not your enemy, and I don't even know you.

Third, yes because of inflation itself, prices will always go up by some amount. That's true! Agreed.

However, if you think prices go up at the same rate, without the minimum wage going up... no.

In the late 1990s, I would go to Chipotle, and buy a chicken burrito for $4.25. In 2006, that same chicken burrito was $4.50.

In 2010, that same exact chicken burrito was $6.75.

Prices do not go up at the same rate, with or without increasing the minimum wage. Not even close.

Same is true of Obama care. Yes, health care was going up in price before Obama care. It drastically increased after Obama care, but a much larger rate. And I can show you data proving this.

Yes, because of how the monetary system works, price naturally go up very slowly over time.

However, if you think prices adjust at the same speed, with or without increasing the minimum wage, not so much. That shows otherwise.
I do you know you, you're typical of these right wing mega nuts who's only happy and content when the working class poor is held back in this country. News Flash; we don't have to eat out, we don't have to patronize business's who's cost are more than our wallets, we don't have to do anything our wallets won't or can not oblige...its called consumer spending responsibly. That still does not negate why this country can't raise wages to a livable amount. We're in the years 2021 and prices on everything will continue to grow, while the rich get richer and wages stay stagnant. Trust, if wages go up, ppl will spend and our economy will regroup, we need to try the shit first and then whine about it later, that's why we can't get shit done around here....always listening to the fuckin whiners.
But I won’t pay $15 an hour for someone to sit on my couch and watch movies while my kids sleep.
Last time I checked--babysitters are not subject to minimum wage laws--I get your point and agree whole heartedly however.

Well yes they are actually. If I opened a babysitting service, where I employed teen girls to do babysitting jobs, I would be required to pay them the minimum wage.

And that by the way, is why there are very few babysitting companies. The last one I looked up, was only available in extremely expensive areas.
In my experience which is extensive, most people do not hire baby sitters through a service. We use teens in our own neighborhoods. These teens, do not make minimum wage and do not pay taxes either.

.... so you agree with me? Because that was kind of my point. There is no wide spread babysitting services businesses out there, specifically because it would be too expensive, and thus no one would use them.

That's the whole point. And the article I listed, was explaining that. My own sister who has children, said that she had a couple of babysitters a few times, until she just realized it was way too expensive.

Now she had kid swaps with her friends. She hasn't paid for a babysitter in almost 10 years.

If you were in Sweden right now, you would say the exact same thing about house painting. You would be saying in my experience which is extensive, most people do not hire painters through a service. We use teens to paint houses, and they do not make the minimum wage, or pay taxes.

How do I know this?

Economist Lee Ohanian:

Do you know why we don't have a home painting industry in Sweden? And he said: One of my colleagues estimated how much I would have to earn in order to pay a painter $1 after taxes. So, the Reader's Digest version is: marginal tax rates are so high that one would have to earn something like $18 or $19 if their painter was to receive $1 after taxes. So, the homeowner is going to be taxed once, and then the home painter is going to be taxed. So: we all paint our own houses because it's way too expensive.​

Now in that particular case, the reason was specifically taxes. The cost of taxes in Sweden means that if your house needs painted, you do it yourself, or pay a teen. Only the rich and wealthy can afford to hire a business.

But the same logic applies. If the minimum wage is too high, then business is destroyed, and jobs don't exist. You end up hiring teens.

So yes, no doubt you hire teens, and don't use a professional service, because it costs too much with the minimum wage. I agree.
High MW proponents routinely ignore human nature. They paint fabulous fantasy landscapes of well off people happily moving through life because the government forced the evil bottomless money pits called businesses to pay them high wages and those businesses didn't react at all, just happily paid the higher wages <insert sound of needle scratching across a vinyl disc here>. Reality is somewhat different. Raise business's costs too high, too fast and they do things to make the increase less painful:

1. If the owner of the business is well off and ready to retire, he might sell the business and the new owner will lay off people as he absorbs it into his business.
2. If he can't sell, he might just close up shop and put everyone out of work.
3. If he wants to continue operating and doesn't have a high profit margin, he'll look at the lower paid jobs in his organization and start eliminating them. He might lay off people, he might bust full time workers down to part time so he can lower labor costs by cutting benefits, he might automate jobs that now cost too much.
4. If he can, he might offshore operations that can be done remotely. Suddenly customer support calls will be answered by a guy with a heavy Indian accent who calls himself "Bob" and who reads off a screen with no understanding of your real problem or how to fix it.
5. If the market will bear it, he might raise prices.

All of these things tend to offset the supposed gains enjoyed in the fantasy, and naturally the end result is a rapid return to square one, where the usual suspects are yelling that the MW is just too low.

