Should sex offenders be absolved from public stigma?

No, it's not possible to keep it under control. Which is why pedos must be closely monitored and clearly identified as what they are.

Of course they should be monitored, even after being released from prison, but I imagine that there are thousands of potential pedophiles out there right now who have not acted on their impulses.

Pedophilia is not like smoking. The evidence of how often offenders reoffend shows that stopping is not simply a willpower issue.
I think you have it backwards: Just as recovering alcoholics admit that they are not "currently" drinking, pedophiles need to remember their addiction in order to keep it under control. That being said, the term "sex offender" is probably too broadly used in today's hypersensitive culture.

anyone who has ever learned anything about pedophilia knows that it is impossible for a pedophile to keep himself under control. recidivism is almost guaranteed if they aren't imprisoned or chemically castrated.

I think its possible to keep it under control. Just like it is possible to quit smoking, or taking drugs. Its hard, but you can do it. If you end up molesting a child, your willpower has failed you.

I am afraid that willpower is a less than acceptable barrier between a pedophile's urges and the safety of our children. I fail to see the validity, either logical or moral in an argument for trusting the freewill of an individual who has preyed on a child. I've known a few addicts who claimed to be on or off the wizard's "magic" depending on whether or not evidence of their true disposition was readily visible. Equating the consequences of falling off the wagon to a pedophile assaulting another child is an extremely callous and dangerous comparison.
Detailed documentation of how Alfred Kinsey (The Kinsey reports: 1948 and 1953), a pornography-addicted, sadomasochistic, bi/homosexual pedophile propagandist was able to launch the sexual revolution, reduce sex crime penalties and sabotage American sex law.
ALEC explains how the states adopted Kinsey's bad data into law, penology and social issues, especially promoting its application in "sex education" and sex ed curricula.
More specifically, Kinseyan law "revisers" ended our American Common Law sexual controls via:
  • Sex law Revision Commissions using Kinsey and his therapeutic elites as consultants
  • Bar, law school journal and media articles relying on Kinsey
  • Creation of the 1955 Kinsey-based American Law Institute Model Penal Code
  • Redefining sexual predators as "ill" and in need of therapeutic/drug cures and early parole.
Conclusions are based on data from 30 states, focusing on six states: Missouri, Kentucky, New Jersey, Kansas, Minnesota and Georgia. For example, in Missouri revisionists redefined rape as 11 different crimes yielding more than 11 different adjudication issues and sentences.
  • Rapist(s) can now plea-bargain for a substantially lesser offense (e.g., sexual misconduct or simple assault).
  • In other cases, offenders simply pay a misdemeanor fine, avoiding the "sex crime" stigma.
  • Like all states, to make these changes, Missouri relied on the Kinsey-based 1955 ALI Model Penal Code
Other states Law Journals cite the Kinsey Report data to:
  • Legalize prostitution (Maine, 1976)
  • Trivialize boy prostitution (Duke University, 1960)
  • Lighten all sex crime penalties (Ohio, 1959)
  • Express "beneficent concern for pedophiles" (Georgia, 1969)
  • Aid molesters as children seduce men (Missouri, 1973, Tennessee, 1965)
  • Reject judicial "condemnation of sex offenders" (Pennsylvania, 1952)
  • Assert that 95% of males are sex offenders (Oregon, 1972)
  • Reduce, eliminate most sex crime laws, including rape (Oklahoma, 1970)
  • Legalize homosexuality (South Dakota, 1968)
  • Legalize sodomy if 10%-37% of males have been homosexual (most journals)
  • Ridicule virtue, honor, chastity as unrealistic (Playboy's Hefner; Colorado, 1967)
The massive increase in juvenile and adult sexual crime and disorder post 1950 fully identifies the painfully high costs of Kinsey's "junk science" to society."

Aristotle is campaigning to remove the stigma of child molestation with this thread.

Concerned Women for America - ALEC Exposes Kinsey's Role in Sabotaging American Law
Yes, and not only is this that you have very well written about a serious problem for America, but many things in our society have been reformed in ways that allow the downplaying of many things that are and will always be totally wrongheaded and wrong in our society, but why do they try and downplay these things ? Why was this done over time in America ? Is it that a generation was born amongst us over a period of time, that became wise over these things, and had evolved in an evil & devilish way ? Much of this stuff is totally un-exceptable/bad/wrong, but somehow the devil has seperated the people from their common decency and their senses anymore, and therefore the reality of these things and their consequences afterwards are upon them, and these culprits/minions have duped many into playing along within this game of destruction, as he is known to all as one slick devil in which we can easily see now why there was no place for him in Heaven or for his kind of thinkers, and there never will be. It is written!

