Should global warming alarmists be put in prison or just executed?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Alarmists and their conspiracy theories, typically anti-intellectual, anti-captialist conspiratial rhetoric in denial of the scientific facts and evidence indicating the natural factors which play a role in climate change, showing their anti-science views for all the world to see, attacking science and scientists as "skeptics" simply because the facts contradict their archaic religious and philosophical views predicated on blind faith in - change and frivolous, ineffectual policies, as opposed to human innovation, in part a product of capitalism.

As a result of them preying on the fears of the superstitious, as well as their own ineptitude and lack of intelligence, superstitious and simple people having feared death from catastrophies since the dawn of mankind, whether by the earth, as in the case of simplistic and primitive nature worshippers and fetishists, or escatological panics, whether Christian armaggeddon, Norse Ragnorack or otherwise.

As a result, I believe that the civilized and thinking men and women, to whom society and the common are subordinate to, may do well simply to have the state ban and imprison those who spout global warming alarmist propaganda and pseudoscientific escatology, whether pedagoges like Bill Nye, Al Gore or other idiots on social media, too ignorant, blind, and superstitious to acknowledge the reality of the natural factors which global warming, today and yesterday is predicated on.

Simply imprison these conspiracy theorists and their anti-captialist, an ararchic rhetoric, which preys on and panders to the fears of the superstitious, naively and childishly believing "science", as some quasi-theistic entity or fetish will some how "save" them from their superstitious and self-created woes, when in reality, it will of course be the capitalists who do, if anyone does, such as the innovative minds behind Tesla Motors, not the superstitious, childishly simplistic, and their archaic, frivolous policy proposals and taxations of no demonstrable or proven effectiviness, merely a placebo or PR move done merely to ease the childish fears of the superstitious and illiterate, based on archaic, 19th century simplicity and outdated notions such as "behaviorism", or merely the ignorance of the difference between proposing a simplistic action or solution, and demonstrating or predicting its actual effectiveness.

Shut down all anti-capitalist, pro-alarmist propaganda, have alarmists locked up, have a few of them executed and broadcast on live TV, such as Bill Nye or Al Gore by firing squad or electric chair - and send a little shiver down the spines of any future wannabe anti-scientific, anti-capitalist, pro-alarmist pedogogues and fear mongers, and remind the IQ 100 and 6th-grade reading level demographic to whom such superstitious and mouth-breading hiearchy made to pander to of their proper place in society's intellectual and social hierarchy. as well as their ultimate subordination to God, sciences (old and new), and the cosmos itself, when all is said and done for these heathen, nature-worshipping, rabble.
Way too harsh. They should, however, be forced to live the life they want you to live. Traveling on (bare) foot; fed only on non-sentients like rocks. Warmed only by the sun - which they loathe.
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Way too harsh. They should, however, be forced to live the life they want you to live. Traveling on (bare) foot; fed only on non-sentients like rocks. Warmed only by the sun - which they loathe.
Fact is they're anti-intellectual superstitious idiots and shouldn't have any place in a society of thinking men and women.

Alarmists are the type of moron who will think that some simplistic folk axiom, like it being 100 degrees F in the summertime (not even knowing the difference between weather or climate, or trivialities of that type) means that the lies and misinformation of the alarmist fearmongers like Nye and Gore are "true", unable to fall back on the actual facts of natural GW causes, preferring their silly anti-capitalist conspiracy theories instead.

Superstitious and socially worthless people like alarmist scum and cultists have been fearing death from catastrophies as long as mankind believed in a Ragnorak, much as their irrationally and anti-intellectually fear deaths from "mass shootings", when the reality is that natural or accidental causes, such as a car accident, or death as the result of their own disgusting lifestyles, often gorged on unhealthy processed foods and such, will much more likely kill them anyway.

Much as death itself, is inevitable, unless someone buys into Raymond Kurzweil or the Transhumanists who believe that in the near future, we'll be able to upload our minds into computers and live forever (and that such technology would be readily available to everyone aside from the super-rich, even if it was feasible); perhaps they irrationally and childishly fear death, because they have no moral, intellectual, or creative qualities worth living for to begin with, and would be the type of surplus population, whose death, whether by GW or anything else, would much and most be deserved for the benefit of the whole nations, not just "themselves" and their insignificant socially worthless kin and blood brethren, who are likely all these Neanderthals and heathens care for to begin with, incapable of the triumphs and social self-sacrifices of a woman like Margaret Thatcher, for example, preferring their own inbreed, Godless, and immoral ways, rituals, and insincere pretenses, which law makers like Oliver Wendall Holmes were well aware of, never being ignorant or naïve enough to conflate with actual morality or intellectual moral philosophy, allowing a man or woman simply to have a bad heart and subsist as a degenerate, so long as they weren't caught falling outside of the rules or laws and mandating an imprisonment.
Fact is fact: Forcing your will on another is immoral, no matter what excuse/justification is given.
Just ignore the ignorant. It's much simpler, less costly and every bit as effective-
Global Warming "scientists" should be INDICTED for FRAUD, and would have been in 2010 if Cocksucker Obama wasn't a traitor.
I think they should all be sent to a good climate...

