Should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

My question is: should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

I'm sensing a lot of Biblically-inspired hatred of gays on this forum, but I'm hoping that people of compassion and reason will rise to the occasion and reply "yes, they should be allowed to adopt kids!"

Maybe my hope in humanity is misplaced.

Me personally? I was orphaned when I was 8, passed around from foster family to foster family until I ran away to live with my Grandparents my last year of H.S., so yeah, I say let them adopt if they want. A stable family unit, even if it were two people of the same gender would have been a lot less strenuous on me as a kid than going through 3 different families.

And, my final tour in Norfolk, I rented a room from a lesbian couple for a couple of years. One of them had a daughter from a long ago marriage, and from everything I could see, she was a happy, healthy, outgoing young woman of 13 years old who was bright and well liked.

Incidentally, she also was seriously boy crazy and liked dudes, even though her mother and her mother's partner had been together for 10 years of her life, since she had been 3.

Nope, I see no problem with it. Not only would it give some kids who need a home like I did when I was growing up, but it also doesn't have any negative effect on kids that I could see during that 2 years I lived with them. Tawnya was a perfectly regular teen age girl, and both Cindy and Connie loved her very much and taught her well.
My question is: should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

I'm sensing a lot of Biblically-inspired hatred of gays on this forum, but I'm hoping that people of compassion and reason will rise to the occasion and reply "yes, they should be allowed to adopt kids!"

Maybe my hope in humanity is misplaced.

Me personally? I was orphaned when I was 8, passed around from foster family to foster family until I ran away to live with my Grandparents my last year of H.S., so yeah, I say let them adopt if they want. A stable family unit, even if it were two people of the same gender would have been a lot less strenuous on me as a kid than going through 3 different families.

And, my final tour in Norfolk, I rented a room from a lesbian couple for a couple of years. One of them had a daughter from a long ago marriage, and from everything I could see, she was a happy, healthy, outgoing young woman of 13 years old who was bright and well liked.

Incidentally, she also was seriously boy crazy and liked dudes, even though her mother and her mother's partner had been together for 10 years of her life, since she had been 3.

Nope, I see no problem with it. Not only would it give some kids who need a home like I did when I was growing up, but it also doesn't have any negative effect on kids that I could see during that 2 years I lived with them. Tawnya was a perfectly regular teen age girl, and both Cindy and Connie loved her very much and taught her well.
There is a distribution for everything.
My question is: should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

I'm sensing a lot of Biblically-inspired hatred of gays on this forum, but I'm hoping that people of compassion and reason will rise to the occasion and reply "yes, they should be allowed to adopt kids!"

Maybe my hope in humanity is misplaced.
Took one post didn't it. Americans will always require some out group to oppress, it's just who we are.
What "out group" is being oppressed in the OP??
Fuck off halfwit.
Could I request that we keep this civilized, and that when someone asks you an honest question that you respect them enough to at least give a legitimate (at least one sentence) answer? I don't always answer every single question posed to me, but I do try.
Nah, not here. If you couldn't figure it out fuck off.
Are you intellectual enough to give an informed response to the OP, mi amigo?

They can love children the same as heterosexuals
The Bible doesn't agree with you - so who is wrong, you or god/Bible?
aris2chat never cited the Bible. Thank God we don't live in a Theocracy. We have a secular government and it has served us well for 240 years now. 240 years while Theocracies have remained mired in repression for religion's sake.

But, to your question: should LNGT people be allowed to adopt kids, let me say this.

The vetting process by adoption agencies should be no different when considering heterosexual parents and same sex parents. If the adopters pass muster, if they are truly committed to building a loving family, if they have the means and the love to make an adopted child happy and loved, why not?

Pro-lifers always look to adoption as a solution to unwanted pregnancies. Why are many of those same people so worried about a same sex couple? The needs of the child are still there. If a couple can fulfill those needs, I say go with God.
They can take their children for walks.

They can teach discipline to their kids.
My question is: should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

I'm sensing a lot of Biblically-inspired hatred of gays on this forum, but I'm hoping that people of compassion and reason will rise to the occasion and reply "yes, they should be allowed to adopt kids!"

Maybe my hope in humanity is misplaced.

Me personally? I was orphaned when I was 8, passed around from foster family to foster family until I ran away to live with my Grandparents my last year of H.S., so yeah, I say let them adopt if they want. A stable family unit, even if it were two people of the same gender would have been a lot less strenuous on me as a kid than going through 3 different families.

And, my final tour in Norfolk, I rented a room from a lesbian couple for a couple of years. One of them had a daughter from a long ago marriage, and from everything I could see, she was a happy, healthy, outgoing young woman of 13 years old who was bright and well liked.

Incidentally, she also was seriously boy crazy and liked dudes, even though her mother and her mother's partner had been together for 10 years of her life, since she had been 3.

