Shep Smith Smacks Hannity’s/ Trump’s Lies Right Out of the Park

Of course you agree with a conspiracy theorist. You don’t know any better so you cheer for your team even when they’re dead wrong.
You’re not smart enough and you’re too lazy to prove Shep wrong because he has his facts correct. That you have to refer to him as a gay boy speaks volumes of who you are
My team is not wrong...we are on the side of honesty truth and America first...where are you...? undermining the nation at every turn because your bitch lost an are the one that needs to look deep inside of yourself....
What fractured logic plus your first sentence is another lie.
The players were kneeling way before fat boy stuck his nose where it didn’t belong.
It blows my mind how little you know.
It blows my mind that everything you know is did that happen? a boating accident or something???
Yet you couldn’t prove even one point of Hannity’s being correct.
You’re hopeless.
I did get a good belly laugh when you said Putin’s bitch had a50% approval rating
I agree with Hannity....not little gay boy Shep....
Of course you agree with a conspiracy theorist. You don’t know any better so you cheer for your team even when they’re dead wrong.
You’re not smart enough and you’re too lazy to prove Shep wrong because he has his facts correct. That you have to refer to him as a gay boy speaks volumes of who you are.

He's just trying to tell you he has no rational argument.

Not that we didn't already know that.
The players had multiple reasons until they got together and came out with one....
Pulled straight from your ass.
It started and continues to be a protest against the way black people are treated in America.
Yet you couldn’t prove even one point of Hannity’s being correct.
You’re hopeless.
I did get a good belly laugh when you said Putin’s bitch had a50% approval rating
I agree with Hannity....not little gay boy Shep....
Of course you agree with a conspiracy theorist. You don’t know any better so you cheer for your team even when they’re dead wrong.
You’re not smart enough and you’re too lazy to prove Shep wrong because he has his facts correct. That you have to refer to him as a gay boy speaks volumes of who you are.

He's just trying to tell you he has no rational argument.

Not that we didn't already know that.
No rational argument indeed.
Isn’t that the MO of a deplorable?
Liar Hannity: The NFL players that kneel are attacking the flag.
Smith: wrong. They’re protesting police brutality and racial injustice.

Hannity is just like Trump. They’re both literally incapable of telling the truth which is why they’re joined at the hip.

What does the flag have to do with police brutality and racial injustice?
Pulled straight from your ass.
It started and continues to be a protest against the way black people are treated in America.
Do you really want to know how it started from a guy that was at that preseason game when Kaepernick took a knee...oh wait he didn't take a knee he sat on the bench...he was seen in a heated discussion on the field with his head coach and then he stomped off and sat down on the bench...he had just found out he would not had nothing to do with blacks being shot until the next day....that's the it love it learn it......
Hannity uses the tin foil hat opinion on climate change.
Shep relates what the science is.

What a best down. How embarrassing Fox gives air time to this brain dead conspiracy theorist roofer.
Nope. It’s a bald faced lie. Not one player has ever said he’s against the flag.
So you’re 0- this thread.
So much fun
That is his opinion not a lie....its no wonder you can't tell the have been excepting lies from dems your whole miserable life....
Hannity / Trump don’t understand or care about the 1st amendment.
That’s at the heart of kneeling you stupid SOB

The first amendment is a limit on Congress.
Last time I checked owners of football teams and football fans aren't members of Congress.
Hannity uses the tin foil hat opinion on climate change.
Shep relates what the science is.

What a best down. How embarrassing Fox gives air time to this brain dead conspiracy theorist roofer.
First of all during the summer you are suppose to call it global warming in the winter you call it climate change....get with the program butt kiss.....
Pulled straight from your ass.
It started and continues to be a protest against the way black people are treated in America.
Do you really want to know how it started from a guy that was at that preseason game when Kaepernick took a knee...oh wait he didn't take a knee he sat on the bench...he was seen in a heated discussion on the field with his head coach and then he stomped off and sat down on the bench...he had just found out he would not had nothing to do with blacks being shot until the next day....that's the it love it learn it......
Now the truth you dumb POS.
Cap was protesting during the anthem by sitting until a player who is a vet told him he’d be more respectful to kneel,
So that’s what he did.
You’re still 0-thread.
Nope. It’s a bald faced lie. Not one player has ever said he’s against the flag.
So you’re 0- this thread.
So much fun
That is his opinion not a lie....its no wonder you can't tell the have been excepting lies from dems your whole miserable life....
Hannity / Trump don’t understand or care about the 1st amendment.
That’s at the heart of kneeling you stupid SOB

The first amendment is a limit on Congress.
Last time I checked owners of football teams and football fans aren't members of Congress.
OMG. The 1st deals with free speech.
You have to be a deplorable. Amirate?

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