Just follow the trail backwards as to where it all began to develope, and then when it became toyed with in America, and then look at those who foolishly defend or protect these things in America today, in which is orchastrated by those who tried to ease this stuff upon the people over a long period of time now. Then follow it forward to the very culprits who still are trying to fool the people into subjecting themselves and their children to these things in which lead to very bad things down the road for them. They are alive and well in the world these demons, and we know who they are, but why can't we de-throne them for good if we know who they are ? Maybe not the whole world could we fix, but we can do better in our own part of it in which we have claimed as our part of it. The removal of God and prayer as is being attempted in America or is being done as we speak, is the final straw used by them, in which they hope to finally break the back of America in this attempt, and to send it all to Hell finally in which is the ultimate goal for them.
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This one person of society has to give a big NO. I can't give "absolution". They can take that up in the next world if they are a believer.
They can’t be cured so put radio collars on them. The government should make it a law that sex offenders have to have a GPS device surgically implanted by a physician somewhere where they can’t dig it out. The GPS chip should have a maintenance program and be closely monitored. Make them sign an agreement to wear the chip in order to gain freedom. The sex offender should have to pay for the device and maintenance program for the rest of their lives in order to be free in society. Its either that or stricter laws to keep them off the streets and in prisons longer.

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They can’t be cured so put radio collars on them. The government should make it a law that sex offenders have to have a GPS device surgically implanted by a physician somewhere where they can’t dig it out. The GPS chip should have a maintenance program and be closely monitored. Make them sign an agreement to wear the chip in order to gain freedom. The sex offender should have to pay for the device and maintenance program for the rest of their lives in order to be free in society. Its either that or stricter laws to keep them off the streets and in prisons longer.

Good Idea, just like I always say "FREEDOM", rights and privileges are earned in America, and they should never be just a given", especially to a pedophile, rapist or etc. along these lines.
No, it's not possible to keep it under control. Which is why pedos must be closely monitored and clearly identified as what they are.

Of course they should be monitored, even after being released from prison, but I imagine that there are thousands of potential pedophiles out there right now who have not acted on their impulses.

Pedophilia is not like smoking. The evidence of how often offenders reoffend shows that stopping is not simply a willpower issue.

I am not talking about reoffending. I think you are KG misunderstood me. I am speaking of those people who have urges but have NEVER acted on them. I think that once you act on them you pass the point of no return. Acting on your urges makes them harder to resist the next time.
They can’t be cured so put radio collars on them. The government should make it a law that sex offenders have to have a GPS device surgically implanted by a physician somewhere where they can’t dig it out. The GPS chip should have a maintenance program and be closely monitored. Make them sign an agreement to wear the chip in order to gain freedom. The sex offender should have to pay for the device and maintenance program for the rest of their lives in order to be free in society. Its either that or stricter laws to keep them off the streets and in prisons longer.


As long as you did that for EVERY criminal, not just sex offenders.
Why should every criminal be treated the same? Every crime is not the same. Thieves do not need to be monitored to make sure they aren't working at schools, for example, or hanging out at bowling alleys for the express purpose of grooming children.
Those people are irrelevant, and they are not the subject of the thread. This thread is about whether or not pedophiles who have been caught should be *stigmatized* or identified. Why you have wandered off to talk weird stuff about people who have never acted on their urges, thus have never been identified as pedophiles in the first place, is beyond me. Obviously, people who have never acted on their pedophile urges (or whatever) can't be monitored as they haven't done anything illegal. Try to stick to the topic.
They can’t be cured so put radio collars on them. The government should make it a law that sex offenders have to have a GPS device surgically implanted by a physician somewhere where they can’t dig it out. The GPS chip should have a maintenance program and be closely monitored. Make them sign an agreement to wear the chip in order to gain freedom. The sex offender should have to pay for the device and maintenance program for the rest of their lives in order to be free in society. Its either that or stricter laws to keep them off the streets and in prisons longer.


