She knew all along....

The saddest thing about this entire thing is that the Republicans have spent all this time using 4 dead Americans as tools.

4 dead Americans? Obama called them "bumps in the road"

Actually he did not. The question posed to him in that '60 Minutes' interview said nothing specifically about Benghazi or Ambassador Stevens et al... it was about foreign policy in the Middle East... beginning with the 'Arab Spring'. But don't let that stop you from anything factual... you & the other nutters are on a roll.

^ Fluffers Gotta Fluff.

Progressives hate all human life so it's natural that Obama and Hillary are callous scumbags

WOW. Now THERE'S an intelligent rebuttal to facts you don't want to acknowledge...LOLOLOLOL....

Transcript of Obama on '60 Minutes'
Published September 24, 2012

The following is a transcript of President Obama on CBS' "60 Minutes."

KROFT: Have recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?

OBAMA: Well, I'd said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. The question presumes that somehow we could have stopped this wave of change. I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights, a notion that people have -- have to be able to participate in their own governance. But I -- I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty -- pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn't been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment. And, you know, can -- can be tapped into by demagogues. There will probably be some times where we bump up against some of these countries and have strong disagreements but I do think that over the long term we are more likely to get a Middle East and North Africa that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more aligned with -- with our interests. This is a tumultuous time that we're in. But we can and we will meet those challenges if we stay true to who we are...'

Fluff that.

Thanks for showing that Obama considered the 4 deaths "bumps in the road"
I provide the quote and you provide what........she said it........she knew it wasnt

I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?


Could you please use common sense for once...

1.Hillary called her daughter and said it was a terrorist attack

2. Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

3.Hillary told the American people it was about a video

4. It was weeks right before an election, Obama wanted to boast the wars were over and he wanted to project to the American public he had Al-Qaeda on the run and we all know how callous Obama is when he latter called them JV

5. Susan rice went on Sunday news shows for weeks saying it was about a video

6. Do you know what an RPG is? How many people walk around with RPGs? according to reports, the terrorist had 40 of them when they attacked the embassy.

RPG Destroys Tank In Syria 18+:

Don't misunderstand care. She has admitted hills is a liar. Her stance is that hills knows best, and if she lied it is good for us and we shouldn't question her motives, because they are pure.

they DID NOT have all the FACTS early on, it was changing by the minute, 21 different reports from the intelligence community stated the it began as a video protest, and a terrorist group took credit at the same time, AND then the following morning this same terrorist group that took credit, then RETRACTED that they were responsible, etc etc etc etc........

IT IS evident, from ALL of the 7 PREVIOUS House and Senate COMMITTEES that investigated this, that the administration with the intelligence agencies and defense dept did not KNOW precisely what happened immediately, and according to the committees investigating, they still do not know with certainty on many aspects...

In this case of not knowing with certainty, it is the President's decision along with his agency's heads, to decide what they want the ENEMY to know, when they go on Television broadcasted world wide, that would be in the best interest of our Nation, and those stationed over there.

Nothing complicated to understand about that, it is simply reasonable to expect such from our leaders, and who am I, or who are any of you, with so little information compared to all that IS TOP SECRET that we don't know, to question them on that?

The House Intelligence committee, lead by Republican congressmen with top secret clearance KNOW more than they are telling us, but what they HAVE CONCLUDED in their Benghazi hearings is that the Administration DID NOT KNOW if it was simply a terrorist attack, or a video protest and Rice DID NOT LIE...

She did NOT say they KNEW FOR CERTAIN it was the video....she left that opened ended in her diatribe on the news circuit....

BS Hilly knew and said so ...Panetta knew and said did others....there was no confusion except for the confusion they try to sell

And you have a problem with them trying to sell the ENEMY, who WAS LISTENING, a Brooklyn Bridge?

The saddest thing about this entire thing is that the Republicans have spent all this time using 4 dead Americans as tools.