Nope, I see no problem with it. Not only would it give some kids who need a home like I did when I was growing up, but it also doesn't have any negative effect on kids that I could see during that 2 years I lived with them. Tawnya was a perfectly regular teen age girl, and both Cindy and Connie loved her very much and taught her well.
Regressives never see a problem that places children in bizarre environments.
Took one post didn't it. Americans will always require some out group to oppress, it's just who we are.
What "out group" is being oppressed in the OP??
Fuck off halfwit.
Could I request that we keep this civilized, and that when someone asks you an honest question that you respect them enough to at least give a legitimate (at least one sentence) answer? I don't always answer every single question posed to me, but I do try.
Nah, not here. If you couldn't figure it out fuck off.
Are you intellectual enough to give an informed response to the OP, mi amigo?
Fentoon will never give you an answer.
They seem more loving than those that say that gays should NOT be allowed to adopt.
So then you've answered your own question. Now you can go back to gay central and report.
I'm not gay, myself - I just have adopted (did I just do that) the Scientific Humanist principle of "love everybody", so I love them too much to deny them the right to adopt. They are not hurting me, so I don't want to hurt them by denying them the right to be a loving parent. Hopefully that makes sense.
They seem more loving than those that say that gays should NOT be allowed to adopt.
So then you've answered your own question. Now you can go back to gay central and report.
I'm not gay, myself - I just have adopted (did I just do that) the Scientific Humanist principle of "love everybody", so I love them too much to deny them the right to adopt. They are not hurting me, so I don't want to hurt them by denying them the right to be a loving parent. Hopefully that makes sense.
The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
What "out group" is being oppressed in the OP??
Fuck off halfwit.
Could I request that we keep this civilized, and that when someone asks you an honest question that you respect them enough to at least give a legitimate (at least one sentence) answer? I don't always answer every single question posed to me, but I do try.
Nah, not here. If you couldn't figure it out fuck off.
Are you intellectual enough to give an informed response to the OP, mi amigo?
Fentoon will never give you an answer.
Then I'm pretty sure Fenton hates gays - let's move beyond the Biblical and Quranical hatred of gays, into a loving new world of tolerance.
What "out group" is being oppressed in the OP??
Fuck off halfwit.
Could I request that we keep this civilized, and that when someone asks you an honest question that you respect them enough to at least give a legitimate (at least one sentence) answer? I don't always answer every single question posed to me, but I do try.
Nah, not here. If you couldn't figure it out fuck off.
Are you intellectual enough to give an informed response to the OP, mi amigo?
Fentoon will never give you an answer.
Stupid question, stupid reponses by folks drunk on their own hubris. None of anyone's business. Get lives of your own.
They seem more loving than those that say that gays should NOT be allowed to adopt.
So then you've answered your own question. Now you can go back to gay central and report.
I'm not gay, myself - I just have adopted (did I just do that) the Scientific Humanist principle of "love everybody", so I love them too much to deny them the right to adopt. They are not hurting me, so I don't want to hurt them by denying them the right to be a loving parent. Hopefully that makes sense.
The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
Not a communist, as we believe in freedom (economic freedom would be a part of that.)
It's not "hostility" towards religions, but rather knowing a better way, a way that is better for the world and for humanity, mi amigo. One based on science, reason, critical thinking, not on faith, fear, and authority, for example.
My question is: should LGBT people be allowed to adopt kids?

I'm sensing a lot of Biblically-inspired hatred of gays on this forum, but I'm hoping that people of compassion and reason will rise to the occasion and reply "yes, they should be allowed to adopt kids!"

Maybe my hope in humanity is misplaced.
I don't think PEOPLE hate gays.

But obviously GOD does.

They seem more loving than those that say that gays should NOT be allowed to adopt.
So then you've answered your own question. Now you can go back to gay central and report.
I'm not gay, myself - I just have adopted (did I just do that) the Scientific Humanist principle of "love everybody", so I love them too much to deny them the right to adopt. They are not hurting me, so I don't want to hurt them by denying them the right to be a loving parent. Hopefully that makes sense.
just have adopted (did I just do that) the Scientific Humanist principle of "love everybody",
They seem more loving than those that say that gays should NOT be allowed to adopt.
So then you've answered your own question. Now you can go back to gay central and report.
I'm not gay, myself - I just have adopted (did I just do that) the Scientific Humanist principle of "love everybody", so I love them too much to deny them the right to adopt. They are not hurting me, so I don't want to hurt them by denying them the right to be a loving parent. Hopefully that makes sense.
The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
Not a communist, as we believe in freedom (economic freedom would be a part of that.)
It's not "hostility" towards religions, but rather knowing a better way, a way that is better for the world and for humanity, mi amigo. One based on science, reason, critical thinking, not on faith, fear, and authority, for example.
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Basically... they are liars.

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