That whole ankle bracelet thing is already in place right now for criminals on house arrest and its a big joke, why do you think this would work for pedophiles? they just need to stay in jail anyways or in mental homes.
I believe that pedophiles should be absolved of the stigma they earned when their victims are all dead from old age. The victims of these and other sex-related crimes bend a person beyond the breaking point and then want to live like a human being - not as long as their victims have to live with the memory of what was done to them. That would be an insult to the victims - a second crime against them. What a load of hogwash. If an offender is lucky they will be killed in prison by folks who hate what they did more than they hate what put them in prison. If an offender is unfortunate enough to make it out of prison (s)he should be reminded every day of the lives they have ruined. They should be tagged for life and tracked where ever they go. People should be notified when they are living close. If they get within 100 feet of a playground or school they should be arrested for getting too close to children. If they ever repeat offend they should suffer the death penalty. Just two lives affected by these predators is more than enough to qualify for termination.
The preceeding response was from my very emotional side having been molested at age 5 and then told by my father that I was going to hell for it. That was two crimes against me. I forgave my dad because it was just more than he could deal with but the guy who mollested me... I can't forgive him for anything he has done to others before or since me. I forgave him but it was for my mental health - not his.
I say let the jury be picked from none that haven't been mollested. Let the victims choose the penalty.
They can’t be cured so put radio collars on them. The government should make it a law that sex offenders have to have a GPS device surgically implanted by a physician somewhere where they can’t dig it out. The GPS chip should have a maintenance program and be closely monitored. Make them sign an agreement to wear the chip in order to gain freedom. The sex offender should have to pay for the device and maintenance program for the rest of their lives in order to be free in society. Its either that or stricter laws to keep them off the streets and in prisons longer.


As long as you did that for EVERY criminal, not just sex offenders.
Oh so you are one of those ones that think sin is also equal to all sin equally, and it therefore should be treated as equal no matter eh ?

Typical liberal ideology fail.....Sorry bout that !
I believe that pedophiles should be absolved of the stigma they earned when their victims are all dead from old age. The victims of these and other sex-related crimes bend a person beyond the breaking point and then want to live like a human being - not as long as their victims have to live with the memory of what was done to them. That would be an insult to the victims - a second crime against them. What a load of hogwash. If an offender is lucky they will be killed in prison by folks who hate what they did more than they hate what put them in prison. If an offender is unfortunate enough to make it out of prison (s)he should be reminded every day of the lives they have ruined. They should be tagged for life and tracked where ever they go. People should be notified when they are living close. If they get within 100 feet of a playground or school they should be arrested for getting too close to children. If they ever repeat offend they should suffer the death penalty. Just two lives affected by these predators is more than enough to qualify for termination.
The preceeding response was from my very emotional side having been molested at age 5 and then told by my father that I was going to hell for it. That was two crimes against me. I forgave my dad because it was just more than he could deal with but the guy who mollested me... I can't forgive him for anything he has done to others before or since me. I forgave him but it was for my mental health - not his.
I say let the jury be picked from none that haven't been mollested. Let the victims choose the penalty.
A mark was placed on Cain in the Bible for murdering Abel his brother, and so it was that all the days of his life, he would be known by this mark.
How can a pedophile pay his "debt" to his victim?
How much jail time is worth the destruction of a persons ability to live a normal life?
How long does a memory last?
Society be damned! Sexual predators (including pedophiles) have a debt that can never be paid. Since keeping them in jail is not an option then let them try to live a normal life with the memory of what they did affecting the rest of their life the way it does the lives of their victims.
Certain sex offenses, including rape and child rape, used to be capital offenses. Which means perps got the death penalty.

Thanks to the kinder, gentlers laws for sex offenders that were ushered in through the 70s-80s by liberals, that is no longer the case. So when you have sex offenders being spit back repeatedly into the free world, you have a problem. Because they DO re-offend, and they DO pose an ongoing threat to the safety of others, specifically, children.

They're lucky to be out. They won't ever repay their debt to society; lifelong registration as a sex offender is the judgement, and it's why they get to walk among us. They should be grateful, and so should those who defend their right to "not be reminded" of their crimes.
To start, the classification system, at least in my state is completely flawed. Pulling up a "trusted" sex offender search online and yielding a result with a high level sex offender would naturally make me quite nervous. However, after working in the field of Criminal Defense Law I came to discover that the classification given to an offender is not based primarily upon the offense but on a brief assessment of about 12 qualifying factors could put a 19 year old engaging with a consenting under age girlfriend in the same category of a dangerous pedophile.

The fact that pedophilia is being compared to homosexuality is apples and oranges. I feel as though the differences are blatantly obvious but will explain my position. Homosexuality is a consensual act between two parties who are old enough and cognitively capable of choosing to engage in sexual conduct. Pedophilia involves sexual activity with someone who use not old enough to enter into such a rainfall commitment. The only time such lines would cross would be if the homosexual act involved pedophilia. In which case, that person's issue would lie in the attraction to a child not that he/se is a homosexual.

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