Shock and Awe


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Shock and Awe

I visited the 9/11 memorial on the Capitol grounds in Phoenix on Tuesday, and I was stunned by what I saw.

Here's how the Governor describes the memorial.

According to governor spokeswoman Shilo Mitchell , Napolitano described the memorial as being " unique, bold, educational and unforgettable," she said. " The memorial uses the sun to articulate words and thoughts."

The memorial is an elevated flat ring with phrases cut through the metal. Throughout the day, the sun shines through the ring and phrases become visible on the side walk.

What kind of phrases? Politically correct phrases that bash America. That's what kind of phrases. The memorial looks like a webpage.

Sure there is the usual timeline of events, but how about this little reminder of American aggression. (The stray Ds on the left are from another inscription.)

The sign is referring to this event.

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (CNN) -- At least 20 people were killed and more than 60 injured in Afghanistan when a U.S. plane dropped a bomb on a wedding party as celebrants fired into the air, an Afghan defense spokesman said Monday.

I thought the memorial was to pay tribute to the victims of 9/11, not score cheap political points about collateral damage in Afghanistan.

Here's another example.

That's right; what did Bush know and when did he know it? Funny, I walked over to the Pearl Harbor memorial and I didn't see any reference to Roosevelt getting advance notice of the bombing. Come to think about it, I didn't see any mention of erroneous attacks on Japanese civilians either. Golly, they just don't build monuments like they used to.

This one is more subtle. Notice the significance of the dates? Everyone recognizes the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I'm a bit of a history buff, but it took me a second to recognize the sinking of the Lusitania. That's the 1915 event that brought the US into WW I.

Then the last date dawned on me. My gosh, it's the attack in the Gulf of Tonkin in August of 1964. Why is that significant? Because it's the fictionalized event that Lyndon Johnson used as an excuse to trick Congress into supporting the Vietnam War. You know...just like this time.

The left is desperate to compare Iraq to Vietnam, but do they really want to trivialize 9/11 by comparing it to Tonkin? That's the implied message. Johnson was a liar; Vietnam was a quagmire. Bush...well, you fill in the rest.

The memorial is a permanent monument to the left's perceived failures of the Bush administration.

Does the Napolitano administration stand by this travesty? Does she really want to compare 9/11 to Tonkin? Does this represent her view of America? Does she really think the memorial is unique, bold, educational and unforgettable?

Is this the way we want 9/11 to be remembered?

Here's an article today in the East Valley Tribune about this...
Shock and Awe

I visited the 9/11 memorial on the Capitol grounds in Phoenix on Tuesday, and I was stunned by what I saw.

Here's how the Governor describes the memorial.

According to governor spokeswoman Shilo Mitchell , Napolitano described the memorial as being " unique, bold, educational and unforgettable," she said. " The memorial uses the sun to articulate words and thoughts."

The memorial is an elevated flat ring with phrases cut through the metal. Throughout the day, the sun shines through the ring and phrases become visible on the side walk.

What kind of phrases? Politically correct phrases that bash America. That's what kind of phrases. The memorial looks like a webpage.

Sure there is the usual timeline of events, but how about this little reminder of American aggression. (The stray Ds on the left are from another inscription.)

The sign is referring to this event.

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (CNN) -- At least 20 people were killed and more than 60 injured in Afghanistan when a U.S. plane dropped a bomb on a wedding party as celebrants fired into the air, an Afghan defense spokesman said Monday.

I thought the memorial was to pay tribute to the victims of 9/11, not score cheap political points about collateral damage in Afghanistan.

Here's another example.

That's right; what did Bush know and when did he know it? Funny, I walked over to the Pearl Harbor memorial and I didn't see any reference to Roosevelt getting advance notice of the bombing. Come to think about it, I didn't see any mention of erroneous attacks on Japanese civilians either. Golly, they just don't build monuments like they used to.

This one is more subtle. Notice the significance of the dates? Everyone recognizes the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I'm a bit of a history buff, but it took me a second to recognize the sinking of the Lusitania. That's the 1915 event that brought the US into WW I.

