Should the H1B Immigration Program be Eliminated?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The lefties here scream about outsourcing. Well, here's your chance to crow. Look at what Edison is doing.

I thing the program should be eliminated like Sen Sessions and others suggest

A loophole in immigration law is costing thousands of American jobs - LA Times

The H-1B program has turned into a scam for outsourcing firms and their U.S. clients. Congress must fix it so it serves its original purpose. Instead, a measure introduced by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) would increase the number of available H-1B visas to 115,000 per year. Democrats Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), whose state is home to Cargill, and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, where Northeast Utilities announced plans last year to outsource some 200 IT jobs, have signed on as co-sponsors. But critics say the bill would do almost nothing to stem the abuses.

Some pushback is coming from legislators such as Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.); Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa); and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.).

Sessions asked, in a "primer" for his GOP colleagues last month, why Congress should ever consider "advancing legislation that provides jobs for the citizens of other countries at the expense of our own."

As it stands now, the H-1B program works chiefly for employers looking for new ways to fire older, experienced workers. One laid-off Edison worker put it best: "When you are referred to as a commodity or a cost, not even treated as a human being, it's pretty degrading."
This is exactly the wrong approach and Sen Sessions, who's pretty smart, should be ashamed.
We need to eliminate the caps on the program. Businesses need well trained smart employees. A nd if they cant find them here they will find them in other countries. Eliminating or capping the visas will cause companies simply to ship the work overseas, rather than bring workers here.
It's stupid shit like this that makes me despair for the GOP.
It's a sad state of affairs that we in the USA don't have enough educated people here for businesses to hire....and other 3rd world countries do....according to the rabbi....

It's about saving money for the businesses.....nothing else. We have millions of college grads that are underemployed and unemployed.

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