Should Trump and Staff Be Charged with Aiding and Abetting Terrorism?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?

You shameless piles of shit are so entertaining. Let me grab the popcorn.
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?
Biggest pile of LibTard Hor$e$hit I've seen in quite some time.

Please demonstrate how the Imperial Cheeto and his minions have been 'aiding and abetting and supporting and encouraging' the Alt Right et al?

Please be certain that it is nonpartisan in nature and credible and neutrally provided or acquired and substantively and incontrovertibly demonstrates your claim.

Incontrovertibly... wherein even those reluctant to agree that such a state of affairs exists, have no sincere recourse but to accept the premise.

Ready... set... GO.
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?
This is the most hate filled STUPID thing i have seen on this forum in a month.
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?

Sure, lets expand Mueller's "investigation" into colluding with right wingers, since all right wingers are evidently neo-Nazi terrorists.
Let's finish sorting out Trump's impeachment first.

Haha...yeah, cause that's gonna happen.
When "Russia Gate" is deemed to be a huge waste of taxpayer cash and is thrown out how many of your peeps will eat a bullet? Where will you go from there? Hahaha
Let's finish sorting out Trump's impeachment first.

Haha...yeah, cause that's gonna happen.
When "Russia Gate" is deemed to be a huge waste of taxpayer cash and is thrown out how many of your peeps will eat a bullet? Where will you go from there? Hahaha
How many bullets did you eat after 8 failed Benghazi investigations and a years long e-mail obsession?

Besides, the FBI sparked the Trump-Russia investigation, not partisan reality stars like you inbred bootlickers relied on.
Let's finish sorting out Trump's impeachment first.

Haha...yeah, cause that's gonna happen.
When "Russia Gate" is deemed to be a huge waste of taxpayer cash and is thrown out how many of your peeps will eat a bullet? Where will you go from there? Hahaha
How many bullets did you eat after 8 failed Benghazi investigations and a years long e-mail obsession?

Besides, the FBI sparked the Trump-Russia investigation, not partisan reality stars like you inbred bootlickers relied on.

Sorry bud...I stopped playing; "I know you are but what am I" in third grade.
What will you turn to? How many bullets?
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?

Is there a special kind of drug you take that helps you come up with shit like this? Or is it sleep-deprivation followed by too much coffee? What?
Let's finish sorting out Trump's impeachment first.

Haha...yeah, cause that's gonna happen.
When "Russia Gate" is deemed to be a huge waste of taxpayer cash and is thrown out how many of your peeps will eat a bullet? Where will you go from there? Hahaha
How many bullets did you eat after 8 failed Benghazi investigations and a years long e-mail obsession?

Besides, the FBI sparked the Trump-Russia investigation, not partisan reality stars like you inbred bootlickers relied on.

Sorry bud...I stopped playing; "I know you are but what am I" in third grade.
What will you turn to? How many bullets?
Get back to me after the trial
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?

Is there a special kind of drug you take that helps you come up with shit like this? Or is it sleep-deprivation followed by too much coffee? What?
Well, from reading these threads it seems like a lot of folks think trump and his staff should be held responsible for having a significant role in the rise in popularity and acceptance of the terrorist right. That is even what David Duke said and he is a leader in the right wing terrorist movement and trump cult. I thought a thread like this would be a good place for the topic to be discussed. It isn't like I am making up an issue or topic that doesn't exist.
Let's finish sorting out Trump's impeachment first.

Haha...yeah, cause that's gonna happen.
When "Russia Gate" is deemed to be a huge waste of taxpayer cash and is thrown out how many of your peeps will eat a bullet? Where will you go from there? Hahaha
How many bullets did you eat after 8 failed Benghazi investigations and a years long e-mail obsession?

Besides, the FBI sparked the Trump-Russia investigation, not partisan reality stars like you inbred bootlickers relied on.

Sorry bud...I stopped playing; "I know you are but what am I" in third grade.
What will you turn to? How many bullets?
Get back to me after the trial it...will do.
Loons better get to work though...better have a back-up plan in the works...maybe the spun-out OP is on to something...haha
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?

Probably not, focus on Obstruction of Justice, a much easier nexus to prove. Imagine his tweets being introduced as the state's exhibits 1 through 10,000. The man has hung himself and the only reason Articles of Impeachment have not been drawn up is Ryan has no balls and is more concerned with his ambition than the country at large.

His tax records may be his undoing too, consider how Scare face Al Capone ended up at The Rock.
What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?

Is there a special kind of drug you take that helps you come up with shit like this? Or is it sleep-deprivation followed by too much coffee? What?
Well, from reading these threads it seems like a lot of folks think trump and his staff should be held responsible for having a significant role in the rise in popularity and acceptance of the terrorist right. That is even what David Duke said and he is a leader in the right wing terrorist movement and trump cult. I thought a thread like this would be a good place for the topic to be discussed. It isn't like I am making up an issue or topic that doesn't exist.

The whole premise is silly when you consider that the loser of November's election actually did aid and abet not only terrorists like ISIS, but communists.
Let's finish sorting out Trump's impeachment first.

Haha...yeah, cause that's gonna happen.
When "Russia Gate" is deemed to be a huge waste of taxpayer cash and is thrown out how many of your peeps will eat a bullet? Where will you go from there? Hahaha
How many bullets did you eat after 8 failed Benghazi investigations and a years long e-mail obsession?

Besides, the FBI sparked the Trump-Russia investigation, not partisan reality stars like you inbred bootlickers relied on.

What do you think? Does the aiding and abetting, support and encouragement of the alt right, neo nazi, nationalist white supremacist by the President and his staff constitute aiding and abetting to the level of instigating legal proceedings against them?

Probably not, focus on Obstruction of Justice, a much easier nexus to prove. Imagine his tweets being introduced as the state's exhibits 1 through 10,000. The man has hung himself and the only reason Articles of Impeachment have not been drawn up is Ryan has no balls and is more concerned with his ambition than the country at large.

His tax records may be his undoing too, consider how Scare face Al Capone ended up at The Rock.

Oh make no mistake about it Wry Catcher is definitely taking one to the mouth when "Russia Gate" goes case closed...haha
Should democrat leaders be charged with attempted murder in the shooting of Republican majority whip Steve Scalise and half a dozen others on June 14th at a baseball game? We know who James Hodgkinson was. He was a democrat political activist and strong supporter of Bernie Sanders. Who did Hodgkinson communicate with while he was living out of his van a month prior to the shootings? Democrats ain't talking and the FBI doesn't seem interested. What do we know about the guy who drove into a crowd of people in Charlottesville? Not much at this point but we do know that automobile assault is the favorite technique of left wing terrorists.

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