Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

During the US civil war, there were plenty of death camps on both sides. Civil wars and camps are common.

The socialists created camps specifically to murder the innoceni men, women and children they wanted to murder......Civil War camps were meant to temporarily hold POWs....big freaking difference.
Those weren't death camps, those were POW camps, the ones in the South suffered because the democrats didn't have the resources to make them better....
It doesn't matter, they were death camps.
Republican rubes think massive inequity is the manifestation of fairness. As if the more one person has and the less everyone else has means America is living up to its dream.

They are stupid. Massive inequity is the result of a very unequal power structure where the wealthy have an outsized influence on public policy and tax laws. Period.
Most people in America live paycheck to paycheck and don't have the luxury to invest or even go to school. Low wages, and a high cost of living, don't create a healthy economy. We need more money in the hands of the people who do the work.
Most people are well able to increase their wealth as well as their income. The average family can save thousands of dollars each year by careful budgeting and frugal living.
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The socialists created camps specifically to murder the innoceni men, women and children they wanted to murder......Civil War camps were meant to temporarily hold POWs....big freaking difference.

Communists never threw children into the gulags and very few women. Most of the people in the gulags were assholes like you, that deserved to be there. The longest sentence was ten years. One decade. Here in the US today people get 1400-year sentences. That was unheard of in the Soviet Union. In civil wars, a lot of people die. That's true regardless of whether communists are involved in that civil war or not.
The American civil war camps were pits of death. The Indian reservations, and those slave ships full of black African slaves, were also death traps for men, women, and children. Whatever their supposed original intent might have been, it's irrelevant, due to the fact that the results were just as deadly and the capitalists were just as indifferent to the consequences. They did whatever they felt was in their vested interests, irrespective of the suffering or lethality of their decisions and actions.

Capitalist-run countries like Saudi Arabia chop people's hands off when a piece of merchandise is stolen. If a person has an ounce or more of Marijuana they get their heads chopped off. People get executed in capitalist Saudi Arabia and in other Muslim countries, for "witchcraft". A Saudi woman back in the early 2000s was executed for owning and operating a psychic hotline out of her home.


Half a million Iraqi children died. Oh well, it's "worth it". Right? It's all for a "good cause".

General Wesley Clark - A few days after 9/11:

"WMDs" - Weapons Of Mass Deception. All of that capitalist warmongering $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.​

That's a lot of deadly mayhem. Capitalists love war, it's an extremely lucrative business opportunity. Look at the capitalist-run US government right now, sending weapons to Ukraine. We're on the precipice of plunging ourselves and all of humanity, into WW3 with Russia. The American military-industrial complex is making tens of billions of dollars with the war in Ukraine. This might be the end of all life on this planet.

Capitalist-run America hasn't finished yet with Afghanistan, even after 20 years of war and occupation. The US government is imposing a brutal sanctions regime upon on the people of Afghanistan as if they haven't suffered enough. You can claim the sanctions aren't intended to hurt the people of Afghanistan, but your objection is without merit and full of crap because the general population is nonetheless, the primary recipient of the devastating consequences of those sanctions. The US is also freezing billions of dollars of Afghanistan's money in EU banks that could be used to feed the children of Afghanistan.

Again, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers at anyone. Death toll arguments are silly, especially when used by the defenders of capitalism when debating communists.

The fact remains that in the not-too-distant future, say within the next 40 or 50 years at the most, the United States, along with other modern, industrialized countries is going to have to adopt a non-profit system of production due to advanced automation technology. Money, as we know it today, is going to disappear, because there won't be any more markets, due to the elimination of wage labor (no wage labor = no paying consumers = no markets). Your response to this inevitable and obvious fact, recognized by even the big-money capitalists themselves, is to in a convulsive fit, begin talking about gulags and the Soviet Union lol.
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Most people are well able to increase their wealth as well as their income. The average family can save thousands of dollars each year by careful budgeting and frugal living.
It's much more difficult when all you have is enough to pay for the rent and other basic needs. Even if a family managed to save some money, after years of working two full-time jobs, that doesn't imply they'll become financially secure millionaires. At best that money will be used to put their children through college.

