Shoot to kill or just injure?

Isnt the rule if you shoot a home invader you should shoot to kill not maim? Why is that? I know a couple reasons. What other reasons are there besides they might kill or sue you later? I'm thinking if I could kill or just wound an intruder I'd prefer not to have to kill them. And how do christians feel about this? How do you put aside thou shall not kill when you could have just shot them in the leg or balls.
proper terminology and thinking is that a person 'Shoots to STOP' sealy !!
Strange how we got away from the old west ways and now are falling back into that kind of atmosphere.

We are still a very young immature uneducated primitive species. Not much separate us from animals in fact some ways were worse.

Would a squirrel kill another squirrel for stealing a nut? You would.

"Old west ways"? The old west was not nearly as violent as you think. Perhaps "old western movie ways" is the term you are looking for.

Would a squirrel kill another squirrel for invading their nest? You betcha!
Isnt the rule if you shoot a home invader you should shoot to kill not maim? Why is that? I know a couple reasons. What other reasons are there besides they might kill or sue you later? I'm thinking if I could kill or just wound an intruder I'd prefer not to have to kill them. And how do christians feel about this? How do you put aside thou shall not kill when you could have just shot them in the leg or balls.
proper terminology and thinking is that a person 'Shoots to STOP' sealy !!
Strange how we got away from the old west ways and now are falling back into that kind of atmosphere.

We are still a very young immature uneducated primitive species. Not much separate us from animals in fact some ways were worse.

Would a squirrel kill another squirrel for stealing a nut? You would.

"Old west ways"? The old west was not nearly as violent as you think. Perhaps "old western movie ways" is the term you are looking for.

Would a squirrel kill another squirrel for invading their nest? You betcha!
They usually chase away. I've never seen a squirrel kill another squirrel.

Now I have heard the littler red squirrels kill the brown squirrels. Reminds me of black and white humans. Lol but they typically dont kill their own.

Wolves will kill.

I won't argue that we are just another animal species. I'm not religious.
i am not christian
I love to see so many non christians step up and proclaim they are not believers.

On a Sunday talk show they broke it down christians only 30% of world population. I bet they are counting many americans who aren't even real christians. What makes someone a real christian? Do they have to take all the stories literally?
The problem I see with your supposition, Sealyboo, is that you seem to have issues with the people shooting the intruder, and whether or not they should try to only wound them.

The actual situation is simple. You, the homeowner, did not instigate this event. You took some steps to prevent it (like locks on doors, ect). But a criminal has violently invaded your home. If you have a family, you have a split second, under extreme stress, in order to keep them safe. Do you try for a much more difficult shot in that split second? If so, you risk your family's safety on the success. Or do you aim for the largest part of the target and let fly?
I would not shoot to wound.

Now would I shoot to kill.

I would shoot to stop the threat of serious injury or death. Period

I am not attempting to play with words here. The law in every jurisdiction allows deadly force to be used when a person has a reasonable belief that such force is necessary to prevent serious bodily injury or death. When the threat is over, the use of deadly force becomes criminal.

I mention this because on other threads some of you said things which are not only wrong but which could land you in serious trouble. One poster said that if a robber was running away with his TV he would shoot him in the back. It sounded macho but if it happened that way the poster would have been convicted of a felony. Some of you have stated that if someone broke into your house it is better to kill him than to wound him and have him turn into a witness against you. So far, nothing wrong; however, if you shoot an intruder and he is on the ground wounded (and no longer a threat) and you give him the coup de grâce, you have committed a serious felony. It doesn't matter if he would have died anyway from the initial wounds. Your only hope is jury nullification.

Now as far as aiming is concerned, always aim for center mass. Anything else is foolish even for an expert marksman.
Just saw american sniper. Why didn't he shoot the gun out of the kids hand? Or shoot near before the kid picked it up?
He could clearly have shot some of them in the legs. Not the adults running around shooting at them but the ones he was conflicted over?
When you are under lethal threat, (the only justification for firing at ALL) you will miss the chest most of the time, so there's no way that you're going to hit just the leg or the arm. And limb hits are often fatal, anyway. YOu are responsible for every bullet that emerges from your gun, so don't risk one of them richocheting and hitting an innocent. Put them all in the center of his chest, or his head. If he didn't want to get shot, all he had to do was not do what made you pull a gun.

The Bible says that "thou shalt not commit MURDER", actually. there's no prohibition vs killing in war or self defense.
Isnt the rule if you shoot a home invader you should shoot to kill not maim? Why is that? I know a couple reasons. What other reasons are there besides they might kill or sue you later? I'm thinking if I could kill or just wound an intruder I'd prefer not to have to kill them. And how do christians feel about this? How do you put aside thou shall not kill when you could have just shot them in the leg or balls.

You don't pull a deadly weapon on someone without intent to kill. If you want to wound a home intruder use your fist or throw a chair at them - if you don't feel safe doing that and have a gun - shoot to kill.

As for me - Ive got a 110 lb Weimshepherd.
have you ever seen what happens when you hit an arm or leg bone with a high-velocity rifle bullet? the limb is torn off and the "hittee" dies in agony, that's what happens.
son took cc glass today....saying not to go with 21 ft.....that is too close...he did well 100% on written test and 40 mass shots out of 40 shots...
you have no choice but to let lots of risky people pass within 7 yds of you, on the sidewalk, in cars as you walk or drive, in public buildings, all over the place. "stuff" starts at less than 5 yds, almost always and it gets lots closer, really fast, if you don't do something about it. I once had a guy with an upraised crescent wrench charge me from less than 4 yds. I did not back up, yet I was able to draw an (openly worn, in my waistband) 1911, cycle the slide, assume a weaver stance and yell "freeze" (and he did). He was still not within arm's reach, but if he'd taken one more step, I've have emptied the mag into his chest and he could see that. He knew me. Those who claim that 7 yds is it, are correct, tho, for the average guy with a holstered gun.
and how do you determine that? I've been a black belt for over 40 years now, and I started working on CC fast draw when I was 12. But nearly everyone is kidding themselves about what they'll be able to do if a fight starts. They'll be doing a Zimmerman on the ground with the guy, even if the attacker IS unarmed and alone. :) enter my home without my refuse to learn my property and continue coming....anything that i perceive as a threat to myself or my family....i prefer a shotgun....
and you NEVER leave your home, right? I've been attacked, or nearly attacked, several times, and only once was it in my home. Statistically, you are 4x more likelly to be attacked when not at home, guys. Even at home, you don't carry a shotgun from room to room, nor answer the door with it If you did, the neighbors, mail man, etc, would notice and you'd get locked- up as being the nut that you WOULD be. Most of the time, you never even have to fire, and misses have changed a lot of minds, too. I've been attacked, or nearly attacked, by dogs even more often than by men. It's many times more likely, even in your home, that you won't get to a longarm (in time) than the case of the pocket pistol not being "enough gun".
i live in relatively safe area....i do not cc .....hell why should i...i am willing to bet i am one of the few people not armed at all times....the only time i have had trouble was someone trying to enter my home with myself and my young son (he is grown now) many people tell me how lucky i was...i assure you the lucky sob was the dude trying to break in...this was long before cell phones etc...i did everything i was taught to do...decided when i would kill..armed myself and waited...there is no fear like knowing if someone gets into your home...they will harm your child...and that you and your shotgun are the only thing to stop, he was one lucky fucker that he stopped and left...
o and i grew up in a home where my father was never outta reach of a firearm....hell i thought that was normal....i was well into my 20s when i realized that not everyone lived in an armed fortress....grandfather on his side was the same way....i remember when we were young...pistols all over the house

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