Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

More taxes are needed for more social justice programs, and more govt employees to run, regulate and decide who gets the handouts.

No matter the cost comrades !

Or just to fund the programs the GOP Gov't gave US?
Free healthcare, free college, free housing, free food for all !!!! Lol

Sorry Bubba, it was "free wars, free Medicare expansion and free tax cuts"
You really are a spoiled brat.... why do you want your kids to live a worse life then yours?

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More taxes are needed for more social justice programs, and more govt employees to run, regulate and decide who gets the handouts.

No matter the cost comrades !

Or just to fund the programs the GOP Gov't gave US?
Free healthcare, free college, free housing, free food for all !!!! Lol

Sorry Bubba, it was "free wars, free Medicare expansion and free tax cuts"
You really are a spoiled brat.... why do you want your kids to live a worse life then yours?

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You mean thanks to 30+ years of Reaganomics/Bushanomics? True...
Sorry Bubba, it was "free wars, free Medicare expansion and free tax cuts"
You really are a spoiled brat.... why do you want your kids to live a worse life then yours?

Because he's an ideological idiot who either doesn't get it or just doesn't care.

More right wing projection

PLEASE however give me ONE POLICY CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? Just one Bubs?
More taxes are needed for more social justice programs, and more govt employees to run, regulate and decide who gets the handouts.

No matter the cost comrades !

Or just to fund the programs the GOP Gov't gave US?
Free healthcare, free college, free housing, free food for all !!!! Lol

Sorry Bubba, it was "free wars, free Medicare expansion and free tax cuts"
You really are a spoiled brat.... why do you want your kids to live a worse life then yours?

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You mean thanks to 30+ years of Reaganomics/Bushanomics? True...
Dummy it is called economics. just because you are spoiled and lazy doesn't change reality

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More taxes are needed for more social justice programs, and more govt employees to run, regulate and decide who gets the handouts.

No matter the cost comrades !

Or just to fund the programs the GOP Gov't gave US?
Free healthcare, free college, free housing, free food for all !!!! Lol

Sorry Bubba, it was "free wars, free Medicare expansion and free tax cuts"
You really are a spoiled brat.... why do you want your kids to live a worse life then yours?

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You mean thanks to 30+ years of Reaganomics/Bushanomics? True...
Dummy it is called economics. just because you are spoiled and lazy doesn't change reality

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Tax Increases.... For GROWTH !!!!


FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

Of course, far from bringing the Doomsday of which Republicans were warning, Clinton’s policies ushered in the longest sustained period of economic growth in the nation’s history, with 23 million jobs created. Compared to the administration of George W. Bush, the Clinton-era saw more job growth, more GDP growth, more wage growth, and more business investment. Incomes grew under Clinton but fell under Bush, while poverty did the opposite, falling under Clinton but increasing under Bush.

Oh, and Clinton balanced the budget for the first time since 1969. On May 27, 1993, Rep. Robert Michel (R-IL) said “[Americans] will remember who set loose this dreadful virus into the economic bloodstream of our nation.”

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

Its civil servants and bureaucrats that reallly create oppurtunity, expansion, productivity , growth and wealth....

Every sniveling little marxist understands this ! Lol
More taxes are needed for more social justice programs, and more govt employees to run, regulate and decide who gets the handouts.

No matter the cost comrades !

Or just to fund the programs the GOP Gov't gave US?
Free healthcare, free college, free housing, free food for all !!!! Lol

Sorry Bubba, it was "free wars, free Medicare expansion and free tax cuts"
You really are a spoiled brat.... why do you want your kids to live a worse life then yours?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You mean thanks to 30+ years of Reaganomics/Bushanomics? True...
Dummy it is called economics. just because you are spoiled and lazy doesn't change reality

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So you posts pictures of a comedian and a college professor nether which has a real job and a cartoon and that is suppose to prove me wrong? You wear velcro shoes don't you?

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Let's end the capital gains distinction whenever the private sector reports unfilled labor positions for more than one quarter.
You hate freedom don't you?

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Who's freedom are you referring to? The "one percent" or the "ninety-nine" percent in our fine And glorious Republic.

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