4 dead Americans? Obama called them "bumps in the road"

Actually he did not. The question posed to him in that '60 Minutes' interview said nothing specifically about Benghazi or Ambassador Stevens et al... it was about foreign policy in the Middle East... beginning with the 'Arab Spring'. But don't let that stop you from anything factual... you & the other nutters are on a roll.

^ Fluffers Gotta Fluff.

Progressives hate all human life so it's natural that Obama and Hillary are callous scumbags

WOW. Now THERE'S an intelligent rebuttal to facts you don't want to acknowledge...LOLOLOLOL....

Transcript of Obama on '60 Minutes'
Published September 24, 2012

The following is a transcript of President Obama on CBS' "60 Minutes."

KROFT: Have recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?

OBAMA: Well, I'd said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. The question presumes that somehow we could have stopped this wave of change. I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights, a notion that people have -- have to be able to participate in their own governance. But I -- I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty -- pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn't been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment. And, you know, can -- can be tapped into by demagogues. There will probably be some times where we bump up against some of these countries and have strong disagreements but I do think that over the long term we are more likely to get a Middle East and North Africa that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more aligned with -- with our interests. This is a tumultuous time that we're in. But we can and we will meet those challenges if we stay true to who we are...'

Fluff that.

Thanks for showing that Obama considered the 4 deaths "bumps in the road"

Four dead in the Middle East is a minor incident,

especially from the view of people like yourself who think 4500 American dead in Iraq was no big deal.
They will defend this bitch until their dying days...

In their minds / world it's okay to ignore the written facts because Steven's knew it was a dangerous mission...

They claim it politics, yet they did far worst after 911...

The Democrats have proven once again they do not have what it takes to lead under the global terrorism that exist today, we will pay a deep cost for this...

The truth has come out as it usually does and she was not qualified to be SOS and far less qualified to be POTUS!

The enemy we face today has no face, no morals, no ethics and will continue to operate as cowards all because they hate what we have accomplished. Not one of these nations which have had civilizations far longer than ours will ever achieve the over all progress we have here in America and they hate us for it. Yet Hillary, Barack, Nancy, Harry and the scores of liberals will continue to tell us we let fear make our decisions, not logic.

So when we lose this great society our founders fought so hard for and this liberal peace loving group has failed, tell me it's not about fear. Tell me then that they are so intelligent and brave and it could very well be it's too late.

Fear is a natural human sense that we all have to deal with countless times a day, but don't let it get in the way of protecting your loved ones, because you will be labeled as a Neo Con War mongering profiteering Conservative...
Was it Republican held Committees on Benghazi Hearing/committee number 1 or Hearing/committee number 2 or Hearing/committee number 3 or number 4 or number 5 or number 6 or number 7 that was covering up for Obama and Hillary TOO?

Seriously, WAKE UP from this fantasy of yours that the right wing blogosphere convinced you of....

that's called Brainwashing, btw.

We learned that the Obama Administration lied about the video, you still defend it. Who is Brainwashed?
I could care less about what they chose to say to the ENEMY on world television, that was their decision to make with their game plan on how to catch the perps.

It makes no difference to you or me, this one week that I had to wait. It made no difference in Obama's election, there was still nearly two months before the election.....when we knew it was a terrorist wanna be group.

Obama was going to win, no matter what.....

Stop trying to cover up Romney's unpatriotic gaff.....with this irrelevant bull crud.
The defense budget comes out of the House. Congress... [made up of mostly (R)s] needs to actually approve the funding & it must be there in the 1st place in order to implement it.

But then you forget the ARB said it wasn't because of that. Do you lie because you don't know? Or do you lie on purpose?

The federal budget is divided into approximately 20 categories known as budget functions. These functions include all spending for a given topic, regardless of the federal agency that oversees the individual federal program. Both the President's budget, submitted annually, and Congress' budget resolution, passed annually, comprise these approximately 20 functions.

Click on the links below to see a description of the types of programs in each budget function...

