Should we believe Obama's MSM sources of wiretapping of Trump by Obama?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In the immediate following former CBS news reporter provides an article about how often Obama claims he learned about events,etc. from the MSM thus believing them to be true. So if Obama believes the MSM stories, shouldn't we believe the following exhibits supporting Trump's wire tapping contention?

It’s a remarkable irony: the same U.S. president whose administration has gone to great lengths to monitor journalists, whistleblowers and the public, claims to be oddly in the dark regarding basic information on some of his biggest controversies. Here are eight instances in which President Obama said he heard it on the news—or way after-the-fact—just like ordinary Americans.
8 Times Obama Says He Was Way Out of the Loop | Sharyl Attkisson

So should we believe the MSM articles as Obama did in the above ?

I really want to know who to believe....a former President who TOLD us he would use "tricks" ,"tactics" i.e. LIES...or our current President who is being accused of being a liar?

Mark Levin, former chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese.
“Exhibit 1, this is all public, Head Street:
two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community
have confirmed that the FBI sought and was granted a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA court,) this is spying, in October giving counter-intelligence permission to examine, quote, U.S. persons in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia
Let me go on. They say the first FISA request naming Trump was denied back in June, denied by the court,
but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was present of a server possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to Russian two banks.
“Now I know people are really hung up on Trump’s use of the words ‘wiretapping’ but how’d they get access to this information, does it really matter? Whether it was wiretapping, electronic surveillance or whatever it was how did they get access to this information?”

“Exhibit 2, the Guardian a well-known British paper, quote,
the Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court over the summer to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials.’”“Keep in mind this during a presidential election – the sitting president and the incumbent party is now investigating the presidential candidate of the Republican Party and his campaign.
The FISA court turned down the application asking the FBI and counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus.“According to one report the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October.

Exhibit 3, McCatchy
reported that the FBI and 5 other Obama administration agencies probed possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump.” McClatchy added the investigations had been going on for months. “The agencies involved are the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s financial crimes enforcement network, and representatives of the Director of Nation Intelligence.” “Are you telling me Barack Obama didn’t know what was going on?”

Levin insisted on building on the case further.

Exhibit 4. “The New York Times,
‘intercepted Russian communications part of an inquiry into Trump associate, January 19. The FBI is leading the investigations aided by the NSA, the CIA, Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but they have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing. Listen to this, one official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.”
Exhibit 5. “The New York Times,
Let’s continue, New York Times again, NSA gets more latitude to share intercepted communications in the final days of the Obama administration. The administration has expanded the power of the NSA to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s sixteen other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
“Why would he do this on the way out the door?

Exhibit 6.
Obama administration rushed to preserve intelligence of Russian election hacking. In the Obama administration’s last days, listen to this, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Trump and Russians across the government. “I’m not done!
Exhibit 7. New York Times,
‘Flynn is said to have talked to Russians about sanctions Trump took office.’ Where’d they get this information? “Here we have the Washington Post, March 2nd, U.S. investigators have examined contacts Attorney General Sessions had with Russian officials during the time he was advising Donald Trump’s campaign. The focus of the U.S. counter intelligence investigation has been on communication between Trump campaign officials and Russia. “Now listen to this. The inquiry against Sessions is examining his contacts while serving as Trump’s foreign policy advisor in the SPRING and summer of 2016!”
“This has been going on for a year!”

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If the FISA Court eventually approved the tap, why wouldn't it happen? What evidence was presented to the FISA Court? What Comey and Clapper are saying doesn't match the FISA Court records. Someone is lying.
The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. If Obie were an R and Trump a D, Obie would be arrested by now.
I purposely included the former CBS reporter's story about Obama relying on the MSM for news.
So if the MSM's articles were used by Obama to make policy decisions... then should we not believe the articles that the MSM shows regarding FISA,etc.???
The New York Times reported Obama’s staff purposely spread information throughout the administration that could hurt Trump, though they said the goal was to make sure the info wasn’t buried.

Critics say Trump’s wiretap claim is baseless, but what is truly lacking in solid evidence is the claim that there was some sort of collusion between Trump or his aides and Russian officials to hijack the election. Yet that’s all Trump’s foes (and much of the press) want to talk about.

Remember, too: Team Obama has a record of abusing power for political gain, as when the IRS targeted conservative groups.

At this point, it’s hard to know for sure if Trump Tower was actually bugged, and if so, who authorized the tapping and why. But given Team Obama’s record — and the never-ending bid to overturn the election — there’s little doubt why Trump might think the worst.
If a FISA tapped phone conversations between Trump and Russians, then Trump has access to those conversations. He can prove his claim if he wants to.
Is Obama just mad that Putin is now courting Trump and has dumped Obama?