According to their predictions, Antarctica should be ideal in a few years!!!
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Fact is fact: Forcing your will on another is immoral, no matter what excuse/justification is given.
Just ignore the ignorant. It's much simpler, less costly and every bit as effective-
I'm fine with forcing things on others to a certain degree, that's, sadly what government is predicated on to begin with.

If people such as Alarmists don't like the fear of government force, perhaps they shouldn't hold false beliefs which naturally justify it to begin with.

If you're a GW Alarmist, or any other breed of rabble rouser or dissenter (such as those who adhere to the archaic Utilitarian philosophy, and other false and erroneous beliefs), keep your falsehoods out of the public, and to yourself, then you won't have to fear society forcing you to behave, now will you?
keep your falsehoods out of the public, and to yourself, then you won't have to fear society forcing you to behave, now will you?
I don't believe in man made climate change- words mean things, bub. Our gov't wasn't set up as a force to be reckoned with- it was set up to help prevent tyranny by itself- that you're okay with using force only shows you want an excuse to have things your way, even by proxy of gov't force- when you accuse someone of something it's best not to use that same something to gain your way- it makes you a hypocrite and proponent of double standards. Question that Mr. Questioner.
Fact is fact: Forcing your will on another is immoral, no matter what excuse/justification is given.
Just ignore the ignorant. It's much simpler, less costly and every bit as effective-
Imagine that assclown having the nerve to accuse others of being anti-intellectual and rejecting reason.....Judging from his truly bizarre posts of the last few days, it seems he fancies himself the planet's prime candidate for benevolent(?) dictator.
keep your falsehoods out of the public, and to yourself, then you won't have to fear society forcing you to behave, now will you?
I don't believe in man made climate change- words mean things, bub. Our gov't wasn't set up as a force to be reckoned with- it was set up to help prevent tyranny by itself- that you're okay with using force only shows you want an excuse to have things your way, even by proxy of gov't force- when you accuse someone of something it's best not to use that same something to gain your way- it makes you a hypocrite and proponent of double standards. Question that Mr. Questioner.
I only support "freez peach" for those of morality, intellect, and socially redeeming qualities, not for degenerates, deniers, and other near-do-wells, whether GW alarmists, "transgender" cultists, and so on - I believe the state has the right and might to simply shut them down by force, and if they want to find a lawyer to help them fight for their "rights", most of which are just figments of their childish and anti-intellectual imaginations, not anything an actual court world recognize to begin with, then best of luck to them, assuming that they can afford them, most threats of legal action or "lawsuits" being idle to begin with.
Fact is fact: Forcing your will on another is immoral, no matter what excuse/justification is given.
Just ignore the ignorant. It's much simpler, less costly and every bit as effective-
Imagine that assclown having the nerve to accuse others of being anti-intellectual and rejecting reason.....Judging from his truly bizarre posts of the last few days, it seems he fancies himself the planet's prime candidate for benevolent(?) dictator.
I could care less about your "frozen" peaches, or that of the "radical" or "anarchist" left, society would be just fine in denying them "rights" altogether, as in life itself, let alone the pretense of them being anything but society's slave class, and cattle to be rounded up and headed by their natural intellectual and moral superiors.

Then perhaps they'll be forced to call upon an actual court of law, and realize just how many of their factious and imaginary "rights" never existed to begin with, except in a the imagination of those with perhaps a 100-90 IQ.

Censorship, of course is a good, it's merely the way that the strong, the virtuous, the intellectual, the wise deal with the immoral, degenerate, base - akin to the scraping of chaff away from the wheat, so to speak, or the human body naturally dispensing waste from its orifices.

The next time some vermin decide to state a perfect protest, for example, and it doesn't meet the legal definition of a "peaceful" assembly, just send in the local police or national guard and gun them down with live ammunition, cleanse a bit of the surplus population, and broadcast it on life TV, to shatter the childish illusion and fantasy that "rights" for scum and degenerates come out anything other than the barrel of a gun or hilt of a knife, which they're of course too fat, weak, stupid, and slovenly to ever actually wield even if their worthless and miserable lives depended on it.
I only support "freez peach" for those of morality, intellect, and socially redeeming qualities, not for degenerates, deniers, and other near-do-wells, whether GW alarmists, "transgender" cultists, and so on - I believe the state has the right and might to simply shut them down by force, and if they want to find a lawyer to help them fight for their "rights", most of which are just figments of their childish and anti-intellectual imaginations, not anything an actual court world recognize to begin with, then best of luck to them, assuming that they can afford them, most threats of legal action or "lawsuits" being idle to begin with.
Run on sentences are neither eloquent or prosaic- just sayin- morality you say? Forcing your will on another is the epitome of immorality, compounded when done by proxy (law)- two wrongs don't make a right. Double standards is a dog that will bite.

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