Function 050: National Defense

The National Defense function includes the military activities of the Department of Defense (DoD), the nuclear-weapons related activities of the Department of Energy (DoE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration, the national security activities of several other agencies such as the Selective Service Agency, and portions of the activities of the Coast Guard and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The programs in this function include: the pay and benefits of active, Guard, and reserve military personnel; DoD operations including training, maintenance of equipment, and facilities; health care for military personnel and dependents; procurement of weapons; research and development; construction of military facilities, including housing; research on nuclear weapons; and the cleanup of nuclear weapons production facilities.

Function 150: International Affairs
Function 150 contains funding for all U.S. international activities, including: operating U.S. embassies and consulates throughout the world; providing military assistance to allies; aiding developing nations; dispensing economic assistance to fledgling democracies; promoting U.S. exports abroad; making U.S. payments to international organizations; and contributing to international peacekeeping efforts. Funding for all of these activities constitutes about one percent of the federal budget. The major agencies in this function include the Departments of Agriculture, State, and the Treasury; the United States Agency for International Development; and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Budget Functions | Budget.House.Gov

Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2012 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill

Washington, Jul 26, 2011 - The House Appropriations Committee today released the fiscal year 2012 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill, which will be considered in subcommittee tomorrow. The bill includes a total of $39.6 billion in regular discretionary funding, which is $8.6 billion or 18% below last year’s level. Included in these reductions are cuts back to the fiscal year 2008 levels or below for certain operations and assistance accounts. The bill also includes $7.6 billion designated as Global War on Terror funding, which is $1.1 billion below the President’s request...

Bill Summary:

State Department Operations and Related AgenciesThe bill contains a total of $11.9 billion in discretionary funding for operational costs of the State Department and related agencies – a decrease of $3.9 billion below last year’s level and a $3.1 billion below the President’s request. This includes funding for programs such as diplomatic and consular affairs, embassy security and operations, assessed contributions to international organizations, and international broadcasting. The bill also eliminates temporary pay raises for overseas officers.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Operations – The bill contains $1.04 billion for USAID – a reduction of $488 million from last year’s level and $705 million below the President’s request. The bill halts new hiring at USAID and stops expansion of facilities overseas associated with that hiring.
Global War on Terror – The bill includes Global War on Terror (GWOT) funding for efforts and activities in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Iraq, GWOT funds will support security forces and police previously funded by the Department of Defense. GWOT funds will also support civilian programs in support of the military’s counterinsurgency efforts in Afghanistan.

Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2012 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill | Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives
Too long, didn't read.
No surprise there... that's why I emboldened & highlighted just the important parts. Sorry there were no pics to dumb it down even more for those who care not about the truth.
Stupid is thinking you're important enough to spend much time on. You're just playing with yourself.
I'm not certain we can take the father's statements, word for word as what was said and how it was said, he is distraught.

if you read the committees report, it CLEARLY STATES that 21 different intelligence reports came in from different intelligence sources STATING it was the VIDEO that instigated it.

The administration and intelligence agencies, did the right thing spinning it the way they did on the video....until all information was in and analyzed, and they could get the leads they needed to confirm the motivation for the attack and leads to catching the perps....and to not give the perps a recruiting tool for MORE attacks....we have lots and lots of American civil servants, stationed in the region.

I don't understand why that is so difficult for those on the aisle Right, to understand this...???

What difference does 1 week make to you or me?


Could you please use common sense for once...

1.Hillary called her daughter and said it was a terrorist attack

2. Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

3.Hillary told the American people it was about a video

4. It was weeks right before an election, Obama wanted to boast the wars were over and he wanted to project to the American public he had Al-Qaeda on the run and we all know how callous Obama is when he latter called them JV

5. Susan rice went on Sunday news shows for weeks saying it was about a video

6. Do you know what an RPG is? How many people walk around with RPGs? according to reports, the terrorist had 40 of them when they attacked the embassy.

RPG Destroys Tank In Syria 18+:

Don't misunderstand care. She has admitted hills is a liar. Her stance is that hills knows best, and if she lied it is good for us and we shouldn't question her motives, because they are pure.

they DID NOT have all the FACTS early on, it was changing by the minute, 21 different reports from the intelligence community stated the it began as a video protest, and a terrorist group took credit at the same time, AND then the following morning this same terrorist group that took credit, then RETRACTED that they were responsible, etc etc etc etc........

