Flaming Libs/Koranimals
Bill Nye is a funny libtart comedian...
Should Bill Nye and Warmunists Go to Jail for Climate Fraud?
April 14, 2016
Daniel Greenfield
Bill Nye, the favorite imaginary scientist of overgrown children who manage stress with adult coloring books, is at it again.
Bill Nye “the science guy” says in a video interview released Thursday that he is open to the idea of jailing those who deviate from the climate change consensus.
“Was it appropriate to jail the guys from Enron?” Mr. Nye asked in a video interview with Climate Depot’s Marc Morano. “We’ll see what happens. Was it appropriate to jail people from the cigarette industry who insisted that this addictive product was not addictive, and so on?”
And Bill Nye knows who should go to jail because he loves science. Even though he can't tell the difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic. And he wanted to do the space thing, but getting a PhD was just too hard.
So Bill Nye became a kids TV show host instead after trying to be a comedian. He gave up too soon though because he is a joke.
But Bill Nye and the other fans of suing and locking up any actual scientist who questions the Big Green fraud might want to think about the fact that these type of gambits go both ways. There's no Global Warming crisis, but environmental measures, particularly those that lead to power shortages, can and do kill.
Here's what that looks like in the UK.
That's the price of Big Green. A few billionaires and their tag-along environmental consultants make out like bandits while the elderly die horribly. And even if you can afford power, who says you'll be able to have it when you really need it? Environmental measures shift reliance to inherently unreliable forms of energy like wind and solar that depend on environmental conditions. The subsidies will be there, but the power won't.
Should victims of this be able to sue Warmunists for fraud and the resulting misery it caused? If Bill Nye and the gang want to play this game, then it can be played both ways.
Should Bill Nye and Warmunists Go to Jail for Climate Fraud?
Should Bill Nye and Warmunists Go to Jail for Climate Fraud?
April 14, 2016
Daniel Greenfield
Bill Nye, the favorite imaginary scientist of overgrown children who manage stress with adult coloring books, is at it again.
Bill Nye “the science guy” says in a video interview released Thursday that he is open to the idea of jailing those who deviate from the climate change consensus.
“Was it appropriate to jail the guys from Enron?” Mr. Nye asked in a video interview with Climate Depot’s Marc Morano. “We’ll see what happens. Was it appropriate to jail people from the cigarette industry who insisted that this addictive product was not addictive, and so on?”
And Bill Nye knows who should go to jail because he loves science. Even though he can't tell the difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic. And he wanted to do the space thing, but getting a PhD was just too hard.
So Bill Nye became a kids TV show host instead after trying to be a comedian. He gave up too soon though because he is a joke.
But Bill Nye and the other fans of suing and locking up any actual scientist who questions the Big Green fraud might want to think about the fact that these type of gambits go both ways. There's no Global Warming crisis, but environmental measures, particularly those that lead to power shortages, can and do kill.
Here's what that looks like in the UK.
That's the price of Big Green. A few billionaires and their tag-along environmental consultants make out like bandits while the elderly die horribly. And even if you can afford power, who says you'll be able to have it when you really need it? Environmental measures shift reliance to inherently unreliable forms of energy like wind and solar that depend on environmental conditions. The subsidies will be there, but the power won't.
Should victims of this be able to sue Warmunists for fraud and the resulting misery it caused? If Bill Nye and the gang want to play this game, then it can be played both ways.
Should Bill Nye and Warmunists Go to Jail for Climate Fraud?