Shootout at Pamela Geller's Muhamed Cartoon Contest in Texas

Well, that ought to be good for getting a few Christians killed somewhere. Hope you're happy.
It's just crude, only infantile minds find poo jokes funny. Good satire should be somewhat clever and thought provoking.
With Islam it doesn't matter how sophisticated it is Muslims are going to chimp out anytime they think Mo gets insulted. I don't understand it. If allah is all powerful can't allah take care of those who insult mohammad? I guess allah isn't who they think he is.
Jesus was a homosexual cocksucker who took it up the ass from all twelve apostles and the donkey he rode in on.

Understand now? Purposely insulting someone's faith is double the insult. There are "good" Christians everywhere who would kick my ass for saying some dumb shit like that to their face or putting it in print.

You mean like piss chirst? Here let me help you and yes I'm a devout Christian.

Do I like what you said? No. Am I going to shoot or blow you up because you said it? No. That's the difference.

Piss Christ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There are certainly Christians out there who would resort to violence for blatant blasphemy, most would not. If Muslims were all like you said there would have been hundreds there ready to kill and die, but there were only two. Quit talking about Islam as if it is somehow different than your own faith. I do not normally give anyone shit about their personal faith but on this topic I think it is necessary. If you had no idea of the method used to render the image of "piss Christ" you would not be offended at all but certain people wanted it banned. People use your self-righteous anger for their own purposes just as much as the guy strapping the suicide vest on a gullible idiot. If you are really a devout christian you too would kill for Jesus under the right circumstances.

except the Bible and Jesus said to turn the other cheek, dumbass.
Pamela Geller should have never provoked the Islamo fascists. She has blood on her hands.

whose blood does she have on her hands?-----the injury of the hero cop was very trivial. After more than 300 posts----
unless I MISSED it--------I have noticed that no one alluded to the ongoing cosmic episode of Islamic filth going on in the Shiite shit hole----Iran.----THAT BASTION OF ISLAMIC HOLINESS is engaged in a "HOLOCAUST DENIAL
CARTOON CONTEST" that includes cartoons that are highly offensive to all decent people---the typical meccaist dog shit obscene bashing of symbols holy to jews.
The Koran krowd has been producing vulgar Kartoons
for many decades, virtually thruout the world---their
kids are brought upon on them
----I support a "contest" of the ingathering of cartoons
promulgated over the past 30 years-----that are offensive to
EITHER muslims or jews ----so that a determination can be
be made as to which party STINKS THE MOST. The whole mess should be broadcast widely----everyone should
see them. ---for several days This kind of massive
exposure is called IMPLOSION THERAPY------after that everyone will get over the KARTOON KRAZE------Ms Geller did the world a favor------she laid a red flag on KARTOON
PROPAGANDA as elaborated by DA UMMAH
It's just crude, only infantile minds find poo jokes funny. Good satire should be somewhat clever and thought provoking.
With Islam it doesn't matter how sophisticated it is Muslims are going to chimp out anytime they think Mo gets insulted. I don't understand it. If allah is all powerful can't allah take care of those who insult mohammad? I guess allah isn't who they think he is.
Jesus was a homosexual cocksucker who took it up the ass from all twelve apostles and the donkey he rode in on.

Understand now? Purposely insulting someone's faith is double the insult. There are "good" Christians everywhere who would kick my ass for saying some dumb shit like that to their face or putting it in print.

You mean like piss chirst? Here let me help you and yes I'm a devout Christian.

Do I like what you said? No. Am I going to shoot or blow you up because you said it? No. That's the difference.