IT IS evident, from ALL of the 7 PREVIOUS House and Senate COMMITTEES that investigated this, that the administration with the intelligence agencies and defense dept did not KNOW precisely what happened immediately, and according to the committees investigating, they still do not know with certainty on many aspects...

In this case of not knowing with certainty, it is the President's decision along with his agency's heads, to decide what they want the ENEMY to know, when they go on Television broadcasted world wide, that would be in the best interest of our Nation, and those stationed over there.

Nothing complicated to understand about that, it is simply reasonable to expect such from our leaders, and who am I, or who are any of you, with so little information compared to all that IS TOP SECRET that we don't know, to question them on that?

The House Intelligence committee, lead by Republican congressmen with top secret clearance KNOW more than they are telling us, but what they HAVE CONCLUDED in their Benghazi hearings is that the Administration DID NOT KNOW if it was simply a terrorist attack, or a video protest and Rice DID NOT LIE...

She did NOT say they KNEW FOR CERTAIN it was the video....she left that opened ended in her diatribe on the news circuit....

BS Hilly knew and said so ...Panetta knew and said did others....there was no confusion except for the confusion they try to sell

And you have a problem with them trying to sell the ENEMY, who WAS LISTENING, a Brooklyn Bridge?


They weren't trying to sell the enemy false information, what bogus horseshit. The only people they lied to were the American people, and it was specifically to hide Hillary's fatal incompetence and dangerous policy failures, before an election. Her criminal and covert nature is undertaken not to protect us from the enemy....she is the enemy. Her criminal and covert actions are undertaken to protect HER from being exposed for what she is...a traitor.
They will defend this bitch until their dying days...

In their minds / world it's okay to ignore the written facts because Steven's knew it was a dangerous mission...

They claim it politics, yet they did far worst after 911...

The Democrats have proven once again they do not have what it takes to lead under the global terrorism that exist today, we will pay a deep cost for this...

The truth has come out as it usually does and she was not qualified to be SOS and far less qualified to be POTUS!

The enemy we face today has no face, no morals, no ethics and will continue to operate as cowards all because they hate what we have accomplished. Not one of these nations which have had civilizations far longer than ours will ever achieve the over all progress we have here in America and they hate us for it. Yet Hillary, Barack, Nancy, Harry and the scores of liberals will continue to tell us we let fear make our decisions, not logic.

So when we lose this great society our founders fought so hard for and this liberal peace loving group has failed, tell me it's not about fear. Tell me then that they are so intelligent and brave and it could very well be it's too late.

Fear is a natural human sense that we all have to deal with countless times a day, but don't let it get in the way of protecting your loved ones, because you will be labeled as a Neo Con War mongering profiteering Conservative...
Was it Republican held Committees on Benghazi Hearing/committee number 1 or Hearing/committee number 2 or Hearing/committee number 3 or number 4 or number 5 or number 6 or number 7 that was covering up for Obama and Hillary TOO?

Seriously, WAKE UP from this fantasy of yours that the right wing blogosphere convinced you of....

that's called Brainwashing, btw.

We learned that the Obama Administration lied about the video, you still defend it. Who is Brainwashed?
I could care less about what they chose to say to the ENEMY on world television, that was their decision to make with their game plan on how to catch the perps.

It makes no difference to you or me, this one week that I had to wait. It made no difference in Obama's election, there was still nearly two months before the election.....when we knew it was a terrorist wanna be group.

Obama was going to win, no matter what.....

Stop trying to cover up Romney's unpatriotic gaff.....with this irrelevant bull crud.

OMFG!!! They lied that it was a Terrorist Attack!!

Yes we know, you think Republicans are the "enemy" got it
4 dead Americans? Obama called them "bumps in the road"

Actually he did not. The question posed to him in that '60 Minutes' interview said nothing specifically about Benghazi or Ambassador Stevens et al... it was about foreign policy in the Middle East... beginning with the 'Arab Spring'. But don't let that stop you from anything factual... you & the other nutters are on a roll.

