Several pointed question(s)...

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019

This is the elevator wall protector covering for move ins so that newly moving in persons do not damage the elevator walls. This costs a certain amount of monies and all 4 walls of the elevator is lined and draped with this cushioned fabric. It is somewhat a cost preventive measure.. Good monies investing idea to save on any possible damages...

And so I was thinking... In what sorts of civilizations do most of the 'illnesses' and 'diseases' and 'viruses' occur in? In societies where these sorts of monies investing, on a very casual basis, occurs or in societies where these sorts of monies investing(s) cannot occur?

Why can they not occur in certain societies? Most probably due to their own lack of financial stabilities to and in comparison with very industrialized societies; such as The U.S and many parts of industrialized Europe, etc... Even in certain parts of Asia; not excluding The Middle East (Asia).

So ....

If the thought is somewhat accurate, most individuals are susceptible to these viruses, diseases and illnesses in the industrialized societies..

And if this is true, would it seem odd to realize that these industrialized societies make up only 25 percent of the entire human population? The other 75 percent live off of and with and under 10 U.S dollars daily. Of course 10 U.S dollars there; wherever 'there' might be, might be as 100 'their dollars' or so; and with that 100 'their dollars', they still can barely afford to purchase such 'elevator wall' protector(s) recreationally or even for 'cost preventive' investments. Some might purchase 4 of these 'drapes' to line the inside of their 'home' for protection from the outside elements and it might take them more than months of savings to be able to do so.... Yet, they are probably less susceptible to the current 'world' diseases/viruses/illnesses seen throughout industrialized societies throughout the 'world'... the 25 percent of the human population. Again, the remaining 75 percent sustaining; with family and children and futures; with less or with 10 U.S dollars a day.

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I've lived in a padded room before, it wasn't a pleasurable experience.

Problems? Or opportunities
A psychiatrist tells one of his patients: "Congratulations, man, your treatment has made significant progress".
"Doc, a couple of weeks ago I was Napoleon, but now I am null. Is this what you call progress?".

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