There was a time when a household could have one breadwinner, even with a blue-collar job. Those days are behind us.
Communists never threw children into the gulags and very few women. Most of the people in the gulags were assholes like you, that deserved to be there. The longest sentence was ten years. One decade. Here in the US today people get 1400-year sentences. That was unheard of in the Soviet Union. In civil wars, a lot of people die. That's true regardless of whether communists are involved in that civil war or not.
The American civil war camps were pits of death. The Indian reservations, and those slave ships full of black African slaves, were also death traps for men, women, and children. Whatever their supposed original intent might have been, it's irrelevant, due to the fact that the results were just as deadly and the capitalists were just as indifferent to the consequences. They did whatever they felt was in their interests, irrespective of the suffering or lethality of their actions.

Capitalist-run countries like Saudi Arabia chop people's hands off when a piece of merchandise is stolen. If a person has an ounce or more of Marijuana they get their heads chopped off. People get executed in capitalist Saudi Arabia and in other Muslim countries, for "witchcraft". A Saudi woman back in the early 2000s was executed for owning and operating a psychic hotline out of her home.


Half a million Iraqi children died. Oh well, it's "worth it". Right? It's all for a "good cause".

General Wesley Clark - A few days after 9/11:

"WMDs" - Weapons Of Mass Deception. All of that capitalist warmongering $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.​

That's a lot of deadly mayhem. Capitalists love war, it's an extremely lucrative business opportunity. Look at the capitalist-run US government right now, sending weapons to Ukraine. We're on the precipice of plunging ourselves and all of humanity, into WW3 with Russia. The American military-industrial complex is making tens of billions of dollars with the war in Ukraine. This might be the end of all life on this planet.

Capitalist-run America hasn't finished yet with Afghanistan, even after 20 years of war and occupation. The US government is imposing a brutal sanctions regime upon on the people of Afghanistan as if they haven't suffered enough. You can claim the sanctions aren't intended to hurt the people of Afghanistan, but your objection is without merit and full of crap because the general population is nonetheless, the primary recipient of the devastating consequences of those sanctions. The US is also freezing billions of dollars of Afghanistan's money in EU banks that could be used to feed the children of Afghanistan.

Again, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers at anyone. Death toll arguments are silly, especially when used by the defenders of capitalism when debating communists.

The fact remains that in the not-too-distant future, say within the next 40 or 50 years at the most, the United States, along with other modern, industrialized countries is going to have to adopt a non-profit system of production due to advanced automation technology. Money, as we know it today, is going to disappear, because there won't be any more markets, due to the elimination of wage labor (no wage labor = no paying consumers = no markets). Your response to this inevitable and obvious fact, recognized by even the big-money capitalists themselves, is to in a convulsive fit, begin talking about gulags and the Soviet Union lol.

Lololol 😆😂😆 you don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. Your post is ignorant beyond words.
Communists never threw children into the gulags and very few women. Most of the people in the gulags were assholes like you, that deserved to be there. The longest sentence was ten years. One decade. Here in the US today people get 1400-year sentences. That was unheard of in the Soviet Union. In civil wars, a lot of people die. That's true regardless of whether communists are involved in that civil war or not.
The American civil war camps were pits of death. The Indian reservations, and those slave ships full of black African slaves, were also death traps for men, women, and children. Whatever their supposed original intent might have been, it's irrelevant, due to the fact that the results were just as deadly and the capitalists were just as indifferent to the consequences. They did whatever they felt was in their interests, irrespective of the suffering or lethality of their actions.

Capitalist-run countries like Saudi Arabia chop people's hands off when a piece of merchandise is stolen. If a person has an ounce or more of Marijuana they get their heads chopped off. People get executed in capitalist Saudi Arabia and in other Muslim countries, for "witchcraft". A Saudi woman back in the early 2000s was executed for owning and operating a psychic hotline out of her home.


Half a million Iraqi children died. Oh well, it's "worth it". Right? It's all for a "good cause".

General Wesley Clark - A few days after 9/11:

"WMDs" - Weapons Of Mass Deception. All of that capitalist warmongering $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.​

That's a lot of deadly mayhem. Capitalists love war, it's an extremely lucrative business opportunity. Look at the capitalist-run US government right now, sending weapons to Ukraine. We're on the precipice of plunging ourselves and all of humanity, into WW3 with Russia. The American military-industrial complex is making tens of billions of dollars with the war in Ukraine. This might be the end of all life on this planet.

Capitalist-run America hasn't finished yet with Afghanistan, even after 20 years of war and occupation. The US government is imposing a brutal sanctions regime upon on the people of Afghanistan as if they haven't suffered enough. You can claim the sanctions aren't intended to hurt the people of Afghanistan, but your objection is without merit and full of crap because the general population is nonetheless, the primary recipient of the devastating consequences of those sanctions. The US is also freezing billions of dollars of Afghanistan's money in EU banks that could be used to feed the children of Afghanistan.