^ Fluffers Gotta Fluff.

Progressives hate all human life so it's natural that Obama and Hillary are callous scumbags

WOW. Now THERE'S an intelligent rebuttal to facts you don't want to acknowledge...LOLOLOLOL....

Transcript of Obama on '60 Minutes'
Published September 24, 2012

The following is a transcript of President Obama on CBS' "60 Minutes."

KROFT: Have recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?

OBAMA: Well, I'd said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. The question presumes that somehow we could have stopped this wave of change. I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights, a notion that people have -- have to be able to participate in their own governance. But I -- I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty -- pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn't been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment. And, you know, can -- can be tapped into by demagogues. There will probably be some times where we bump up against some of these countries and have strong disagreements but I do think that over the long term we are more likely to get a Middle East and North Africa that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more aligned with -- with our interests. This is a tumultuous time that we're in. But we can and we will meet those challenges if we stay true to who we are...'

Fluff that.

Thanks for showing that Obama considered the 4 deaths "bumps in the road"

Four dead in the Middle East is a minor incident,

especially from the view of people like yourself who think 4500 American dead in Iraq was no big deal.

It's a big deal especially since Obama switched sides and handed all that hard-won real estate over to his brothers in Jihad and now we find out he'll lie to protect them
They will defend this bitch until their dying days...

In their minds / world it's okay to ignore the written facts because Steven's knew it was a dangerous mission...

They claim it politics, yet they did far worst after 911...

The Democrats have proven once again they do not have what it takes to lead under the global terrorism that exist today, we will pay a deep cost for this...

The truth has come out as it usually does and she was not qualified to be SOS and far less qualified to be POTUS!

The enemy we face today has no face, no morals, no ethics and will continue to operate as cowards all because they hate what we have accomplished. Not one of these nations which have had civilizations far longer than ours will ever achieve the over all progress we have here in America and they hate us for it. Yet Hillary, Barack, Nancy, Harry and the scores of liberals will continue to tell us we let fear make our decisions, not logic.

So when we lose this great society our founders fought so hard for and this liberal peace loving group has failed, tell me it's not about fear. Tell me then that they are so intelligent and brave and it could very well be it's too late.

Fear is a natural human sense that we all have to deal with countless times a day, but don't let it get in the way of protecting your loved ones, because you will be labeled as a Neo Con War mongering profiteering Conservative...
Was it Republican held Committees on Benghazi Hearing/committee number 1 or Hearing/committee number 2 or Hearing/committee number 3 or number 4 or number 5 or number 6 or number 7 that was covering up for Obama and Hillary TOO?

Seriously, WAKE UP from this fantasy of yours that the right wing blogosphere convinced you of....

that's called Brainwashing, btw.

We learned that the Obama Administration lied about the video, you still defend it. Who is Brainwashed?
I could care less about what they chose to say to the ENEMY on world television, that was their decision to make with their game plan on how to catch the perps.

It makes no difference to you or me, this one week that I had to wait. It made no difference in Obama's election, there was still nearly two months before the election.....when we knew it was a terrorist wanna be group.

Obama was going to win, no matter what.....

Stop trying to cover up Romney's unpatriotic gaff.....with this irrelevant bull crud.

OMFG!!! They lied that it was a Terrorist Attack!!

Yes we know, you think Republicans are the "enemy" got it

they didnt just say it to republicans they lied to all the public
Actually he did not. The question posed to him in that '60 Minutes' interview said nothing specifically about Benghazi or Ambassador Stevens et al... it was about foreign policy in the Middle East... beginning with the 'Arab Spring'. But don't let that stop you from anything factual... you & the other nutters are on a roll.

^ Fluffers Gotta Fluff.

Progressives hate all human life so it's natural that Obama and Hillary are callous scumbags

WOW. Now THERE'S an intelligent rebuttal to facts you don't want to acknowledge...LOLOLOLOL....

