Shiva's WMD Fable (Democratic?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a WMD modernism-fable alluding to Shiva (Hindu god of destruction), ISIS (Middle Eastern radical terrorist group), and God (metaphysics creator of the universe believed in by the majority of humans on Earth).

I find that cautionary-storytelling soothes my modernism-warfare fears!

Anyone a fan of The Hunt for Red October?




Shiva descended to Earth to understand why/how modern civilization was developing dangerous WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), which included nuclear, biochemical, and radioactive missiles(!). Shiva understood (since he was after all a master of destruction) the symbolism of WMDs and why/how capitalism was creating all sorts of threats to global democracy (simply because of competitive economics). America was contending with incendiary North Korea which was anxious about competing in a cutthroat modern capitalism-biased geopolitical landscape (i.e., NATO, Wall Street). Shiva wondered why no one was using the World Bank as a peace-promoting institution more.

Shiva decided to travel to Syria and evaluate the activities of ISIS and whether or not they were developing WMDs as a special legacy-initiative of 9/11 (the day the World Trade Center was destroyed by fundamentalist Muslim terrorists spearheaded by the cunning Osama bin Laden). Shiva discovered that a ruthless fascist Muslim named Ali Dakat was trying to organize the chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria, Iran, Iraq, and even Russia (where the underground was marketing weapons to various terrorist groups in an economically-challenged Moscow following the devastating collapse of the Soviet Union). Dakat wanted a chemical-weapons strike 'follow-up' to 9/11, and Shiva guessed Dakat was targeting Washington, D.C.

SHIVA: Why are you developing a chemical war?
DAKAT: I want a powerful follow-up to 9/11.
SHIVA: You know I'm one of your 'disciples,' Dakat!
DAKAT: My friend told me you're a 'mysterious recruit.'
SHIVA: I know you haven't seen me before, but I'm a devotee of Islam.
DAKAT: I trust you're interested in anti-capitalism prayers, but I wonder if I can trust you.
SHIVA: What matters now is that we evaluate the impact of chemical warfare.
DAKAT: To destroy capitalism avarice, we must not refrain from 'radical tactics.'
SHIVA: Chemical war could destroy the morale of humanity, Dakat...
DAKAT: They told me your name is Zakir, but I wonder if I should believe that!
SHIVA: I'm not a spy or a traitor, Dakat; I'm merely trying to be a dutiful 'pupil.'
DAKAT: I have no time for 'classroom critics,' Zakir; chemical war is our agenda now!
SHIVA: Well, in that case, I will retreat from your group and return to my Muslim prayers.
DAKAT: I wish you well, Zakir; I'm sorry our paths could not intersect more profitably.

After Shiva departed from Dakat, honestly relieved the modern warlord did not detect he was indeed a kind of 'spy,' he decided to travel to Washington, D.C. and roam around Congress monitoring the kinds of dialogue in America regarding WMDs. When Shiva arrived in Congress (this time disguised as a Washington political-science 'intern' named Ethan doing research on Congress procedures), he noticed that the Trump Administration was encouraging all kinds of political chatter about why America needed to be the world's 'Big Brother' more than ever. Shiva (aka, 'Ethan') also noticed that 'TrumpUSA' was not really heeding enough contemplation towards eco-pollution (a real malady of modernism!).

Shiva concluded that if capitalism and the ambitions/egos of American politicians continued to go unchecked, rival nations such as Israel and Palestine, North Korea and South Korea, and China and America would begin engaging in terrible kinds of competitive skirmishes which would culminate in the deadly use of nuclear, chemical, and all kinds of fatal weapons. Shiva noticed that American youngsters were playing very graphic combat-oriented video games such as Gears of War and Mortal Kombat X (games that reflected a modern fascination with ruthless competition). Shiva was a big fan of American democracy, but he worried that the Trump Administration was too focused on commerce to anticipate the dangers of anti-capitalism sentiment (especially in the Middle East!).

SHIVA: It seems that Trump and Dakat are on opposite ends of an 'evil axis.'
GOD: I'm concerned you're trying to interfere too much into the affairs of mortal men.
SHIVA: Human beings are too intrigued by biochemical warfare, my Master.
GOD: Shiva, nuclear warfare was a tough reality of World War II.
SHIVA: Yes, I've read stories about the legacy of Hiroshima/Nagasaki.
GOD: America is trying to be the 'Big Brother' everyone expects...
SHIVA: Yet, the Trump Administration seems too focused on commerce.
GOD: Trump oversaw a beneficial alliance during the Winter Olympics in South Korea.
SHIVA: Yes, there were commercial pacts then between North and South Korea!
GOD: That was an achievement of the Trump Administration, so we remain optimistic.
SHIVA: Warfare is a trophy of capitalist-thinking, which is dangerous.
GOD: That's because radicals/romantics sometimes paint capitalism as a 'game.'
SHIVA: It's a double-edged sword, but we need to defend democracy and destroy terrorism!
GOD: It's a cat-and-mouse game, so we keep faith that Washington knows what to do...
SHIVA: What if anti-American sentiments catalyze all kinds of anti-establishment terrorism?
GOD: Then we promote democratic idealism and religious thinking (and the United Nations)!
SHIVA: Could this modern media age truly create 'values-oriented free-speech,' God?
GOD: Let's watch Clear and Present Danger (Harrison Ford) on Netflix, Lord Shiva!



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