Shoot to kill or just injure?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Isnt the rule if you shoot a home invader you should shoot to kill not maim? Why is that? I know a couple reasons. What other reasons are there besides they might kill or sue you later? I'm thinking if I could kill or just wound an intruder I'd prefer not to have to kill them. And how do christians feel about this? How do you put aside thou shall not kill when you could have just shot them in the leg or balls.
My training was to shoot till the target is down and no threat. Aim body mass not extremities or head. Look at Wilson he shot Brown 4 times and never stopped him. Arm shots do not stop someone nor do leg shots hell they may just make them more pissed off.
It is called "deadly force" for a reason. As gunny says, you go for the center of body mass and you keep shooting until they go down. I was once told by a lawyer "If you are shooting a revolver, pull the trigger several times after firing all 6 rounds. The double imprints in the primers will be proof you were scared.".

If you do not want to risk carrying the guilt, buy a taser or pepper spray.
It is called "deadly force" for a reason. As gunny says, you go for the center of body mass and you keep shooting until they go down. I was once told by a lawyer "If you are shooting a revolver, pull the trigger several times after firing all 6 rounds. The double imprints in the primers will be proof you were scared.".

If you do not want to risk carrying the guilt, buy a taser or pepper spray.
This christian said she would shoot the perp in the leg. I know she's just not admitting the truth that she would and should go for the kill regardless of thou shall not kill.
My training was to shoot till the target is down and no threat. Aim body mass not extremities or head. Look at Wilson he shot Brown 4 times and never stopped him. Arm shots do not stop someone nor do leg shots hell they may just make them more pissed off.
How do you know the first shot wasn't enough? I bet the one was all it would have taken but he snapped and over reacted. Just like you he kept shooting till the guy was down. He didn't even wait 1 second between his first and second shot so how do you know 1 wasn't enough? It would be if you shot me.

You aren't being honest when you say he had to unload on that guy. You admit your training says blow him away. If anything your boy was a bad shot.
Because if you don't kill them ... They can sue you and your homeowners' insurance for medical damages.
Plus ... Dead men don't tell lies ... And make terrible eye witnesses.

My training was to shoot till the target is down and no threat. Aim body mass not extremities or head. Look at Wilson he shot Brown 4 times and never stopped him. Arm shots do not stop someone nor do leg shots hell they may just make them more pissed off.
How do you know the first shot wasn't enough? I bet the one was all it would have taken but he snapped and over reacted. Just like you he kept shooting till the guy was down. He didn't even wait 1 second between his first and second shot so how do you know 1 wasn't enough? It would be if you shot me.

You aren't being honest when you say he had to unload on that guy. You admit your training says blow him away. If anything your boy was a bad shot.
Why would you care? If they are an immediate threat to your life, you have a Christian obligation to protect your family and your own life. Chances are, it was a gun grabber anyway.
How do you know the first shot wasn't enough? I bet the one was all it would have taken but he snapped and over reacted. Just like you he kept shooting till the guy was down. He didn't even wait 1 second between his first and second shot so how do you know 1 wasn't enough? It would be if you shot me.

You aren't being honest when you say he had to unload on that guy. You admit your training says blow him away. If anything your boy was a bad shot.

"Three center mass" is training and not decision making time.
There are countless ways to attempt crisis management ... But when you skin the smoke-wagon it is time to kill someone.
There is no safe place to shoot someone because there are arteries throughout the body.

It is what makes the difference between life and death and who gets to choose.
Don't shoot someone if you don't have to ... But if you have to shoot someone ... Then kill them.

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My training was to shoot till the target is down and no threat. Aim body mass not extremities or head. Look at Wilson he shot Brown 4 times and never stopped him. Arm shots do not stop someone nor do leg shots hell they may just make them more pissed off.
How do you know the first shot wasn't enough? I bet the one was all it would have taken but he snapped and over reacted. Just like you he kept shooting till the guy was down. He didn't even wait 1 second between his first and second shot so how do you know 1 wasn't enough? It would be if you shot me.

You aren't being honest when you say he had to unload on that guy. You admit your training says blow him away. If anything your boy was a bad shot.
Why would you care? If they are an immediate threat to your life, you have a Christian obligation to protect your family and your own life. Chances are, it was a gun grabber anyway.
This all started when a christian said without god there are no moral absolutes. This conversation is proving that even with god there aren't moral absolutes. Fact is most christians choose to kill rather than wound. They prefer it. You guys even sound proud about it.
How do you know the first shot wasn't enough? I bet the one was all it would have taken but he snapped and over reacted. Just like you he kept shooting till the guy was down. He didn't even wait 1 second between his first and second shot so how do you know 1 wasn't enough? It would be if you shot me.

You aren't being honest when you say he had to unload on that guy. You admit your training says blow him away. If anything your boy was a bad shot.

"Three center mass" is training and not decision making time.
There are countless ways to attempt to crisis management ... But when you skin the smoke-wagon it is time to kill someone.
There is no safe place to shoot someone because there are arteries throughout the body.

It is what makes the difference between life and death and who gets to choose.
Don't shoot someone if you don't have to ... But if you have to shoot someone ... Then kill them.

Thou shall not shoot to wound.
My training was to shoot till the target is down and no threat. Aim body mass not extremities or head. Look at Wilson he shot Brown 4 times and never stopped him. Arm shots do not stop someone nor do leg shots hell they may just make them more pissed off.
How do you know the first shot wasn't enough? I bet the one was all it would have taken but he snapped and over reacted. Just like you he kept shooting till the guy was down. He didn't even wait 1 second between his first and second shot so how do you know 1 wasn't enough? It would be if you shot me.

You aren't being honest when you say he had to unload on that guy. You admit your training says blow him away. If anything your boy was a bad shot.
Why would you care? If they are an immediate threat to your life, you have a Christian obligation to protect your family and your own life. Chances are, it was a gun grabber anyway.
This all started when a christian said without god there are no moral absolutes. This conversation is proving that even with god there aren't moral absolutes. Fact is most christians choose to kill rather than wound. They prefer it. You guys even sound proud about it.
Only a fool would think to wound in an adrenalin induced crisis. Its a sure way to get yourself and your family killed.

Shoot to eliminate the threat and continue shooting until you are positive the threat is neutralized. If the person survives, they can do the jail time after they recover.
I was a soldier, that didn't violate my morals. The actual commandment in Hebrew translates to "Thou shall not commit murder", defending yourself and your family isn't murder, defending your country, or your fellow soldiers in war is not murder.
I was a soldier, that didn't violate my morals. The actual commandment in Hebrew translates to "Thou shall not commit murder", defending yourself and your family isn't murder, defending your country, or your fellow soldiers in war is not murder.
Further proof there are no moral facts. I'm sure even Isis believes the murder they commit is OK with their god. Completely justified. Just like it was justified that maybe we killed 1 million Iraqis just to get rid of Saddam. Now we wish he was still in charge.

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