Should the republican party move towards a Rockeffeller Republican type party?


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
if they did, i would likely join the party again and i think the party numbers would surge.

what do you guys think?
if they did, i would likely join the party again and i think the party numbers would surge.

what do you guys think?

You mean telling the RW christian taliban to get bent? Far too late for that stuff.

RW Christian taliban? Oh fuck off kid. :lol:

They share most of the same social ideals and differ only by degree. They have ruined what was once a relatively sane political party making you all seem rather schizophrenic by association. Sometimes the republican party will in the same breath say they want to keep government out of our lives and then want to police our bedrooms and wombs, make up your minds.
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The democrat party is in charge and the freaking Country is going down the drain. Shouldn't the democrat party abandon their radical revolutionary base and the extortion scheme of global warming and come back to the mainstream?
You mean telling the RW christian taliban to get bent? Far too late for that stuff.

RW Christian taliban? Oh fuck off kid. :lol:

They share most of the same social ideals and differ only by degree. They have ruined what was once a relatively sane political party making you all seem rather schizophrenic by association. Sometimes the republican party will in the same breath say they want to keep government out of our lives and then want to police our bedrooms and wombs, make up your minds.

Are you crazy? For true? And what's with the blather on schizophrenic ? You are throwing off a term that doesn't matter and by the way I can nail you to the wall on it .

Now you want to come at me. I have some time. I can rock with you.
RW Christian taliban? Oh fuck off kid. :lol:

They share most of the same social ideals and differ only by degree. They have ruined what was once a relatively sane political party making you all seem rather schizophrenic by association. Sometimes the republican party will in the same breath say they want to keep government out of our lives and then want to police our bedrooms and wombs, make up your minds.

Are you crazy? For true? And what's with the blather on schizophrenic ? You are throwing off a term that doesn't matter and by the way I can nail you to the wall on it .

Now you want to come at me. I have some time. I can rock with you.

I was plenty clear enough for even a child, letting the moral majority crowd into the republican tent was the worst thing to happen to your party since it's founding. It's what has the Keep government out of our lives tea party crowd wasting time on abortion bans and creationist textbooks and putting down gay marriage and a host of other religious social agendas that don't mean squat except as a means to keep the bible belt hypocrites hauling their overfed asses to the polls.
RW Christian taliban? Oh fuck off kid. :lol:

They share most of the same social ideals and differ only by degree. They have ruined what was once a relatively sane political party making you all seem rather schizophrenic by association. Sometimes the republican party will in the same breath say they want to keep government out of our lives and then want to police our bedrooms and wombs, make up your minds.

Are you crazy? For true? And what's with the blather on schizophrenic ? You are throwing off a term that doesn't matter and by the way I can nail you to the wall on it .

Now you want to come at me. I have some time. I can rock with you.

Where did you go?:confused:
if they did, i would likely join the party again and i think the party numbers would surge.

what do you guys think?

No, you would not. You have been hanging with the TPM reactionaries as is common knowledge.

I would prefer to see a robust Gerald Ford wing who is not hesitant about keep the TPMs under its heel and primarying out their candidates next Spring.
if they did, i would likely join the party again and i think the party numbers would surge.

what do you guys think?

Well let's see. What did the Rockefeller wing of the GOP get us:
Enormous explosion in government agencies, like EPA
Complicated tax code
Wage and price controls
WIN buttons
Vietnam War
Steel tariffs (Yes, Bush was very familiar with the Rockefeller wing).

Why the fuck would anyone vote for that??
if they did, i would likely join the party again and i think the party numbers would surge.

what do you guys think?

No, you would not. You have been hanging with the TPM reactionaries as is common knowledge.

I would prefer to see a robust Gerald Ford wing who is not hesitant about keep the TPMs under its heel and primarying out their candidates next Spring.

If those kinds of republicans exist anymore they are not numerous or vocal enough to make any difference to conservative voters who seem to like their candidates to practice a particularly virulent form of hateful patriotism and be hypocritically self-righteous.
if they did, i would likely join the party again and i think the party numbers would surge.

what do you guys think?

No, you would not. You have been hanging with the TPM reactionaries as is common knowledge.

I would prefer to see a robust Gerald Ford wing who is not hesitant about keep the TPMs under its heel and primarying out their candidates next Spring.

you know jake, i gave you a list of my beliefs that are right in line with RR's and you still have the nerve to lie and claim i'm with the tpm reactionaries. there are some beliefs they have that are also inline with RR's.

kindly stay out of this thread because all you're going to do is troll and lie and this is a grown up discussion.


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