Transcript of Obama on '60 Minutes'
Published September 24, 2012

The following is a transcript of President Obama on CBS' "60 Minutes."

KROFT: Have recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?

OBAMA: Well, I'd said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. The question presumes that somehow we could have stopped this wave of change. I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights, a notion that people have -- have to be able to participate in their own governance. But I -- I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty -- pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn't been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment. And, you know, can -- can be tapped into by demagogues. There will probably be some times where we bump up against some of these countries and have strong disagreements but I do think that over the long term we are more likely to get a Middle East and North Africa that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more aligned with -- with our interests. This is a tumultuous time that we're in. But we can and we will meet those challenges if we stay true to who we are...'

Fluff that.

Thanks for showing that Obama considered the 4 deaths "bumps in the road"

Four dead in the Middle East is a minor incident,

especially from the view of people like yourself who think 4500 American dead in Iraq was no big deal.

It's a big deal especially since Obama switched sides and handed all that hard-won real estate over to his brothers in Jihad and now we find out he'll lie to protect them
well put
The defense budget comes out of the House. Congress... [made up of mostly (R)s] needs to actually approve the funding & it must be there in the 1st place in order to implement it.

But then you forget the ARB said it wasn't because of that. Do you lie because you don't know? Or do you lie on purpose?

The federal budget is divided into approximately 20 categories known as budget functions. These functions include all spending for a given topic, regardless of the federal agency that oversees the individual federal program. Both the President's budget, submitted annually, and Congress' budget resolution, passed annually, comprise these approximately 20 functions.

Click on the links below to see a description of the types of programs in each budget function...

Function 050: National Defense

The National Defense function includes the military activities of the Department of Defense (DoD), the nuclear-weapons related activities of the Department of Energy (DoE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration, the national security activities of several other agencies such as the Selective Service Agency, and portions of the activities of the Coast Guard and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The programs in this function include: the pay and benefits of active, Guard, and reserve military personnel; DoD operations including training, maintenance of equipment, and facilities; health care for military personnel and dependents; procurement of weapons; research and development; construction of military facilities, including housing; research on nuclear weapons; and the cleanup of nuclear weapons production facilities.

Function 150: International Affairs
Function 150 contains funding for all U.S. international activities, including: operating U.S. embassies and consulates throughout the world; providing military assistance to allies; aiding developing nations; dispensing economic assistance to fledgling democracies; promoting U.S. exports abroad; making U.S. payments to international organizations; and contributing to international peacekeeping efforts. Funding for all of these activities constitutes about one percent of the federal budget. The major agencies in this function include the Departments of Agriculture, State, and the Treasury; the United States Agency for International Development; and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Budget Functions | Budget.House.Gov

Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2012 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill

Washington, Jul 26, 2011 - The House Appropriations Committee today released the fiscal year 2012 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill, which will be considered in subcommittee tomorrow. The bill includes a total of $39.6 billion in regular discretionary funding, which is $8.6 billion or 18% below last year’s level. Included in these reductions are cuts back to the fiscal year 2008 levels or below for certain operations and assistance accounts. The bill also includes $7.6 billion designated as Global War on Terror funding, which is $1.1 billion below the President’s request...

Bill Summary:

State Department Operations and Related AgenciesThe bill contains a total of $11.9 billion in discretionary funding for operational costs of the State Department and related agencies – a decrease of $3.9 billion below last year’s level and a $3.1 billion below the President’s request. This includes funding for programs such as diplomatic and consular affairs, embassy security and operations, assessed contributions to international organizations, and international broadcasting. The bill also eliminates temporary pay raises for overseas officers.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Operations – The bill contains $1.04 billion for USAID – a reduction of $488 million from last year’s level and $705 million below the President’s request. The bill halts new hiring at USAID and stops expansion of facilities overseas associated with that hiring.
Global War on Terror – The bill includes Global War on Terror (GWOT) funding for efforts and activities in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Iraq, GWOT funds will support security forces and police previously funded by the Department of Defense. GWOT funds will also support civilian programs in support of the military’s counterinsurgency efforts in Afghanistan.

Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2012 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill | Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives
Too long, didn't read.
No surprise there... that's why I emboldened & highlighted just the important parts. Sorry there were no pics to dumb it down even more for those who care not about the truth.
Stupid is thinking you're important enough to spend much time on. You're just playing with yourself.

So you are basically out of debate then, huh?

I could care less about what they chose to say to the ENEMY on world television, that was their decision to make with their game plan on how to catch the perps.

The ENEMY is everyone that does not agree with them, that's what you fail to see. They knew dam good and well they had failed to protect them and it was less than two months before the election. Their game plan was to win the election, no matter what the cost. Blaming it on a YouTube video, are you really this f'ing stupid?

It makes no difference to you or me, this one week that I had to wait. It made no difference in Obama's election, there was still nearly two months before the election.....when we knew it was a terrorist wanna be group.

Rice lied on all 5 shows, she knew it was a lie and then she lied about the "Intelligence Community" over a year later, all for 1 simple reason, the pending election. 4 brave Americans died that day and all the Obama Administration did was send Rice out to make it appear that some video that railed on Mohammed was the cause, a video that was authored by an Egyptian. Again, are you this stupid?

Obama was going to win, no matter what.....

The truth didn't come out for months after the election, but your crystal ball took that into account...

Stop trying to cover up Romney's unpatriotic gaff.....with this irrelevant bull crud.

So when Romney told the truth it's unpatriotic and when one of your liberal mullets does the same thing it's the Holy Grail? Every Democrat Leader from '98 to 9/11/01 agreed with the Bush Administration post 911 until it was the new election cycle. So do we have a majority of voters today that appreciate the two faces of the DNC or are they just too f'ing stupid to think for them selves? Which one are you?
I could care less about what they chose to say to the ENEMY on world television, that was their decision to make with their game plan on how to catch the perps.

The ENEMY is everyone that does not agree with them, that's what you fail to see. They knew dam good and well they had failed to protect them and it was less than two months before the election. Their game plan was to win the election, no matter what the cost. Blaming it on a YouTube video, are you really this f'ing stupid?

It makes no difference to you or me, this one week that I had to wait. It made no difference in Obama's election, there was still nearly two months before the election.....when we knew it was a terrorist wanna be group.

Rice lied on all 5 shows, she knew it was a lie and then she lied about the "Intelligence Community" over a year later, all for 1 simple reason, the pending election. 4 brave Americans died that day and all the Obama Administration did was send Rice out to make it appear that some video that railed on Mohammed was the cause, a video that was authored by an Egyptian. Again, are you this stupid?

Obama was going to win, no matter what.....

The truth didn't come out for months after the election, but your crystal ball took that into account...

Stop trying to cover up Romney's unpatriotic gaff.....with this irrelevant bull crud.

So when Romney told the truth it's unpatriotic and when one of your liberal mullets does the same thing it's the Holy Grail? Every Democrat Leader from '98 to 9/11/01 agreed with the Bush Administration post 911 until it was the new election cycle. So do we have a majority of voters today that appreciate the two faces of the DNC or are they just too f'ing stupid to think for them selves? Which one are you?
for one week or so, we did not get the confirmation that it was a terrorist attack....


1 week did not make a smidgen of a difference....

if you could NOT change the election results in 7 weeks of citizens knowing it was a terrorist attack, but magically think you could have in 8 weeks, you're dreaming!!!

they left the door open in their news circuit diatribe, and did not confirm it was the video, and only the video

ALL 7 Benghazi investigations, most by Republican leaders, ALL CONCLUDED, the Administration and Rice did NOT fabricate their talking points... including the House Select Intelligence Committee investigating and they have all the super duper TOP SECRET clearance needed to get to the nitty gritty.

YOU don't want to believe like your own ''story'' on what happened, that's clear as day!
for one week or so, we did not get the confirmation that it was a terrorist attack....


