Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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What's the difference you little prick, it goes against the 2nd..

You said firearms were illegal in DC and Chicago. Learn the difference between a firearm and a handgun, before "shooting" off your mouth,.

Saying what's the difference, only shows how little you know, or care to know.

Aren't handguns firearms?

Men are people, women are people, so you don't say people are prohibited from using the ladies room.

I say a woman is prohibited from using the men's room and vice versa.
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?

Does the gun have a baby living inside of it?
Probably for the same reason Democrats think regulating the killing of a soon-to-be baby is an evil breach of liberty, but wholly stripping citizens of any means of personal defense is okay.

Both are INCREDIBLY inconsistent and seem to have no true guiding principles. They just pick the side they like best and accept it all.

I think it's more of a sense of pragmatism.

The thing is, that every country that has tried to ban abortion, including this one, has failed miserably. Women just kept having abortions, no matter what the law was. I could point to the Philippines, where abortion is completely illegal and they still have 800,000 of them a year in a population of 90 million. Or Romania, which tried to ban all birth control and people just found ways around it.

On the other hand, banning guns is totally feasible because lots of countries have done it. When a country decides it's had enough of gun toting crazy people, it's amazing how quickly they'll turn in their neighbors.
Probably for the same reason Democrats think regulating the killing of a soon-to-be baby is an evil breach of liberty, but wholly stripping citizens of any means of personal defense is okay.

Both are INCREDIBLY inconsistent and seem to have no true guiding principles. They just pick the side they like best and accept it all.

I think it's more of a sense of pragmatism.

The thing is, that every country that has tried to ban abortion, including this one, has failed miserably. Women just kept having abortions, no matter what the law was. I could point to the Philippines, where abortion is completely illegal and they still have 800,000 of them a year in a population of 90 million. Or Romania, which tried to ban all birth control and people just found ways around it.

On the other hand, banning guns is totally feasible because lots of countries have done it. When a country decides it's had enough of gun toting crazy people, it's amazing how quickly they'll turn in their neighbors.

Give them coat hangers.

Yet you don't have the guts to do a damn thing but tattle pussy boy. Sign of a coward and weakling. No wonder you can't keep a job and run places out of business.
We have to make it harder for criminals to get guns, and that starts with knowing where they are, and who has them, so they can be traced. Thats step one.

You said criminals don't follow laws. How is passing more geared toward people you say don't follow them going to help.

It's like the opoid problem. Way more is being manufactured than needed, and the excess falls into the wrong hands. Same with guns.
All involving PEOPLE misusing guns not guns misusing themselves.

Don't you think someone seeing a heavy gambler, suddenly aquiring twenty guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition would raise a red flag?

Exept we have no way of knowing about that until after the killing starts.
What's the difference you little prick, it goes against the 2nd..

You said firearms were illegal in DC and Chicago. Learn the difference between a firearm and a handgun, before "shooting" off your mouth,.

Saying what's the difference, only shows how little you know, or care to know.

So now you can't read ..Where did I say fire arms retard?
Hey, when the day they finally ban guns comes, I will be sitting on my porch laughing as the ATF frogmarches the nuts away.

They should start with the people who leave firearms in their cars. Or not in a gun safe in their homes,. Too easy... just too easy for criminals to get weapons that way.

People don't leave their wallets in their cars, why would they leave a gun?
There are too many exceptions, from Sandy Hook to Virginia Tech. From florida to nevada.

Look, without being ugly, just blunt ... I don't think you understand what 'go pound sand' means.

For starters, you aren't going to convince most responsible gun owners the government should have more control over what they can purchase.
They aren't going to agree with you on the idea of a registry so the government can keep track of them.
We have a Constitutionally protected right to own guns ... And we are not obligated to humor your suggestions.

At best ... The Constitution allows for legislative methods through which it can be changed.
The best I can say is to do what you can through legislative means.
Understand we are not interested in your constant assault that slowly attempts to strip away our rights.

Remember ... At one point in our history, we had the Constitutionally protected right to have a fast sailing ship with up to eight cannons.
There is no need for us to assume that people like you will stop stripping our rights away ... And you can go pound sand ... :thup:

Look, without being ugly, just blunt ... I don't think you understand what 'go pound sand' means.

For starters, you aren't going to convince most responsible gun owners the government should have more control over what they can purchase.

Like over 20 firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition. And all within the previous two years or less,
We have to make it harder for criminals to get guns, and that starts with knowing where they are, and who has them, so they can be traced. Thats step one.

You said criminals don't follow laws. How is passing more geared toward people you say don't follow them going to help.

It's like the opoid problem. Way more is being manufactured than needed, and the excess falls into the wrong hands. Same with guns.

If someone wants to exercise their right to own guns legally according to their 2nd amendment right, there is no excess only those like you thinking it's your place to decide what others need and don't need.
"Why do republicans think regulating a vagina is ok, but regulating guns isn’t?"

Perhaps it is because the ONLY time you use an abortion is to MURDER someone. The same can not be said for guns.
Look, without being ugly, just blunt ... I don't think you understand what 'go pound sand' means.

For starters, you aren't going to convince most responsible gun owners the government should have more control over what they can purchase.

Like over 20 firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition. And all within the previous two years or less,

I don't recall the 2nd amendment putting a limit on how many firearms or rounds of ammunition someone can buy if they do it legally. Do you?
"Why do republicans think regulating a vagina is ok, but regulating guns isn’t?"

Perhaps it is because the ONLY time you use an abortion is to MURDER someone. The same can not be said for guns.

Over 50 million of them since 1973 each being a murder.
All involving PEOPLE misusing guns not guns misusing themselves.

Don't you think someone seeing a heavy gambler, suddenly aquiring twenty guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition would raise a red flag?

Exept we have no way of knowing about that until after the killing starts.

So you want to find them guilty before they commit a crime?
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