Should Welfare Be Abolished?


Active Member
May 22, 2004
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Federal Way WA, USA
Thanks Jackass!

Well people, what do you think? Should welfare be abolished?

IMO, I like the two year limit deal. There are/were too many "Professional" welfare recipients out there. I mean only in America do we pay people NOT to work.

OK - Hang on! :D
Thanks Jackass!

Well people, what do you think? Should welfare be abolished?

IMO, I like the two year limit deal. There are/were too many "Professional" welfare recipients out there. I mean only in America do we pay people NOT to work.

OK - Hang on! :D

Nah, I'm with you, 2 year max! I am not talking about truly disabled, children, and elderly-but if you can work, you should. I like the 'earned income tax break' though I know many here won't. People do need incentives and perhaps time to get their salaries up.
Sure limits..No problem, after all we are compassionate people, for the most part.

As far as the "Earned income CREDIT" being an incentive, Ms. K. It's not, it's a giveaway of other peoples money. Really it is. Why try an make more money when the credit allows a check every year GREATER than what you put in the pot?
Mr. P said:
Sure limits..No problem, after all we are compassionate people, for the most part.

As far as the "Earned income CREDIT" being an incentive, Ms. K. It's not, it's a giveaway of other peoples money. Really it is. Why try an make more money when the credit allows a check every year GREATER than what you put in the pot?

What is the "earned income credit" you are talking about?

I agree with time limits. I mentioned in another post that 2 years and $4000 to go back to school and get the skills you need to work should be incentive enough (plus a monthly check, childcare and benefits ie: medical, dental, and bus pass). There are exceptions, but for the average person, this should be like a dream come true. For some reason it isn't?
2 years in a lifetime should be more than enough, and even then you should be looking for work while receiving welfare.
Kathianne said:
Nah, I'm with you, 2 year max! I am not talking about truly disabled, children, and elderly-but if you can work, you should. I like the 'earned income tax break' though I know many here won't. People do need incentives and perhaps time to get their salaries up.

The problem with the 2 year max rule is that there are loopholes through the whole thing. There are so many ways to get around that and professional welfare recipients know that. From my understanding, you get 2 years of welfare "work free", after that 2 years, you can still continue receiving aide as long as you prove you are "actively looking for employment". Its pretty easy to dupe job applications, 'apply' for positions that one isnt qualified, and/or say "no thank you" when a prospective employer calls.

There's much more than just the "cash". Right after my daughter was born, I was unemployed and went to the welfare office to apply for Medical care for her... they tried to talk me into signing up for cash benefits (I only wanted medical care for her)... you get a $200 clothing allowance while looking for work, another $200 clothing allowance should you accept a position somewhere... they will actually give you $1,000 car allowance to go toward the purchase of a car should you live outside the reaches of city transportation (which I did). Those are just two off the top of my head... the whole system just reeks.

I think it should be abolished completely (I'm with whoever said in the other thread, public organizations provide great help... stick with them). If not abolished, then something needs done about the loopholes.
Hispanic Mothers Stay On Welfare In N.Y.C.

Although white and black single mothers have moved off New York City welfare rolls in droves over the past three years, the proportion of Hispanic single mothers receiving public assistance has declined very little, authorities report.

Since 1995, the number of white single mothers on welfare has fallen 57 percent, and 30 percent fewer black single mothers receive benefits.

But just 7 percent of Hispanic single mothers have gone off welfare.

New York City's welfare rolls are now 5 percent white, 33 percent black and 59 percent Hispanic -- with more Hispanic parents receiving public assistance there than in Miami, Los Angeles or the entire state of Texas.

While Puerto Ricans still make up the majority of Hispanics on welfare, the number of Dominican immigrants receiving assistance doubled between 1990 and 1996, according to census data.
Big D said:
Hispanic Mothers Stay On Welfare In N.Y.C.

Although white and black single mothers have moved off New York City welfare rolls in droves over the past three years, the proportion of Hispanic single mothers receiving public assistance has declined very little, authorities report.

Since 1995, the number of white single mothers on welfare has fallen 57 percent, and 30 percent fewer black single mothers receive benefits.

But just 7 percent of Hispanic single mothers have gone off welfare.

New York City's welfare rolls are now 5 percent white, 33 percent black and 59 percent Hispanic -- with more Hispanic parents receiving public assistance there than in Miami, Los Angeles or the entire state of Texas.

