She knew all along....

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?


Could you please use common sense for once...

1.Hillary called her daughter and said it was a terrorist attack

2. Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

3.Hillary told the American people it was about a video

4. It was weeks right before an election, Obama wanted to boast the wars were over and he wanted to project to the American public he had Al-Qaeda on the run and we all know how callous Obama is when he latter called them JV

5. Susan rice went on Sunday news shows for weeks saying it was about a video

6. Do you know what an RPG is? How many people walk around with RPGs? according to reports, the terrorist had 40 of them when they attacked the embassy.

RPG Destroys Tank In Syria 18+:

Don't misunderstand care. She has admitted hills is a liar. Her stance is that hills knows best, and if she lied it is good for us and we shouldn't question her motives, because they are pure.

they DID NOT have all the FACTS early on, it was changing by the minute, 21 different reports from the intelligence community stated the it began as a video protest, and a terrorist group took credit at the same time, AND then the following morning this same terrorist group that took credit, then RETRACTED that they were responsible, etc etc etc etc........

IT IS evident, from ALL of the 7 PREVIOUS House and Senate COMMITTEES that investigated this, that the administration with the intelligence agencies and defense dept did not KNOW precisely what happened immediately, and according to the committees investigating, they still do not know with certainty on many aspects...

In this case of not knowing with certainty, it is the President's decision along with his agency's heads, to decide what they want the ENEMY to know, when they go on Television broadcasted world wide, that would be in the best interest of our Nation, and those stationed over there.

Nothing complicated to understand about that, it is simply reasonable to expect such from our leaders, and who am I, or who are any of you, with so little information compared to all that IS TOP SECRET that we don't know, to question them on that?

The House Intelligence committee, lead by Republican congressmen with top secret clearance KNOW more than they are telling us, but what they HAVE CONCLUDED in their Benghazi hearings is that the Administration DID NOT KNOW if it was simply a terrorist attack, or a video protest and Rice DID NOT LIE...

She did NOT say they KNEW FOR CERTAIN it was the video....she left that opened ended in her diatribe on the news circuit....

BS Hilly knew and said so ...Panetta knew and said did others....there was no confusion except for the confusion they try to sell

And you have a problem with them trying to sell the ENEMY, who WAS LISTENING, a Brooklyn Bridge?


Tell me, care, what purpose would that serve? And how weird is it that hills herself has not said that she lied to confuse the enemy....she maintains she was just misinformed.
Hillary seemed like she was heavily medicated during the hearings. Maybe that explains the goofy look on her face and her giddy high-fives afterward. Maybe she needed drugs to get through it.

She should have helped those people regardless of the cause. Better yet, should have evacuated like other countries did. Why was our State Dept. so fucking lame?


FALSE: Administration officials watched the attacks unfold in real time but did nothing to intervene.

FALSE: Requests issued by U.S. personnel for military back-up during the attacks were denied.

FALSE: General Carter Ham was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.

FALSE: Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.


Benghazi Bungle

phukin hilarious!!

that's a selfie of left-wing loser tyrone crying!!

that had to hurt!!
yeah it had to hurt except it did not ....Just like the Benghazi hearings LOL "It had to hurt Hillary"
Except it did not
and the Wing Nuts ended up crying..
and I ended up
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You wing nuts are losers in every are a bunch of economically struggling chump ass morons shilling for the one percent of earners you hopelessly dream you will be one day...Losahs
FALSE: Administration officials watched the attacks unfold in real time but did nothing to intervene.

FALSE: Requests issued by U.S. personnel for military back-up during the attacks were denied.

FALSE: General Carter Ham was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.

FALSE: Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.


Benghazi Bungle

Hillary's own words contradict your source. Nice try. You can't just keep rewriting "facts" because new information surfaced.

Maybe you haven't seen the emails from the ambassador asking for more help and even commenting about not getting any response. General Hamm testified himself that he was relieved after refusing to obey stand down orders.

I suppose it's false that anyone even died that day.

I suppose you didn't even go to 'my source'? I'm not 'rewriting' anything. That source is snopes.... which is non partisan & any 'stand down' orders have been debunked. I don't know what sources you believe that are still saying otherwise but here's FACT CHECK, another non partisan source:
Boehner and Benghazi

House Speaker John Boehner says there are “unanswered questions” about the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi. He specifically asks “why didn’t we attempt to rescue” Americans under siege and why were some U.S. personnel “told not to get involved” in rescue attempts?

But those questions have been answered at length in several investigative reports, including two by Republican-controlled House committees. Congressional committees and an independent board detail the rescue attempts that night, carried out despite U.S. military assets not being in position to defend the Benghazi facility. Those reports say there were no undue delays in responding to the attacks, and they pointedly rejected unfounded allegations that the U.S. response was deliberately thwarted by a “stand down” order.

“Quite the contrary: the safe evacuation of all U.S. government personnel from Benghazi twelve hours after the initial attack and subsequently to Ramstein Air Force Base was the result of exceptional U.S. government coordination and military response,” the independent Accountability Review Board concluded in its Dec. 18, 2012, report...

Host Chris Wallace asked Boehner why he set up the committee “even though there have been about a half dozen investigations” and the GOP-controlled House intelligence committee “basically said there was no there there.” Wallace asked if the committee was created to hurt former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions...

All the questions posed by Boehner have been addressed by various House and Senate committees and by the Accountability Review Board convened by the State Department, but we focus in particular on the U.S. rescue attempts because the premise of those questions is misleading.

