Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

I’ve never met a person so proud of knowing so little.
I’ve never met a person who adds absolutely no value to a thread like you do.

Most people post because they have something to say. Unreasonable posts because he just has to say something.
Apparently he knows the difference between a male and a female. He's 100% correct.
You might want to consider the idea that your uneducated, uninformed opinion on this topic is worth less than nothing.
You might want to consider that your more uneducated, more uninformed propaganda on this topic isn’t even worth that much! :laugh:
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

The people most involved are the ones to decide this. i.e. the person, his/her family, and medical staff.
The people most involved are the ones to decide this. i.e. the person, his/her family, and medical staff.
Do you have a point here? Neither the person suffering from the severe mental illness nor their family are even remotely qualified to make these decisions.

And the medical professionals take a Hippocratic Oath not to make these decisions (do no harm, take no action unless it is medically necessary).
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

The people most involved are the ones to decide this. i.e. the person, his/her family, and medical staff.
No effing body can make that decision because it is biological impossible to change genders. It's all cosmetic, smoke and mirrors and bullshit.
I think that the underlying philosophical problem is that as we adults grow up we have to take some responsibility for our own actions. If you or I or anybody DECIDES to alter the body we were born with, this is to be a personal issue, not everyone else's issue. This "I am a victim now and need to be a special protected class of people" now that I DID these changes is nonsensical and the disrespect towards others and in addition, self harm is at a great level. I have been offended personally when what I could clearly see was a man used a female bathroom before me, left it unflushed, left it filthy for me as a real female and then shouted at me that he was a woman. This sure smacks of mental illness.
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What if a trans-gendered person does not decide to alter their body, but simply to live, dress, and act as a member of the other sex? Should this person be forced or bullied or assaulted into acting as a member of his/her birth sex?

Somehow, I can't imagine a biological male, dressed in female clothing, being left alone without bother in a public restroom. Usually, female people do not bully like this (in college I used to go to a predominantly "gay" dance club in D.C., and we "real girls" didn't do anything to the "girls for the evening" who joined us in the loo, and who usually looked better than we did). But I strongly suspect that the people upset that some transgender folks choose to alter their bodies would bully and assault these same folks if they didn't.
What if a trans-gendered person does not decide to alter their body, but simply to live, dress, and act as a member of the other sex? Should this person be forced or bullied or assaulted into acting as a member of his/her birth sex?

Somehow, I can't imagine a biological male, dressed in female clothing, being left alone without bother in a public restroom. Usually, female people do not bully like this (in college I used to go to a predominantly "gay" dance club in D.C., and we "real girls" didn't do anything to the "girls for the evening" who joined us in the loo, and who usually looked better than we did). But I strongly suspect that the people upset that some transgender folks choose to alter their bodies would bully and assault these same folks if they didn't.
Those persons are not trans-gendered. They are cross dressers and mentally deranged.
What’s his PhD in, Rotty old chap? Psychology? Is he a surgeon?
Well kitty....if you would click the link and read
He received his bachelor of arts degree from Princeton University, graduating Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude, and he received his doctoral degree in political philosophy from the University of Notre Dame. His dissertation was titled: “Neither Liberal Nor Libertarian: A Natural Law Approach to Social Justice and Economic Rights.”
And before you move the goalposts to “surgeon” - I’ll point out that surgeons aren’t mental health experts and that is what this issue is about. Dr. Ryan T. Anderson did his research on this issue.
What if a trans-gendered person does not decide to alter their body, but simply to live, dress, and act as a member of the other sex? Should this person be forced or bullied or assaulted into acting as a member of his/her birth sex?

Somehow, I can't imagine a biological male, dressed in female clothing, being left alone without bother in a public restroom. Usually, female people do not bully like this (in college I used to go to a predominantly "gay" dance club in D.C., and we "real girls" didn't do anything to the "girls for the evening" who joined us in the loo, and who usually looked better than we did). But I strongly suspect that the people upset that some transgender folks choose to alter their bodies would bully and assault these same folks if they didn't.
Those persons are not trans-gendered. They are cross dressers and mentally deranged.
But you folks are the ones who are complaining about people changing their physical bodies. Which is it? Will a trans-gendered person whose body has not been altered (which seems to be the favorite on this board) be bullied when using the "correct" restroom?
What if a trans-gendered person does not decide to alter their body, but simply to live, dress, and act as a member of the other sex? Should this person be forced or bullied or assaulted into acting as a member of his/her birth sex?

Somehow, I can't imagine a biological male, dressed in female clothing, being left alone without bother in a public restroom. Usually, female people do not bully like this (in college I used to go to a predominantly "gay" dance club in D.C., and we "real girls" didn't do anything to the "girls for the evening" who joined us in the loo, and who usually looked better than we did). But I strongly suspect that the people upset that some transgender folks choose to alter their bodies would bully and assault these same folks if they didn't.
Those persons are not trans-gendered. They are cross dressers and mentally deranged.
But you folks are the ones who are complaining about people changing their physical bodies. Which is it? Will a trans-gendered person whose body has not been altered (which seems to be the favorite on this board) be bullied when using the "correct" restroom?

It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
I know people who have had sex change surgery and are very fine with their lives now. I believe you are just jealous that you never got a sex change.
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

The Witherspoon institute is a "Christian" policy front.

This "study" has not been peer-reviewed, thus irrelevant and a waste of our time.
What does it take to peer review gender? About ten seconds or less?
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
I know people who have had sex change surgery and are very fine with their lives now. I believe you are just jealous that you never got a sex change.
Were you one of them?
Will a trans-gendered person whose body has not been altered (which seems to be the favorite on this board) be bullied when using the "correct" restroom?
A. Who cares if he is? What are you, in 2nd grade? Geezus.

B. If a grown ass man can actually be “bullied”, then he deserves to be bullied.

C. It wouldn’t be a problem if he would simply dress and act like a man in public. He can engage in his sexual deviance behind closed doors. I love having sex with my wife - but I don’t do it in public. I keep it behind closed doors. He can do the same damn thing. Stop trying to create a problem where no problem exists.

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