While Puerto Ricans still make up the majority of Hispanics on welfare, the number of Dominican immigrants receiving assistance doubled between 1990 and 1996, according to census data.

and that has nothing to do with the thread. Question is your opinion on welfare.
Said1 said:
What is the "earned income credit" you are talking about?

I agree with time limits. I mentioned in another post that 2 years and $4000 to go back to school and get the skills you need to work should be incentive enough (plus a monthly check, childcare and benefits ie: medical, dental, and bus pass). There are exceptions, but for the average person, this should be like a dream come true. For some reason it isn't?

I agree with everything you said.....more than fair but in order for people to see it as a glass half full as opposed to empty will take time as the mind set has to be changed from one of it's owed to me to one of Im very gratefull for this once in a lifetime opportunity to get my life together and start taking care of myself. Not an easy transformation for some in society to make.
Kathianne said:
and that has nothing to do with the thread. Question is your opinion on welfare.
Well my opinion is that we are having a problem with welfare today because minority's abuse the system.
Big D said:
Well my opinion is that we are having a problem with welfare today because minority's abuse the system.

people of all races abuse the welfare system, not just minorities.
To abolish welfare in America would be considered racist, welfare is another form of affirmitive action.
I think if the government does any welfare it shouldnt just be a handout but the people should do something. Even most of the truly disabled and elderly can contribute in some way, even if its just reading books to children or something. (of course im excusing the blind there),

For the most part though i think welfare should be taking care of by private organizations. We shouldnt force people to support others it should be an act of compassion. If people want to donate money to the poor they should be allowed to. if not well they shouldnt be forced to. I believe if you give men a choice many will choose to help.
Big D said:
True, but my point is by far it is people of hispanic and black races that abuse the welfare system overwelmingly.

Ofcourse they would reply: Socio-economics determine that we have a far more difficult time getting jobs.
Also, wrt Hispanics being on the dole (do you use that term in the US for welfare?), maybe it is because many of them are recent arrivals in the US and don't speak English very well?
8236 said:
Ofcourse they would reply: Socio-economics determine that we have a far more difficult time getting jobs.
Also, wrt Hispanics being on the dole (do you use that term in the US for welfare?), maybe it is because many of them are recent arrivals in the US and don't speak English very well?
I don't know where your from but here in America we have millions of mexicans illegally invading America in hopes of getting welfare or (dole).
Welfare, as practiced in this country, should be abolished.

I have no problem with my tax dollars being used to provide such services as:

- child care for people to look for work, go to work or go to school
- medical care - in emergency situations
- low cost insurance for the maintenance of health
- transportation to look for work, go to work or to school
- low cost loans for education funding
- emergency food and shelter

I think that the people using these services should be required to volunteer time towards providing them for others.
Avatar4321 said:
I think if the government does any welfare it shouldnt just be a handout but the people should do something. Even most of the truly disabled and elderly can contribute in some way, even if its just reading books to children or something. (of course im excusing the blind there),

For the most part though i think welfare should be taking care of by private organizations. We shouldnt force people to support others it should be an act of compassion. If people want to donate money to the poor they should be allowed to. if not well they shouldnt be forced to. I believe if you give men a choice many will choose to help.

Well the blind can learn Braille can't they ;)

Private organisations for welfare? Would they be profitable? Would you like to be a shareholder? We had them in the UK 100 years ago: They were called 'The Workhouse'. Go read some Dickens. If that's the kinda place you wanna live - stepping over the dead corpses and abandoned babies in the street - well... eh... move to 3/4 of the rest of the world. You'd be bound to make a fast buck, handing out 'welfare'.
Big D said:
I don't know where your from but here in America we have millions of mexicans illegally invading America in hopes of getting welfare or (dole).

Yep, we have the same thing here (UK): lots of Afghans, Somalis, Iraqis, Bosnians, Kosovans (no mexicans). Not making a statement pro or con just coming up with a possible reason for them being on welfare in addition to the (obvious) blagging opportunity.
Two extra money just because you added yet another child to the 'family'...sorry.
I do think welfare should assist in further education....but keeping to that two years....helping you find a job...just have one in two years....and you have to wait at least two more years before you can back on it again...but only after much paperwork....
Too many people are lazy in this country...what a sorry life huh? Just sit around and collect money from the tax sad??? What on earth would they say about you when you finally die??- Well, at least he ate....

Oh and you have to be a citizen of this country - no citizenship - no money.

Or we could be more like there is a route to try huh?
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