I always ask the obvious of those who seem to believe we can just raise wages by fiat with no consequences: Why not just bump the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty altogether?
One word says it all--INFLATION.
one word says it all....COVID
They still say that, and to a degree they're right. But what it really does is make the poor even more angry and desperate which is what they (the wealthy) always really want. Who works for peanuts? The desperate. Well then let's have more of those!
I'm in the middle. Those that have skills can demand a higher wage in the market. Those without skills should be paid a minimum wage. I think a better proposal would be to offer free education to those that wish to gain skills that will take them out of the minimum wage bracket. Everyone pays their taxes and all boats rise with the tide.
When the feds sent out those checks.....guess who saved it and guess who spent it? Now take that same focus with raising the min. wage and please stop with the who deserves it and who don't. If your lazy and don't work hard at a job, they fire you. They do it with 7 and hour and they can do it with 15 an hour....this isn't rocket science folks.
The inefficient will not survive, but would not for long anyway. People will continue to buy groceries. If you are effective and effecient at it, you can survive, if not, you won't. Feeling nostalgic for poorly run operations? Not going under due to increased labor cost. Most grocery worker making close to that already if have been there a while. It is a fast paced inventory turn business, having what people want, good purchasing, and timely (JIT) supply chain management more important in the long run. I suspect it always has been, as this industry has seen changes in minimum wage before.
Upgrade infrastructure to create jobs and improve time to market!
They still say that, and to a degree they're right. But what it really does is make the poor even more angry and desperate which is what they (the wealthy) always really want. Who works for peanuts? The desperate. Well then let's have more of those!
Most ppl in this country, ain't really poor, they're just living from paycheck to paycheck or waiting on monthly hand outs. The truly poor, are those who work for living and thats fact!!
News Flash....if your lazy and worthless, your not working to began with. But to use this stupid argument that anybody and everybody will get that money while working is typical political genre...just raise the damn wages and see what happens.
Right wingers hate it when even the Poor can make decent money.
Right wingers???? Or white ppl???? Just the mere suggestion of Tryrone and Maria making a little extra puts the panties in a wad up the ass.
hardly since most are already paying that much it only shows how far behind the federal min wage is.
To me it shows the stupidity of pinheads in government who cannot keep up with events on the ground.

but if the government workers must justify their existence why put the min wage higher than where the free market says it belongs?
When I did fed or state work I made forty five to fifty an hour so I guess the federal min wage is for trash collectors and terlit plungers?
I was shocked when Biden raised it to 15 for federal workers???????? Who in their right mind is working for the federal gov and making less than 15 and hour???? A WHOLE LOT OF MINORITIES....MY FRIEND WORKED IN SSI IN TENN. SHE WAS MAKING LESS THAN 15 AFTER 30 YEARS OF SERVICE

With all due respect.... I have no degree, no education, no skills, no training, nothing. I've worked my way up without any help from anyone anywhere, and last year I was making $20/hour.

If your friends are making minimum wage, to the point that you have to praise Biden, or any other dumb politicians, for making a law that fixes their lives.....

Again, with all due respect.... that makes you stupid. Why are you wasting your life, waiting around for other people to fix your wages? What have you been doing all these years?

Get off your butt, and start moving up the income ladder.

The lady across the street from me, was babysitting out of her condo. She made over $500 per week, plus additional pay if people wanted their kids watched on the weekends. But your friends were working for minimum wage for the government? What is wrong with your friends?

Honestly, this is idiotic. You can buy a lawn mower.... a regular $50 Lawn mower, and make easily $50 to $100 PER LAWN.... for mowing lawns all summer long.

How do I know this? I know a guy that now runs a million dollar lawn care service, who started out in high school mowing lawns.

Can you push a mower? But instead you are going to waste your life away at some dumb government job, complaining that you are not making $15/hour?

See this is why people in your world are poor, and people in my world are rich. The people in your community will always be poor, as long as they sit around waiting on others, and worse than others, Government, to fix their lives.

Government will not fix your life. And long as you pretend that Biden is going to make your life better, your life will always suck, and you'll always be trying to find someone to blame, like Trump or Mitt Romney, or Bush, or whoever, for the fact your life sucks.
The nine scariest words in the English language--"I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan.
And the worst words to hear from the GOP, "Im anti gov. Big Corp, do what the hell you want and the Dem's and the American ppl will bail you OUT!!! Something we do over and over and over.
^^^Moron Troll
Long Beach just mandated a 4 dollar raise for grocery store owners. Two major grocery stores promptly closed leaving all employees out of a job and out of job benefits.

If they need a $7.25 minimum wage to stay in business, they deserve to close
Good. The two biggest grocery stores closed. Yaaay. The people are out of a job. The neighborhood now has to go elsewhere to shop. Meanwhile the Kroger company will not feel a thing. It's a win lose in all the right places.

If Kroger cannot operate without $7.25 wages
They deserve to fail

That's fine.... but just understand that if every business that deserves to fail, fails, then you will have mass unemployment and a great depression.

The people in Greece, said the same thing, which is why they had a minimum wage that was tied to inflation, and the result was the entire country imploded.

Guess what they did? They cut the minimum wage. Guess what happened? Unemployment in the 30% range, started to fall.

Again, you can say that, but them failing just means people are unemployed.

See you seem to be operating under the strange idea that if all the companies that can't pay $15/hour fail... then all those unemployed people will just magically find jobs that pay $15/hour. No. That's not how it works. If your labor isn't worth $15/hours, then you just stay unemployed.

You can mandate a minimum wage, sure. But you can't mandate that customers pay $15/hour for labor that isn't worth $15/hours. Thus those people just.... don't have a job.
Save me the drama

Minimum wage has been increased for 80 years. Business survived, the market adjusted.

We have not increased the wage in eleven years. Low wage workers have suffered. They have used debt to replace wages that haven kept up with inflation
biden made a promise, he best keep it...WAGES NEED TO GO UP AND IF BUSINESS WANT TO LEAVE...BYE!!

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