.......shoplifted from another poster: Kevin McCarthy, today......


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Kevin meets with Biden and now he says...."No one is questioning the elections legitimacy"..
Worth a stand alone thread (and a hat-tip to poster JimH52).

So, House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, says to an open-microphone outside the White House today......that "No one is questioning......."


Kevin clearly is clueless. As some are on this issue.

#1....Don Trump is questioning it.
#2.....Many of McCarthy's own colleagues are publicly questioning it, (too many to list)
#3 Fox News is questioning it. OAN is questioning it. NewsMax is questioning it.
#5 Too many to count Rightfield blogs, and website 'News' voices....are questioning it,
#6 Senator Ron Johnson ---notoriously ---- is questioning it.
#7 Ted Cruz is questioning it.

But, Joseph Biden is our President.
Despite what the Trumps, Marjorie Taylor Greenes, Matt Gaetze's, Ted Cruz's, and the Rightfield interweb say.......Joseph Biden = POTUS, 2021. Not my rules. It is the way it is.
"The forum has a search function...."
"Worth a stand alone thread...."


Not only worth a stand alone thread-------but also worth repeating:

Kevin McCarthy, fresh from a meeting with the President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden, said this about Don Trump's "Big Lie":

No one is questioning the election's legitimacy".....

So there is that.
McCarthy was the establishment Republicans first choice for speaker before he got wrapped up in some scandal. That's when they made neocon Paul Ryan the speaker. That always was an indication to me that the establishment thought they could control McCarthy. That's why I don't trust him.
McCarthy was slotted to be Boehner's replacement, then......

Then, Kevin McCarthy did what Kevin McCarthy has a reputation for doing......being dumb.

He admitted in a TV interview that the Republicans re-tooled the Benghazi incident as a scandal to tar Hillary Clinton's chances for her presidential aspirations. The GOP was embarrassed and mortified (until they got over it and moved on). But 'My Kevin' got put on the shelf in favor of the policy-wonk from Beloit, Wisconsin ---- Paul Ryan.


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