Then the last date dawned on me. My gosh, it's the attack in the Gulf of Tonkin in August of 1964. Why is that significant? Because it's the fictionalized event that Lyndon Johnson used as an excuse to trick Congress into supporting the Vietnam War. You know...just like this time.

The left is desperate to compare Iraq to Vietnam, but do they really want to trivialize 9/11 by comparing it to Tonkin? That's the implied message. Johnson was a liar; Vietnam was a quagmire. Bush...well, you fill in the rest.

The memorial is a permanent monument to the left's perceived failures of the Bush administration.

Does the Napolitano administration stand by this travesty? Does she really want to compare 9/11 to Tonkin? Does this represent her view of America? Does she really think the memorial is unique, bold, educational and unforgettable?

Is this the way we want 9/11 to be remembered?

Here's an article today in the East Valley Tribune about this...

Who paid for this? That is my question. If any federal dollars involved, I want my money back. If state, if I lived in AZ I'd be bitchin a storm.
Here's their website for this memorial...

They’ve also designed curriculum plans to indoctrinate K-12 kids who visit for field trips. Some excerpts;

Ask students to think about how they would answer these questions: What does the word “tolerance” mean? What do you do and how do you react when a person is different from you? Share that today they will be learning more about tolerance and diversity.
Describe how key political, social, environmental, and economic events of the late 20th century and early 21st century (e.g., Watergate, OPEC/oil crisis, Central American wars/Iran-Contra, End of Cold War, first Gulf War, September 11) affected, and continue to affect, the United States.
Ask students what a world-wide memorial to victims of terrorism might look like. Have students design/draw their idea of a memorial. Have them write a paragraph or two explaining how their design shows a world affected by terrorism in the 21st century.
Inform students that today they will look at any effects 9-11 has had on our civil liberties. Enactment: Discussion: Ask students: What has our government done to prevent a terrorist attack from happening again? (i.e., enacted the Patriot Act, increased security at airports and other locations, monitored some overseas phone conversations, etc.) What are some of the negative and positive aspects of these changes? Do students feel the changes are helping to prevent terrorism? What else do students feel the government could or should do to prevent a similar event from happening?
Then the last date dawned on me. My gosh, it's the attack in the Gulf of Tonkin in August of 1964. Why is that significant? Because it's the fictionalized event that Lyndon Johnson used as an excuse to trick Congress into supporting the Vietnam War. You know...just like this time.

The left is desperate to compare Iraq to Vietnam, but do they really want to trivialize 9/11 by comparing it to Tonkin? That's the implied message. Johnson was a liar; Vietnam was a quagmire. Bush...well, you fill in the rest.

The memorial is a permanent monument to the left's perceived failures of the Bush administration.

I think you are being extremely petty. The inscription also shows the date of the attack Pearl Harbor. Is the left trying to trivialize this?

The inscription states "violent acts leading us to war". The sinking of the Lusitiania, the attack on Peal Harbor, the events in the Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11 were indeed all events that led us to war. The events in the Gulf of Tonkin may have been exaggerated, but nevertheless the inscription is still just a simple true statement.
I think you are being extremely petty. The inscription also shows the date of the attack Pearl Harbor. Is the left trying to trivialize this?

The inscription states "violent acts leading us to war". The sinking of the Lusitiania, the attack on Peal Harbor, the events in the Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11 were indeed all events that led us to war. The events in the Gulf of Tonkin may have been exaggerated, but nevertheless the inscription is still just a simple true statement.

It's not a true statement. 12/7/1941 and 9/11/2001 were acts of war committed against the United States. Unprovoked attacks, I might add.

I'm not a history buff so I'll leave the arguments about the other two dates ups to Stephanie.

But if this is supposed to be a 9/11 memorial, why does it even mention any other conflict at all? Why does it? Because many people think we deserved it for our past actions and "American Imperialism". That's why. It's insulting.
I found out about this by scanning a couple of other sites that I take a look at sometimes.. They were discussing it, and that's where I got the info. from. I named a couple of them in the first and second post with the addys I posted with it...

I just wanted people to see this, and they can make up their own mind about it...
But I'm with the people who are upset and talking about this....
It seems as if it's a blame America memorial, not a 9/11 memorial...
But this isn't the first time this has happened...
If I remember right, they tried to do something like this at the site of the trade center rebuilding. And their was a big uproar over the flight 93 memorial also...:(
Un-f--king believable!!!!