50% of the public still thinks it happened because of the video!!

if you could NOT change the election results in 7 weeks of citizens knowing it was a terrorist attack, but magically think you could have in 8 weeks, you're dreaming!!!

No one knew in the first 7 to 10 days she had ignored the request for more security 600 times!! Do you really think that would have had no effect? Really? Can't wait for this reply....

YOU don't want to believe like your own ''story'' on what happened, that's clear as day!

They knew the minute they decided to float the "video" it was BS...

They have had 8 congressional investigations into this because it is so blatant, do you think they hit the send button 600 times the week of the attack?

You can defend this bitch the rest of your days, the bottom line is clear as day, she knew dam good and well they needed help and did nothing for them. Obama's mistakes are just like everyone else who walks the face of this earth, problem is he will never take accountability for them.
for one week or so, we did not get the confirmation that it was a terrorist attack....


50% of the public still thinks it happened because of the video!!

if you could NOT change the election results in 7 weeks of citizens knowing it was a terrorist attack, but magically think you could have in 8 weeks, you're dreaming!!!

No one knew in the first 7 to 10 days she had ignored the request for more security 600 times!! Do you really think that would have had no effect? Really? Can't wait for this reply....

YOU don't want to believe like your own ''story'' on what happened, that's clear as day!

They knew the minute they decided to float the "video" it was BS...

They have had 8 congressional investigations into this because it is so blatant, do you think they hit the send button 600 times the week of the attack?

You can defend this bitch the rest of your days, the bottom line is clear as day, she knew dam good and well they needed help and did nothing for them. Obama's mistakes are just like everyone else who walks the face of this earth, problem is he will never take accountability for them.
7 weeks or 8 weeks made no difference in election results, and the hearings on Benghazi did not start until after the election.

Even the committee members have made it clear, that the intelligence reports from the intelligence community for the administration during and after the Benghazi event included 21 action reports that claimed the attack began as a protest for the attack, so it was not immediately clear on how it started. Later the trail of intelligence reports shows them being faulty, but what the admin was being handed conflicted....

In this case, I would expect the administration to do what is best for us as a Nation when they went on to world television broadcasting before our enemies....

You (republicans)on the other hand actually WISHED for us to show the world the egg on our face and made the whole incident political and dishonored those who were killed.

How about a link for your claim that Chris Stevens asked the State Department 600 times for more security help.... where in the heck did that come from???

You do KNOW that he was Ambassador for only 90 days....I call bull crap on the 600, and you should too....there is NO WAY that Chris Stevens could send 7 emails every day including weekends and Holidays to the State Dept. asking for help.

A reputable link WND, no CNS, which are both well known liars....
Hillary seemed like she was heavily medicated during the hearings. Maybe that explains the goofy look on her face and her giddy high-fives afterward. Maybe she needed drugs to get through it.

She should have helped those people regardless of the cause. Better yet, should have evacuated like other countries did. Why was our State Dept. so fucking lame?

Hillary seemed like she was heavily medicated during the hearings. Maybe that explains the goofy look on her face and her giddy high-fives afterward. Maybe she needed drugs to get through it.

She should have helped those people regardless of the cause. Better yet, should have evacuated like other countries did. Why was our State Dept. so fucking lame?


FALSE: Administration officials watched the attacks unfold in real time but did nothing to intervene.

FALSE: Requests issued by U.S. personnel for military back-up during the attacks were denied.

FALSE: General Carter Ham was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.

FALSE: Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.


Benghazi Bungle
FALSE: Administration officials watched the attacks unfold in real time but did nothing to intervene.

FALSE: Requests issued by U.S. personnel for military back-up during the attacks were denied.

FALSE: General Carter Ham was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.

FALSE: Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.


Benghazi Bungle

Hillary's own words contradict your source. Nice try. You can't just keep rewriting "facts" because new information surfaced.

Maybe you haven't seen the emails from the ambassador asking for more help and even commenting about not getting any response. General Hamm testified himself that he was relieved after refusing to obey stand down orders.

I suppose it's false that anyone even died that day.

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