Obama is a spurned ex-bf of Putin?
I want someone to explain to me then, if as Comey/Clapper/Obama said there was no wiretapping, then how do they know so much about Russian/Trump collusion?
Oh.. right... GOPers meetings with Russians.
How then did the FBI/Obama/ know this and if so why not the times Pelosi/Schumer/ had Russian meetings?
The second request is said to have been granted,
despite the fact that FBI sources did not believe these servers to be of actual national security or possess any illegal ties to Russia.
The notion that this second FISA warrant was granted is highly significant as they exist to investigate cases when Foreign Intelligence is suspected of operations in the US.

The implication is that Trump or one of his employees was secretly functioning as a Russian-sanctioned spy (which is obviously absurd).
However illegitimate the request was, the granting of said FISA request allows the government major access:

Pursuant to FISA, the Court entertains applications submitted by the United States Government for approval of electronic surveillance, physical search, and other investigative actions for foreign intelligence purposes. Most of the Court’s work is conducted ex parte as required by statute, and due to the need to protect classified national security information.
REPORT: FBI Said to Have ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ To Wiretap TRUMP Tower… MSM Claims Trump “Provided No Evidence”

So there is supposedly a FISA order for Trump wiretapping.
I want someone to explain to me then, if as Comey/Clapper/Obama said there was no wiretapping, then how do they know so much about Russian/Trump collusion?
Here is the funny part.

Now that the WIRETAP story is out, People like Clapper are saying there was NO RUSSIAN\TRUMP COLLUSION, and NO WIRETAPPING.

Interesting how people change their stories.

They never would show us any evidence anyways. I am still waiting for THE DNC to let someone look at their server.

2nd part:

1st FISA request to spy on Trump was denied and the Administration was nearly laughed out of the room.

They tried again using different tactics, and primarily relied on The Accusation (without proof) that Russia Hacked THE DNC server.

The FISA request was approved. Now FISA is for surveillance on Foreign Nationals, not US that is interesting in itself.

But the most interesting part is that apparently they found nothing, but kept the wire tap on anyways after it expired even though they were supposed to remove it.

That is a Felony.
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If the FISA Court eventually approved the tap, why wouldn't it happen? What evidence was presented to the FISA Court? What Comey and Clapper are saying doesn't match the FISA Court records. Someone is lying.
Agreed. There is a lot of Congressional oversight of our intelligence groups, but they are also bound by security which is why we rarely see members of the Intelligence Committees commenting politically on such things. If there is something wrong, someone, sometime will spill the beans. I'm content to let our American working for our intelligence agencies and the bipartisan Congressional committees to figure it out.
Oh.. right... GOPers meetings with Russians.
How then did the FBI/Obama/ know this and if so why not the times Pelosi/Schumer/ had Russian meetings?
My understanding is that current laws allow all foreign calls to be monitored even if one party of the call is an American.

I want someone to explain to me then, if as Comey/Clapper/Obama said there was no wiretapping, then how do they know so much about Russian/Trump collusion?
Again, my understanding is that they weren't "wiretapping" Trump but were monitoring the Russians, Iranians, Chinese and all other foreign groups.
If a FISA tapped phone conversations between Trump and Russians, then Trump has access to those conversations. He can prove his claim if he wants to.

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If the FISA Court eventually approved the tap, why wouldn't it happen? What evidence was presented to the FISA Court? What Comey and Clapper are saying doesn't match the FISA Court records. Someone is lying.
Didn't the FISA court approve "tapping" a connection between a Trump org server and a Russian bank? Isn't that the only FISA order that was approved? That server was apparently not even in Trump Tower, but it didn't include any phones or any of Trump's people, or Trump. It was a bank/computer connection looked at, and determined to be benign.
I want someone to explain to me then, if as Comey/Clapper/Obama said there was no wiretapping, then how do they know so much about Russian/Trump collusion?
Here is the funny part.

Now that the WIRETAP story is out, People like Clapper are saying there was NO RUSSIAN\TRUMP COLLUSION, and NO WIRETAPPING.

Interesting how people change their stories.

They never would show us any evidence anyways. I am still waiting for THE DNC to let someone look at their server.

2nd part:

1st FISA request to spy on Trump was denied and the Administration was nearly laughed out of the room.

They tried again using different tactics, and primarily relied on The Accusation (without proof) that Russia Hacked THE DNC server.

The FISA request was approved. Now FISA is for surveillance on Foreign Nationals, not US that is interesting in itself.

But the most interesting part is that apparently they found nothing, but kept the wire tap on anyways after it expired even though they were supposed to remove it.

That is a Felony.
apparently they found nothing, but kept the wire tap on anyways after it expired even though they were supposed to remove it.
Where did you get that information from?
the traitor in chief once again made some shit up and blew it out his ass, he hasn't one ounce of substantiation or proof.
If it were classified fact he could immediately declassify it and give it to the Washington Post, NYT, FOX,MSNBC, etc, proving Obama to be a felon...
Surprisingly...crickets from the WH...his handlers have told him to stfu!!!

Funny the way conservative posters on this board will side with a proven liar and traitor just because he pushed a hate Obama campaign.

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