Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman
Xiden, who opposed enforcement of Brown v Board of Education, had mentors like Sen Eastland (D), who was a member of the White Citizen's Council...which was essentially the DNC's direct link to the terrorist wing...the KKK. Citizens' Councils - Wikipedia

We just got rid of the most divisive, racist president we have had since Woodrow Wilson.
Wilson set the stage for all of the Prog programs. So you should think differently of him. Progs will turn on you someday. I can only keep saying it. The party rules everything. The individuals in it are at the pleasure of the party until not needed. Yo would think that the ghettos that are still here through all legislation would wise you up. Obama is not what you think him as.

What? Woodrow Wilson was a straight out racist, fool. Wilson segregated the Federal Gov't after Reconstruction. "Segregation is not humiliating, but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen."

View attachment 471911

Wilson allowed the screening of "Birth of a Nation" at the White House. Wilson was against Reconstruction, WTF are you talking about.
Yep...Wilson...the father of the modern Dem Party, and so called "progressivism"

Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman

They didn't have to belong to the KKK to be racist, fool. They set policy and legislation.
which legislation is it
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman

They didn't have to belong to the KKK to be racist, fool. They set policy and legislation.
which legislation is it

So in all their time in office you are telling me that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond never signed any legislation. Wow.
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman

They didn't have to belong to the KKK to be racist, fool. They set policy and legislation.
which legislation is it

So in all their time in office you are telling me that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond never signed any legislation. Wow.
well, you know that the President signs the legislation that makes it law right?

No, I asked you to name the legislation you spoke of.....
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman

They didn't have to belong to the KKK to be racist, fool. They set policy and legislation.
which legislation is it

So in all their time in office you are telling me that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond never signed any legislation. Wow.
Nope. They vote on legislation.

The President signs legislation.

You really are stupid. :laughing0301:
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman
Xiden, who opposed enforcement of Brown v Board of Education, had mentors like Sen Eastland (D), who was a member of the White Citizen's Council...which was essentially the DNC's direct link to the terrorist wing...the KKK. Citizens' Councils - Wikipedia

We just got rid of the most divisive, racist president we have had since Woodrow Wilson.
Obama was not racist just divisive

Trump was divisive, racist, arrogant, narcist, etc.
He was all that but not racist. Sorry.
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman
Xiden, who opposed enforcement of Brown v Board of Education, had mentors like Sen Eastland (D), who was a member of the White Citizen's Council...which was essentially the DNC's direct link to the terrorist wing...the KKK. Citizens' Councils - Wikipedia

We just got rid of the most divisive, racist president we have had since Woodrow Wilson.
Biden is out already?

View attachment 471913
Do you have the race card tattooed on your arm?

Do you have the white privilege card tattooed to yours.
Whites don’t consider me white and you don’t consider me a minority. And I dont care because I am smarter than 99% of the people I run into and physically tougher than 99% as well. I embrace being a Jew and wear that proudly. Only privilege I have is your overt anti semitism.
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman
Xiden, who opposed enforcement of Brown v Board of Education, had mentors like Sen Eastland (D), who was a member of the White Citizen's Council...which was essentially the DNC's direct link to the terrorist wing...the KKK. Citizens' Councils - Wikipedia

We just got rid of the most divisive, racist president we have had since Woodrow Wilson.
Obama was not racist just divisive

Trump was divisive, racist, arrogant, narcist, etc.
You just described yourself.
What’s a “narcist” LOL he is so dumb
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman

They didn't have to belong to the KKK to be racist, fool. They set policy and legislation.
which legislation is it

So in all their time in office you are telling me that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond never signed any legislation. Wow.
Nope. They vote on legislation.

The President signs legislation.

You really are stupid. :laughing0301:

Says the moron who claims Jesse Helms was never a Democrat.
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman

They didn't have to belong to the KKK to be racist, fool. They set policy and legislation.
which legislation is it

So in all their time in office you are telling me that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond never signed any legislation. Wow.
Nope. They vote on legislation.

The President signs legislation.

You really are stupid. :laughing0301:

Says the moron who claims Jesse Helms was never a Democrat.
Says the moron who called Trump a “narcist”
Yep and it was so called Christians who opposed him at the same time.
If white Christians didnt oppose slavery you’d still be picking cotton

It was white, racist, Southern Christians that wanted slavery fool. What a idiot.
you left out the fact they were Democrat voters as well....they literally went to war because a Republican won and they didn't get their way....very similar to what the Dems did in 2016

They were white, democrat, conservatives.
ok...usually though the adjective comes before the white, conservative Dems...but yeah I agree.

Yep and those Democrats are Republicans today.
List the Dims who switched to the Republican party.

None of you idiots can ever come up with a list.

Strom Thurmond, he was the Republican champion for years. You loved Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, he'll any democrat from the South pretty much became a republican in the 70s.
None of those men belonged to the KKK and I have no problems associating with them

Democrat Robert Byrd was a high ranking Klamsman

They didn't have to belong to the KKK to be racist, fool. They set policy and legislation.
which legislation is it

So in all their time in office you are telling me that Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond never signed any legislation. Wow.
Nope. They vote on legislation.

The President signs legislation.

You really are stupid. :laughing0301:

Says the moron who claims Jesse Helms was never a Democrat.
You really need to learn how to read, Stupid.

I said he was a Republican when he was elected to Congress, Dummy.

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