Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death


Sep 11, 2015
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death

Can you quote Hillary 'blaming Chris Stevens for his own death'?

The actual quotes, in context please.
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death

We all know for a fact Hillary is incapable of telling the truth, but she was accurate about one thing--being out of the loop, conveniently. Just another lie, so what's new. Why do we even bother discussing or spending energy on this topic?
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death
She had over 13,000 people working for her. I would expect that in the 55,000 emails the committee has, that there would name errors.

Hillary is always an easy target because she has a long career in public service with many achievements and failures unlike the current leading Republican presidential hopefuls who's knowledge of government and the issues is limited to what they've seen on Fox News..
He WAS responsible for his own Death. Those times when he e-mailed her asking for more security don't mean nuttin'.
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death

Please post the exact quote and link.

Aside from the wishful delusions, I don't know the full story, but I would expect culprits to be there. They are to blame 100% only. The wrongfulness is not about "what you could have done for something to happen or not happen" but about "direct action" of doing the wrongful thing itself. Doing something wrongful & preventing (or stopping) something wrongful from happening are 2 different acts & concepts. As for the wrongful act itself, the culprits are to blame 100%. They can't evade the rightful legitimate hatred. Also, the hatred works either "hate them both" or "hate only the culprits". There is no "not hating the culprits".
He WAS responsible for his own Death. Those times when he e-mailed her asking for more security don't mean nuttin'.
hmmmm, you are saying he emailed Hillary asking for help, yet in those hearings the repubs claimed he didn't email Hillary, ever.....

so what's up with that? which one is it?
Hillary testified that he didn't e-mail her PRIVATE DOT COM e-mail address. Her State Department e-mail is a matter of public record.

You understand the difference?

Hillary Admits Chris Stevens Did Not Have Her Email Address [VIDEO]
In a tense line of exchange during Thursday’s House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted that while her longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal had her personal email address and frequently used it, Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have that level of access.
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death

I was listening to the news today and according to those talking she hadn't spoken to Stevens in months. Seems she couldn't remember the last time she spoke with him.

True?? Don't know but given Clinton's level of incompetence it wouldn't surprise me at all.

Apparently she had no idea what was going on in Libya.
I advocate for chelsea to be the next ambassador to libya..

After all...."What difference does it make"?, right hillary?
Hillary had a "state.gov" e-mail address as does John Kerry now.

This whole investigation is about Hillary's use of a Private Server and a Dot Com address for her use while she was at State. This was only brought to the surface because an Ambassador was killed in a Terrorist Attack, otherwise no one would likely have ever found out.

UPDATE!: Document Dump!1,300 MORE Stevens e-mails released!
BREAKING: State Dept. SUDDENLY DISCOVERS 1,300 Emails from Ambassador Stevens - 2 Days Before Hillary's Testimony - The Gateway Pundit
Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date.
So she helped send jobs overseas while jetting around the world at taxpayers expense? You call those achievements?

Have you ever actually LOOKED at that link or did Rachell Maddow just say "Post this in response to any Hillary Hater Wingnut! Defend the Queen!"?

Because Hillary herself can't name any achievement when pressed to do so.
Hillary used a PRIVATE DOT COM address to give select individuals a HIGHER level of access to Her Majesty.

She used a Private Server at her Government Job for the same reason anyone else would: She wanted to keep Criminal Secrets. She wanted to stay off of Government e-mail Servers which have automatic and secure archiving and backup.

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