Shoplifting is legal in wacko lib california

/——/ Do your own fu****g research and prove it wrong.

I did. That's why I posted the link that shows what Prop 47 is, and how it took shoplifting out of the burglary category and made it its own category if the value is less than 950.00. Prior to Prop 47, shoplifting was classified as burglary and prosecuted as a felony. Now? Shoplifting is its own category and classed as a misdemeanor rather than a felony if the value is less than 950.00.

I posted facts and what it actually was. You just posted an opinion piece that you desperately wanted to believe. And yes, it is a crime that is prosecuted and can be punished by up to 6 months in prison and a fine of 1,000 dollars.
/——/ Thanks for your opinion.
The entire narrative has been exploded, rube.

Cali's upper misdemeanor limit is $950.

Texas's upper misdemeanor limit is $2,500.

Flash mob robberies are happening all over the country. Even in Texas.

Now let's unpack the stupidity of you rubes a little more.

In your idiotic imaginations, these thieves are telling themselves, "We can steal up to $950 worth of stuff, so don't steal more than that!"

You actually bleev this! Your propagandists have filled your empty heads with some really DUMB shit.

One of the favorite targets of flash mobs is Louis Vuitton. Do you know how much just ONE Louis Vuitton purse costs?

Well over $950.

Anyone who bleevs Cali's misdemeanor law incentivizes thieves is a fucking idiot.
The entire narrative has been exploded, rube.

Cali's upper misdemeanor limit is $950.

Texas's upper misdemeanor limit is $2,500.

Flash mob robberies are happening all over the country. Even in Texas.

Now let's unpack the stupidity of you rubes a little more.

In your idiotic imaginations, these thieves are telling themselves, "We can steal up to $950 worth of stuff, so don't steal more than that!"

You actually bleev this! Your propagandists have filled your empty heads with some really DUMB shit.

One of the favorite targets of flash mobs is Louis Vuitton. Do you know how much just ONE Louis Vuitton purse costs?

Well over $950.

Anyone who bleevs Cali's misdemeanor law incentivizes thieves is a fucking idiot.
/——-/ No one said that. Those crackheads are stealing as much as they can. I doubt the can count to $950. No one is stopped, no one is arrested. Why are you defending them?
The entire narrative has been exploded, rube.

Cali's upper misdemeanor limit is $950.

Texas's upper misdemeanor limit is $2,500.

Flash mob robberies are happening all over the country. Even in Texas.

Now let's unpack the stupidity of you rubes a little more.

In your idiotic imaginations, these thieves are telling themselves, "We can steal up to $950 worth of stuff, so don't steal more than that!"

You actually bleev this! Your propagandists have filled your empty heads with some really DUMB shit.

One of the favorite targets of flash mobs is Louis Vuitton. Do you know how much just ONE Louis Vuitton purse costs?

Well over $950.

Anyone who bleevs Cali's misdemeanor law incentivizes thieves is a fucking idiot.
/——/ No one questioned the law, just that it’s not being enforced. Here’s The NY Times behind a paywall, but here is the leading paragraph.

San Francisco's Shoplifting Surge - The New York Times

May 21, 2021 At a board of supervisors hearing last week, representatives from Walgreens said that thefts at its stores in San Francisco were four times the chain's national average, and that it had closed...
/——/ No one questioned the law, just that it’s not being enforced.
Which is a lie. A total lie.

Here’s The NY Times behind a paywall, but here is the leading paragraph.

San Francisco's Shoplifting Surge - The New York Times

May 21, 2021 At a board of supervisors hearing last week, representatives from Walgreens said that thefts at its stores in San Francisco were four times the chain's national average, and that it had closed...
See the link in post 49.
Cellblock2429, instead of blowing past the links I have provided, READ them.

You will see what the ACTUL incentive for stealing is. You will see it is happening EVERYWHERE, not just California.

It's all about the ease of fencing goods online. It has fuck-all to do with misdemeanors for stealing less than $950.

Christ, I wish you people would spend just ten seconds THINKING once in a while instead of succumbing to your desire to bleev the stupidest shit.
/——-/ No one said that. Those crackheads are stealing as much as they can. I doubt the can count to $950. No one is stopped, no one is arrested. Why are you defending them?
I'm not defending anyone, fool. I'm simply showing you where the idiot idea planted in your head by your propagandists is total horseshit.
When you are able to go into a store and steal $900.00 dollars worth of stuff and it is just a misdemeanor does that really not seem like something that would bankrupt a lot of small businesses and make larger ones flee the state. I can't help but wonder how many would be alright with people coming into their home and stealing $900.00 dollars worth of stuff on a regular basis and basically nothing happens to those who do it.
When you are able to go into a store and steal $900.00 dollars worth of stuff and it is just a misdemeanor does that really not seem like something that would bankrupt a lot of small businesses and make larger ones flee the state. I can't help but wonder how many would be alright with people coming into their home and stealing $900.00 dollars worth of stuff on a regular basis and basically nothing happens to those who do it.
It is idiotic to bleev a thief is going to stop at $900 worth of goods. As I pointed out above, a single Louis Vuitton handbag costs well over that amount.

You should read the topic. California's $950 ceiling is nothing. 34 other states have higher ceilings, and Texas has the highest ceiling of them all at $2500.

You can steal up to $2500 worth of stuff in Texas and only be charged with a misdemeanor.

You see, these MAGA media outlets are committing several lies of omission. First, they don't tell you California's law is on the LOW end and that Texas is the HIGHEST.

They also don't tell you flash mob robberies are happeing EVERYWHERE.

