Shooting a dog <> shooting a fetus.... What's the diff?

No that's a living thing. It has a right to life. And we have laws that say animal cruelty is a crime. We all agree. Well, everyone except Republicans. Republicans seem to take the wrong side of every issue. Add murdering dogs to the list.

A fetus is not a human being. Life isn't that precious. If it is, have your child. Even if it's retarded. Live that life. I hope it gets you into heaven. But don't shoot a dog. God doesn't allow dog murderers into heaven.

Also, we put dogs down. We should be able to put people down too. If you are sick and going to suffer in the next 6 months, you should be allowed to be put down. Why do dog's have the right but we don't?

Once you own a dog, it's sort of like your child. You can't murder it after it's born.
the fetus of a human women is a human being and her child,,

thats an established scientific fact,,,

and abortion results in the death of that child,, which is also a scientific fact
She's Republican and possible running mate for Trump. How else would the liberal media react? Maybe she should have waited until the dog mauled a child.
No one gives a fuck what you think. We already know. Even if you are raped, you gotta have the baby. I'm so glad the real you is finally out of the closet.
Right because that is exactly what I said Ghoul! I do prefer the child be born though!
the fetus of a human women is a human being and her child,,

thats an established scientific fact,,,

and abortion results in the death of that child,, which is also a scientific fact
Yea no one cares. But a lot of people care that you are dog murderers. No sense in what she did. She could have taken the dog to a shelter. And she didn't have to carry it in her stomach and give birth to it before doing so.
Yea no one cares. But a lot of people care that you are dog murderers. No sense in what she did. She could have taken the dog to a shelter. And she didn't have to carry it in her stomach and give birth to it before doing so.
if you dont care then why do you keep claiming its not a human child,,

just admit that much and we can move on,,,
Can't I do both? Not care and insist it's not a human child?

In Michigan we allow up to 24 weeks. That's a 6 month old fetus.
you not caring that its a human child and insisting its not a human child are opposites,,

so which is it??

yes you allow the murdering a human child up till 24 weeks of life,,,
you not caring that its a human child and insisting its not a human child are opposites,,

so which is it??

yes you allow the murdering a human child up till 24 weeks of life,,,

Well since we are able to murder it, I guess it's not a child yet. Not viable. The dog is viable. Means it can survive on it's own outside the womb.

We aren't having these arguments anymore. We know what you want now. Ultimately a federal ban on abortion. So no one who's pro choice should EVER vote GOP. Not on a state or federal level.

If you want to murder dogs, vote GOP.
Well since we are able to murder it, I guess it's not a child yet. Not viable. The dog is viable. Means it can survive on it's own outside the womb.

We aren't having these arguments anymore. We know what you want now. Ultimately a federal ban on abortion. So no one who's pro choice should EVER vote GOP. Not on a state or federal level.

If you want to murder dogs, vote GOP.
because you are able to murder it proves its a child,, beings murder is the unjustified killing of another person,,

that along with the dictionary and science thats also proven its a child,,

in fact politicians on both sides have even backed it up and made laws that if you kill a pregnant mother you can get charged with two deaths,,

yeah its best you run along,, youre sounding pretty morbid trying to advocate for the murder of children..
because you are able to murder it proves its a child,, beings murder is the unjustified killing of another person,,

that along with the dictionary and science thats also proven its a child,,

in fact politicians on both sides have even backed it up and made laws that if you kill a pregnant mother you can get charged with two deaths,,

yeah its best you run along,, youre sounding pretty morbid trying to advocate for the murder of children..
Yes, I love murdering children.

I'll tell you what. If women could get pregnant, take the fetus out and give it to someone else as easily as they get an abortion, that would be great. Put it in your stomach and let you carry it to term.

We know you guys have slowly, methodically moved us towards being a pro life country where it is illegal to get an abortion. But you see how much pushback you got.

No one is going to argue that you should be able to murder a 1 year old dog just because it killed some chickens. No shit bitch! That's what dogs do.

I always sick my dog on the geese. One year one of the babies didn't make it to the water and my dog killed it. I could have got in big trouble for that. People don't like people who murder animals for no good reason.

I get an abortion because I don't want a child. That's a good reason. Or can't afford it. Or, just don't want one. As long as I abort it by 6 months, no foul.
Yes, I love murdering children.

I'll tell you what. If women could get pregnant, take the fetus out and give it to someone else as easily as they get an abortion, that would be great. Put it in your stomach and let you carry it to term.

We know you guys have slowly, methodically moved us towards being a pro life country where it is illegal to get an abortion. But you see how much pushback you got.

No one is going to argue that you should be able to murder a 1 year old dog just because it killed some chickens. No shit bitch! That's what dogs do.

I always sick my dog on the geese. One year one of the babies didn't make it to the water and my dog killed it. I could have got in big trouble for that. People don't like people who murder animals for no good reason.

I get an abortion because I don't want a child. That's a good reason. Or can't afford it. Or, just don't want one. As long as I abort it by 6 months, no foul.
to admit you know its a human child and that youre in favor of murdering children is a big step,,

now we just need to figure out what to do with you,,
Jeffery Epstein is in his row boat with his dog. I'm in a boat nearby. His boat develops a leak and is sinking. I can only save one. Who am I going to save?
thats the exception not the rule,,

a rancher .on a farm in the dakotas that uses working dogs is going to look at dogs a lot different than some simp like you would,,
So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.

from op site:

Democrat Hillary Clinton reposted a 2021 comment in which she warned, “Don’t vote for anyone you wouldn’t trust with your dog.” She added Monday, “Still true.”


Don't vote for anyone you wouldn't trust with an unborn child. I add Tuesday "still true."

Abysmally clueless: Protesting the "murder" of an out of control animal, while at the same time supporting mutilation and murder of a helpless, never-did-any-wrong CHILD!

These people are morally bankrupt
thats the exception not the rule,,

a rancher .on a farm in the dakotas that uses working dogs is going to look at dogs a lot different than some simp like you would,,
Really need to resort to personal insults?

A vicious dog is attacking a child. Guess who I gonna let live.

A vicious human is torturing a dog. Guess who I gonna let live?

Your argument about the "worth" of one life over another is ridiculous. There is NO situation that justifies taking an innocent life.

You've had to resort to silliness and retarded "arguments" that everyone with an ounce of sense can see through. Yet you insult me. I'm a virtual ROCK of stability and consistency. You, not so much.
I'm a dog lover but if you have an untrainable dog that bites people and kills your chickens you must do something about it before the dog really hurts someone... in the city people turn them over to the shelter and they get euthanized.... on a farm they get put down with a shot to the head...

And just to point out the dishonesty of MSNBC... they are still calling this dog a puppy... it was not a puppy....
they wouldn't have felt one shred of guilt if that dog had attacked and harmed a human

the leftists hate humans, probably including themselves
Really need to resort to personal insults?

A vicious dog is attacking a child. Guess who I gonna let live.

A vicious human is torturing a dog. Guess who I gonna let live?

Your argument about the "worth" of one life over another is ridiculous. There is NO situation that justifies taking an innocent life.

You've had to resort to silliness and retarded "arguments" that everyone with an ounce of sense can see through. Yet you insult me. I'm a virtual ROCK of stability and consistency. You, not so much.
when you bring up the most outrageous comparison I can think of youre lucky insults is all I gave you,,,

just say thank you and move along,,

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