Piss Christ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There are certainly Christians out there who would resort to violence for blatant blasphemy, most would not. If Muslims were all like you said there would have been hundreds there ready to kill and die, but there were only two. Quit talking about Islam as if it is somehow different than your own faith. I do not normally give anyone shit about their personal faith but on this topic I think it is necessary. If you had no idea of the method used to render the image of "piss Christ" you would not be offended at all but certain people wanted it banned. People use your self-righteous anger for their own purposes just as much as the guy strapping the suicide vest on a gullible idiot. If you are really a devout christian you too would kill for Jesus under the right circumstances.

except the Bible and Jesus said to turn the other cheek, dumbass.
Jesus said a lot of things that are at odds with the pious/selfish/wrathful behavior of the "faithful".
With Islam it doesn't matter how sophisticated it is Muslims are going to chimp out anytime they think Mo gets insulted. I don't understand it. If allah is all powerful can't allah take care of those who insult mohammad? I guess allah isn't who they think he is.
Jesus was a homosexual cocksucker who took it up the ass from all twelve apostles and the donkey he rode in on.

Understand now? Purposely insulting someone's faith is double the insult. There are "good" Christians everywhere who would kick my ass for saying some dumb shit like that to their face or putting it in print.

You mean like piss chirst? Here let me help you and yes I'm a devout Christian.

Do I like what you said? No. Am I going to shoot or blow you up because you said it? No. That's the difference.

Piss Christ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There are certainly Christians out there who would resort to violence for blatant blasphemy, most would not. If Muslims were all like you said there would have been hundreds there ready to kill and die, but there were only two. Quit talking about Islam as if it is somehow different than your own faith. I do not normally give anyone shit about their personal faith but on this topic I think it is necessary. If you had no idea of the method used to render the image of "piss Christ" you would not be offended at all but certain people wanted it banned. People use your self-righteous anger for their own purposes just as much as the guy strapping the suicide vest on a gullible idiot. If you are really a devout christian you too would kill for Jesus under the right circumstances.

except the Bible and Jesus said to turn the other cheek, dumbass.
Jesus said a lot of things that are at odds with the pious/selfish/wrathful behavior of the "faithful".

"turn the cheek" is a hillel thing-------it has made jews a butt of jokes for millennia. Hillel died in Jerusalem either just before or just after Jesus was born. He was the most popular "sayer of quotable stuff" -----and still is. Ross Perot (remember him?) quoted him INCESSANTLY
Turn the cheek is quite an issue for muslims---(as I learned when I first encountered lots of them circa -----1968 and hence.) Since Jesus was a muslim----it is OBVIOUS that he never issued such advice------- as a muslim the advice would be----------"KILL 'em" I learned this stuff from muslims--------once they found out that I am a jew-----before that they told me how TERRIFIC was Jesus and everthing he said -----or anything I thought that he said.

If you want to know what muslims think of Christians----say you are a jew------If you want to know what muslims think of jews-----say you are a Christian. I can do both. But I actually did not-----sometimes I simply kept quiet.

of course if you are obviously not a HINDU---that works---
you will find out frpm muslims from southeast asia how
DISGUSTING are hindus
If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.

Please spare us your dime-store crystal ball blatherings.
If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.

Please spare us your dime-store crystal ball blatherings.

Indeed..........Clayton in particular is head of the PC Zombie nation. A Disney limpwrister............very consistent.

Some people are in desperate need of some real responsibilities in life.:2up:
If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.

Please spare us your dime-store crystal ball blatherings.
True. When you hear "...they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general..." for the hundredth time in a few years, it gets a little thin.
If the gunmen are Muslim, they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general.

And unfortunately there will be those with an unwarranted hatred toward Islam who will exhibit their ignorance and stupidity by trying to propagating the lie that the gunmen are 'representative' of all Muslims.