It amazes me how the rubes keep falling for these hoaxes being fed to them by the same propagandists over and over and over and keep going back to be fed MORE lies!

What the FUCK is that!?!?!

They DESERVE to be lied to.
It is idiotic to bleev a thief is going to stop at $900 worth of goods. As I pointed out above, a single Louis Vuitton handbag costs well over that amount.

You should read the topic. California's $950 ceiling is nothing. 34 other states have higher ceilings, and Texas has the highest ceiling of them all at $2500.

You can steal up to $2500 worth of stuff in Texas and only be charged with a misdemeanor.

You see, these MAGA media outlets are committing several lies of omission. First, they don't tell you California's law is on the LOW end and that Texas is the HIGHEST.

They also don't tell you flash mob robberies are happeing EVERYWHERE.

It amazes me how the rubes keep falling for these hoaxes being fed to them by the same propagandists over and over and over and keep going back to be fed MORE lies!

What the FUCK is that!?!?!

They DESERVE to be lied to.
It is idiotic to believe that if they know where they can stop at and only get charged with a misdemeanor that they will go over that. I never said that soft on crime DA and soft on crime policies were exclusive to blue cities and states if you would let some air out of that over inflated ego of yours you would have noticed that.
Um....rube? 34 states have a higher hurdle than California, including several red states.

Guess which state has the highest hurdle of them all?

Go ahead, you credulous rube. Take a guess.
You can list shoplifting as a
Um....rube? 34 states have a higher hurdle than California, including several red states.

Guess which state has the highest hurdle of them all?

Go ahead, you credulous rube. Take a guess.
you can pretend that crime is being prosecuted in california but that wont make it do

When flaming lib george soros DA’s are in control the criminals run wild
Post 18 has a link that explains what happened, but you probably won't go back on the thread to see it, so I'll post it again.

And here's what it says about Prop. 47 and how it has changed shoplifting.....................

Proposition 47 reclassified certain theft offenses from felony charges to misdemeanors, according to California Courts.
The proposition created a new misdemeanor offense called “shoplifting,” which is punishable by up to six months in county jail, according to California Courts. Attorneys (here, here and here) say shoplifters could also face a fine of up to $1,000, or both a fine and jail time. Shoplifting is defined under California’s penal code as “entering a commercial establishment with intent to commit larceny while that establishment is open during regular business hours, where the value of the property that is taken or intended to be taken does not exceed $950.”
Before the passage of Proposition 47, shoplifters were usually charged under the state’s burglary laws, which carried felony penalties, according to Robert Helfend, a criminal defense attorney in California.
In California, burglary means a person enters an inhabited residence – such as a home, apartment, boat or warehouse – “with intent to commit grand or petit larceny or any felony,” the state’s penal code says. First-degree burglary is punishable by up to six years in prison, felony probation and/or fines.
A person charged with shoplifting in California cannot also be charged with burglary or theft of the same property.

Shoplifting under CA's old rules classified it as a burglary, which carried only felony penalties. Now? Shoplifting is in it's own category and no longer classified as burglary. If the value of the items stolen are under 950.00, it is a misdemeanor. And, the penalties can be up to 6 months in jail and 1,000 in fines.

No. Shoplifting has NOT been decriminalized in CA, no matter what others may tell you. And yes, if you shoplift in CA, you will still face criminal penalties.
Major retailers in San Francisco would disagree with you as they close stores downtown
The entire narrative has been exploded, rube.

Cali's upper misdemeanor limit is $950.

Texas's upper misdemeanor limit is $2,500.

Flash mob robberies are happening all over the country. Even in Texas.

Now let's unpack the stupidity of you rubes a little more.

In your idiotic imaginations, these thieves are telling themselves, "We can steal up to $950 worth of stuff, so don't steal more than that!"

You actually bleev this! Your propagandists have filled your empty heads with some really DUMB shit.

One of the favorite targets of flash mobs is Louis Vuitton. Do you know how much just ONE Louis Vuitton purse costs?

Well over $950.

Anyone who bleevs Cali's misdemeanor law incentivizes thieves is a fucking idiot.
G5000 is delusional

In cities like Sam Francisco crime pays
It is a misdemeanor to shoplift in California. If arrested, the prosecutor exercises prosecutorial discretion and releases the shoplifter. Yes. The law is still on the books.
Society’s welchers?? You mean people who lack the skills, resources or resiliency to deal with an economy that crashes every time a Republican is in the White House??

It would seem to me that “society’s welchers” are the leaders from both parties who promised them that if they got a good education and worked hard, they could live the American Dream. And then left them mired in student debt, with wages that don’t even cover the cost of decent housing.

Drug addiction, homelessness, alcohol, alcoholism are all the diseases of despair.

You used to mock the alcoholism of the Soviet Union, as proof, positive the failure of communism. Drug addiction, homelessness, and the petty crime that comes from poverty are symptoms that your “capitalism on steroids” has failed.

At least Democrats are finally acknowledging that and trying to reverse the worst results of unfunded tax cuts, stagnant wages, financial enslavement of low income students to lifelong student debt, and worst wage and wealth inequity in the first world.

It’s time for working people on the right to embrace reality and stop believing right wing lies.

Dumbest post you’ve ever written.
Steal a $2000 Louis Vuitton handbag in California: Felony.

Steal a $2000 Louis Vuitton handbag in Texas: Misdemeanor.

I have NO doubt you will keep drinking the piss of the same propagandists who keep lying to you. You just can't stop yourself.
biden voters are driving businesses out of San Fran based by stealing small items on a massive scale

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