Let’s review what the reports say about the rescue attempt and how U.S. security, intelligence and military personnel were deployed that night...

Extremists armed with small arms, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars attacked the diplomatic facility at about 9:42 p.m. Benghazi time on Sept. 11, 2012, according to a Defense timeline...

At 10:04 p.m., the CIA team departed in two armored vehicles, arriving at the facility at 10:25 p.m. and immediately engaging in a 15-minute firefight with the extremists, according to a bipartisan report issued December 30, 2012, by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

The House intelligence committee report said that “some Annex team members wanted urgently to depart the Annex for the TMF to save their State Department colleagues,” but the Annex chief “ordered the team to wait so that the seniors on the ground could ascertain the situation at the TMF and whether they could secure heavy weaponry support from local militias.”

This order to wait has been described by some as a “stand down” order, but it was not. The Republican-controlled House intelligence committee said that based on all the evidence, “the Annex leadership deliberated thoughtfully, reasonably, and quickly.”

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Nov. 21, 2014: The evidence from eyewitness testimony, ISR video footage, closed-circuit television recordings, and other sources provides no support for the allegation that there was any stand-down order. Rather, there were mere tactical disagreements about the speed with which the team should depart prior to securing additional security assets.

A bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report released on Jan. 15, 2014, reached the same conclusion.

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jan. 15: The Committee explored claims that there was a “stand down” order given to the security team at the Annex. Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, the Committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party...

Accountability Review Board: The interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there simply was not enough time given the speed of the attacks for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference. Senior-level interagency discussions were underway soon after Washington received initial word of the attacks and continued through the night. The Board found no evidence of any undue delays in decision making or denial of support from Washington or from the military combatant commanders. Quite the contrary: the safe evacuation of all U.S. government personnel from Benghazi twelve hours after the initial attack and subsequently to Ramstein Air Force Base was the result of exceptional U.S. government coordination and military response and helped save the lives of two severely wounded Americans...

Boehner and Benghazi

Even FOX NEWS reported on that lie:

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds
Published November 21, 2014
Associated Press

WASHINGTON – A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies surrounding the incident, the report concludes that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

NOW- were there mistakes? Absolutely. Could there have been more security implemented? Absolutely... but you can place blame, in part, on the House for cutting security funding (I posted accurate sources earlier in the thread showing exactly that)

But to continue a fabricated lie is not surprising, & given that there was still yet another investigation... #8... & Trey Gowdy even admitted that there wasn't any new evidence that arose....& the openly admitted statements that the hearings were to ensure Hillary didn't get the nomination is a gross presentation of what the 'GOP' has become.

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sorry nutjob; but i believe the surviving Special Forces/former Navy Seals who said openly they were told to stand down before i beleive a pile of spoon-fed propaganda
"didnt find" doesnt mean never happened or never had. as we learned in Iraq.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
sorry nutjob; but i believe the surviving Special Forces/former Navy Seals who said openly they were told to stand down before i beleive a pile of spoon-fed propaganda
You are a shrill little booboo
I believe General Ham he testified under oath'..........
There Was No Stand Down Order: The Release of the Benghazi Transcripts Busts Republicans
*Read the transcripts here:

Transcript 1LTC Defense Attache

Transcript 2 LTCOffice of Security Cooperation

Transcript 3 LTCMilitary Trainer

Transcript 4 LTCCurrent Operations Director (SOCAFRICA)

Transcript 5Brigadier General Scott Zobrist

Transcript 6Rear Admiral Brian Losey

Transcript 7Rear Admiral Richard Landolt

Transcript 8Vice Admiral Charles Leidig Jr

Transcript 9General Carter Ham
"didnt find" doesnt mean never happened or never had. as we learned in Iraq.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
You just keep screeching like a wing nut none of your screeching is backed with links or documentations a Losah


when i do you're going to deny it; because that's how much of a pathetic moron you are.

how about the statements of the murdered Ambassador's top deputy in SWORN TESTIMONY IN FRONT OF CONGRESS that the vide was a "non-event" as a cause of the benghazi attack??
"didnt find" doesnt mean never happened or never had. as we learned in Iraq.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
You just keep screeching like a wing nut none of your screeching is backed with links or documentations a Losah


when i do you're going to deny it; because that's how much of a pathetic moron you are.

how about the statements of the murdered Ambassador's top deputy in SWORN TESTIMONY IN FRONT OF CONGRESS that the vide was a "non-event" as a cause of the benghazi attack??
You have Hillary cornered LOL
there had to be some organizing to promote the caused by the video story, meetings or email.
so many people said exactly the same thing. i predict the script was written from chicago.
as the clintons believe..... never lie unless you have to.
hillary wasn't really part of the benghazi affair, until she first testified.
  • Diary entry from Benghazi victim’s dad: ‘I gave Hillary a hug,’ she blamed filmmaker
    Fox News ^
    A day after new records were made public showing Hillary Clinton said from the start the 2012 Benghazi attack was not linked to an obscure anti-Islam film, the father of a former Navy SEAL killed that night told Fox News she blamed the filmmaker for his son's death in a conversation with him. Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, who died defending the CIA annex, shared with Fox News the diary notes he took after his encounter with Clinton during the ceremony on Sept. 14, 2012, when the bodies were flown back to the U.S. "I gave Hillary a hug...

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