Please spare us your dime-store crystal ball blatherings.
True. When you hear "...they're not representative of all Muslims, or Islam in general..." for the hundredth time in a few years, it gets a little thin.
Thats what I say about dirty cops. The organizer of this event is fucking idiot and should have gotten killed for basically inciting some nutcase Muslims to shoot up the place and putting others at risk. The best test of maturity is the ability to say what you want but know when its wiser to keep your mouth shut.
When asked, “Do you believe that criticism of Islam or Muhammad should be permitted under the Constitution’s First Amendment?, 58% replied “no,” 45% of respondents agreed “

12% want blasphemers killed per Sharia

Blog Ten Key Points on Islamic Blasphemy Law
Its sad when people have to legislate maturity. i'm not for making disrespect against the law but hopefully they will prosecute irresponsible people for stupid ass stunts like this when people get hurt.
...The organizer of this event is fucking idiot...
On the contrary, it was a well-played demonstration of the power of Freedom of Speech here in the United States.

...and should have gotten killed for basically inciting some nutcase Muslims to shoot up the place and putting others at risk...
I never cheer for the death of my fellow non-Muslim countrymen in favor of Muslim fanatics. Never.

...The best test of maturity is the ability to say what you want but know when its wiser to keep your mouth shut.
Advocaing for Americans to keep their mouths shut about Islam?

Or to accord Muhammed (Peanut butter and jelly Be Upon Him) more respect or sensitivity than any other religious figure, because his little wanker followers might get violent?

Fuck that.

Here's hoping we see one of those events in every city in America.

We can call it the Great Radical Militant Muslim Turkey-Shoot of 2015.

With door prizes and gift cards and trophies and certificates-of-accomplishment for the folks who bag the most Bad Guys or use the best bait.
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...The organizer of this event is fucking idiot...
On the contrary, it was a well-played demonstration of the power of Freedom of Speech here in the United States.

...and should have gotten killed for basically inciting some nutcase Muslims to shoot up the place and putting others at risk...
I never cheer for the death of my fellow non-Muslim countrymen in favor of Muslim fanatics. Never.

...The best test of maturity is the ability to say what you want but know when its wiser to keep your mouth shut.
Advocaing for Americans to keep their mouths shut about Islam?

Or to accord Muhammed (Peanut Butter and Jelly Be Upon Him) more respect or sensitivity than any other religious figure, because his little wanker followers might get violent?

Fuck that.

Here's hoping we see one of those events in every city in America.

We can call it the Great Radical Militant Muslim Turkey-Shoot of 2015.

With door prizes and gift cards and trophies and certificates-of-accomplishment for the folks who bag the most Bad Guys.
Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. This isnt someone speaking out against the government.

I do cheer for the death of dumb asses that put other people at risk of nutcases.

Yes. If you have nothing good to say...shut the fuck up.
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“On the contrary, it was a well-played demonstration of the power of Freedom of Speech here in the United States.”


The issue has nothing to do with 'free speech.'

First Amendment jurisprudence concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not the relationship between or among private persons or organizations – prohibiting the state from seeking to engage in an unwarranted effort to limit or preempt free expression in violation of the Constitution.

No government or jurisdiction is seeking to prohibit the creation or exhibition of 'Muhammad cartoons,' nor does any government or jurisdiction seek to disallow persons to gather to display such 'cartoons,' consequently there is no free speech 'issue,' and no First Amendment 'violation.'
...Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. This isnt someone speaking out against the government...
Newsflash... Freedom of Speech means the freedom to say what's on your mind, about any topic under the sun, not just anti-government protests.

...I do cheer for the death of dumb asses that put other people at risk of nutcases...
If you cheer for the death of your fellow countrymen in favor of Muslim Terrorists, then you are an Enemy of The People.

This isn't about people being at-risk.... this isn't about nutcases... this is about our freedom to speak our minds within our very own domestic setting.

You are willing to concede or modify that freedom to accommodate an insane 7th century theocratic mindset that is poisoning the well in many countries worldwide.

No thank you.

Not here.

And, if you don't like the way that is going here, then stand aside, and get the hell out of the way, while the rest of us deal with those bastards.

...Yes. If you have nothing good to say shut the fuck up.
That's not up to you and I to say.

If you don't like what's being said, in such a setting, then don't listen.