It's ok to put something like this in a public square, but the ten commandants are removed?

This is soooo tacky, can't believe the citizens of Arizona will let this stand "as is".

I'm going to e-mail the Arizona Republic, the largest newspaper in Arizona.
From what I've been reading, the governors office has been receiving a lot of emails over this........

I don't live in Arizona of course, but I don't think a email from Alaska and all the other states, would be a bad thing......:thewave:
Shock and Awe

I visited the 9/11 memorial on the Capitol grounds in Phoenix on Tuesday, and I was stunned by what I saw.

Here's how the Governor describes the memorial.

According to governor spokeswoman Shilo Mitchell , Napolitano described the memorial as being " unique, bold, educational and unforgettable," she said. " The memorial uses the sun to articulate words and thoughts."

The memorial is an elevated flat ring with phrases cut through the metal. Throughout the day, the sun shines through the ring and phrases become visible on the side walk.

What kind of phrases? Politically correct phrases that bash America. That's what kind of phrases. The memorial looks like a webpage.

Sure there is the usual timeline of events, but how about this little reminder of American aggression. (The stray Ds on the left are from another inscription.)

The sign is referring to this event.

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (CNN) -- At least 20 people were killed and more than 60 injured in Afghanistan when a U.S. plane dropped a bomb on a wedding party as celebrants fired into the air, an Afghan defense spokesman said Monday.

I thought the memorial was to pay tribute to the victims of 9/11, not score cheap political points about collateral damage in Afghanistan.

Here's another example.

That's right; what did Bush know and when did he know it? Funny, I walked over to the Pearl Harbor memorial and I didn't see any reference to Roosevelt getting advance notice of the bombing. Come to think about it, I didn't see any mention of erroneous attacks on Japanese civilians either. Golly, they just don't build monuments like they used to.

This one is more subtle. Notice the significance of the dates? Everyone recognizes the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I'm a bit of a history buff, but it took me a second to recognize the sinking of the Lusitania. That's the 1915 event that brought the US into WW I.

Then the last date dawned on me. My gosh, it's the attack in the Gulf of Tonkin in August of 1964. Why is that significant? Because it's the fictionalized event that Lyndon Johnson used as an excuse to trick Congress into supporting the Vietnam War. You know...just like this time.

The left is desperate to compare Iraq to Vietnam, but do they really want to trivialize 9/11 by comparing it to Tonkin? That's the implied message. Johnson was a liar; Vietnam was a quagmire. Bush...well, you fill in the rest.

The memorial is a permanent monument to the left's perceived failures of the Bush administration.

Does the Napolitano administration stand by this travesty? Does she really want to compare 9/11 to Tonkin? Does this represent her view of America? Does she really think the memorial is unique, bold, educational and unforgettable?

Is this the way we want 9/11 to be remembered?

Here's an article today in the East Valley Tribune about this...

You continue to find inconvenient truths to be uncomfortable. Having one's faith shaken can always be an uncomfortable sensation...Especially when that faith is misplaced.
You continue to find inconvenient truths to be uncomfortable. Having one's faith shaken can always be an uncomfortable sensation...Especially when that faith is misplaced.

And you ignore the postive truths about America. They probably don't want to put up a memorial to the positive things America has contributed to the world because it would be constantly vandalised by those who just plain hate it.
You continue to find inconvenient truths to be uncomfortable. Having one's faith shaken can always be an uncomfortable sensation...Especially when that faith is misplaced.

Ah Bully, you know deep down inside you have just a big teddy bear heart inside ya......:eek: :huddle:
You continue to find inconvenient truths to be uncomfortable. Having one's faith shaken can always be an uncomfortable sensation...Especially when that faith is misplaced.

I fail to see how the phrases that Stephanie shows in her post have anything to do with 9/11. It seems a slap in the face to the memory of those who perished that day to use 9/11 as a platform for propaganda.

I liken it to a memorial built to the memory of American soldiers from World War II, then placing phrases about the death and carnage from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the implying that Japan was "provoked" into attacking Pearl Harbor.

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