Again, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers at anyone. Death toll arguments are silly, especially when used by the defenders of capitalism when debating communists.

The fact remains that in the not-too-distant future, say within the next 40 or 50 years at the most, the United States, along with other modern, industrialized countries is going to have to adopt a non-profit system of production due to advanced automation technology. Money, as we know it today, is going to disappear, because there won't be any more markets, due to the elimination of wage labor (no wage labor = no paying consumers = no markets). Your response to this inevitable and obvious fact, recognized by even the big-money capitalists themselves, is to in a convulsive fit, begin talking about gulags and the Soviet Union lol.

Wesley Clark is a liar and a crackpot.
Communists never threw children into the gulags and very few women. Most of the people in the gulags were assholes like you, that deserved to be there. The longest sentence was ten years. One decade. Here in the US today people get 1400-year sentences. That was unheard of in the Soviet Union. In civil wars, a lot of people die. That's true regardless of whether communists are involved in that civil war or not.
The American civil war camps were pits of death. The Indian reservations, and those slave ships full of black African slaves, were also death traps for men, women, and children. Whatever their supposed original intent might have been, it's irrelevant, due to the fact that the results were just as deadly and the capitalists were just as indifferent to the consequences. They did whatever they felt was in their vested interests, irrespective of the suffering or lethality of their actions.

Capitalist-run countries like Saudi Arabia chop people's hands off when a piece of merchandise is stolen. If a person has an ounce or more of Marijuana they get their heads chopped off. People get executed in capitalist Saudi Arabia and in other Muslim countries, for "witchcraft". A Saudi woman back in the early 2000s was executed for owning and operating a psychic hotline out of her home.


Half a million Iraqi children died. Oh well, it's "worth it". Right? It's all for a "good cause".

General Wesley Clark - A few days after 9/11:

"WMDs" - Weapons Of Mass Deception. All of that capitalist warmongering $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.​

That's a lot of deadly mayhem. Capitalists love war, it's an extremely lucrative business opportunity. Look at the capitalist-run US government right now, sending weapons to Ukraine. We're on the precipice of plunging ourselves and all of humanity, into WW3 with Russia. The American military-industrial complex is making tens of billions of dollars with the war in Ukraine. This might be the end of all life on this planet.

Capitalist-run America hasn't finished yet with Afghanistan, even after 20 years of war and occupation. The US government is imposing a brutal sanctions regime upon on the people of Afghanistan as if they haven't suffered enough. You can claim the sanctions aren't intended to hurt the people of Afghanistan, but your objection is without merit and full of crap because the general population is nonetheless, the primary recipient of the devastating consequences of those sanctions. The US is also freezing billions of dollars of Afghanistan's money in EU banks that could be used to feed the children of Afghanistan.

Again, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers at anyone. Death toll arguments are silly, especially when used by the defenders of capitalism when debating communists.

The fact remains that in the not-too-distant future, say within the next 40 or 50 years at the most, the United States, along with other modern, industrialized countries is going to have to adopt a non-profit system of production due to advanced automation technology. Money, as we know it today, is going to disappear, because there won't be any more markets, due to the elimination of wage labor (no wage labor = no paying consumers = no markets). Your response to this inevitable and obvious fact, recognized by even the big-money capitalists themselves, is to in a convulsive fit, begin talking about gulags and the Soviet Union lol.

^^^Biden voter.
Lololol 😆😂😆 you don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. Your post is ignorant beyond words.
Saudi Arabia beheads people for things we don't even consider crimes here in the United States or at worse a misdemeanor.
Anyone can google "Saudi Arabia executions" and get all of the information. Who are you trying to fool? This is the internet age, people are one search away from the data. Anyone can confirm what I just said. Easy.

Sorcery is for swindlers like Bernie Madoff. Most people who write about Saudi Arabia have never been there.
Sorcery is for swindlers like Bernie Madoff. Most people who write about Saudi Arabia have never been there.
You don't have to be there or visit, to know that Saudi Arabia beheads people for non-violent crimes and chops people's hands off for theft. All of that information is online and given by reputable sources. Saudi Arabia is a capitalist-run kingdom.
You don't have to be there or visit, to know that Saudi Arabia beheads people for non-violent crimes and chops people's hands off for theft. All of that information is online and given by reputable sources. Saudi Arabia is a capitalist-run kingdom.

They chop the hand off for third conviction of grand larceny, stupid.

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