Try to strip that person's freedom of speech away from them, though, here on our own shores, through violent means, and you're going to end-up with a toe-tag.
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“Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it.”


Again, no government is seeking to limit or preempt the speech of those hostile to Muslims, who remain at liberty to freely express their ignorance and hate.

Of course, there are those of the anti-Muslim movement who are attempting to contrive and propagate the lie that the issue concerns 'free speech,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
...Wrong. The issue has nothing to do with 'free speech.'...
We see this quite differently.

...First Amendment jurisprudence concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not the relationship between or among private persons or organizations – prohibiting the state from seeking to engage in an unwarranted effort to limit or preempt free expression in violation of the Constitution...
You rely far too much on Literalism and far too little on Common Usage.

In the Common Usage, we refer to that as Freedom of Speech, even if the usage does not meet your literal test in a Constitutional context.

We are talking about the freedom of individuals to say what they want about a religion or a religious figure.

We are talking about their right to do so without fear of violent reaction.

We are talking about the Radical Militant Muslim Terrorist scum who tried to violently intervene in connection with those rights.

We are talking about killing those scum for doing what they did.

The exactitude of the labeling is FAR less important than the ideas that those labels represent.

Rather than quibbling and nit-picking over the literal accuracy of labeling, your time would be far more profitably spent dwelling upon the ideas (and ideals) at-issue.

Hope that helps
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When asked, “Do you believe that criticism of Islam or Muhammad should be permitted under the Constitution’s First Amendment?, 58% replied “no,” 45% of respondents agreed “

12% want blasphemers killed per Sharia

Blog Ten Key Points on Islamic Blasphemy Law
Its sad when people have to legislate maturity. i'm not for making disrespect against the law but hopefully they will prosecute irresponsible people for stupid ass stunts like this when people get hurt.

only if they prosecute the ones doing the hurting free speech is free speech
On the contrary, it was a well-played demonstration of the power of Freedom of Speech here in the United States.

So was the Nazis marching in Skokie, but it was still in incredibly bad taste.

I never cheer for the death of my fellow non-Muslim countrymen in favor of Muslim fanatics. Never.

I think when you stir up trouble, you should be ready to face the consequence. I really wouldn't given a shit if Geller and all 200 of her fellow bigots got smoked, but I would be concerned if some police officer who had gotten the sorry duty of protecting them or some bystander out walking his dog did.
...So was the Nazis marching in Skokie, but it was still in incredibly bad taste...

The so-called Art Show was in a stationary location. You could choose to attend or not. A provocative march through a town could not be avoided by the townsfolk, except to flee inside and close their windows and draw their drapes and blinds and curtains and not look outside and to plug their ears. Big difference.

The so-called Art Show was a passive cartoon-drawing contest. You could choose to attend or not. The provocative march in question was explicitly and loudly proclaiming the so-called despicable nature of a religion and its adherents and bemoaning the fact that more did not die in a multi-year genocidal event against them. Big difference.

Was it in incredibly bad taste? Some will say 'yes'. Vast numbers will also say 'no' It is illegal to kill people because you believe the former.

Geller and company had every right to create and host such a competition.

This isn't about their taste and judgment.

This is about their right.

Remember the old American maxim...

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it." ???

Time to pony-up, Joe.

Stop making excuses for the terrorists, Joe, and come stand alongside your countrymen, as they give new meaning to that old American maxim.

...I think when you stir up trouble, you should be ready to face the consequence...
That's what folks said about Susan B Anthony... and Martin Luther King.

...I really wouldn't given a shit if Geller and all 200 of her fellow bigots got smoked...
I would.

Because I believe in the old American maxim, above.

You do too, I suspect.

It's just that you've forgotten how to apply it, under circumstances where you don't agree with the message.

...but I would be concerned if some police officer who had gotten the sorry duty of protecting them or some bystander out walking his dog did.
That too.

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