Settlements only "illegal" for Jews


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2015
Hypocritical attacks on Israel are common, but Sarah Leah Whitson takes them to a new level. As Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, she is one of the sharpest critics of the Jewish state’s presence in the West Bank, promoting boycotts and international prosecution for the supposed crimes of occupation and settlement. Yet elsewhere Ms. Whitson strongly supports settlements in occupied territories—suggesting that she and her colleagues don’t take their own legal claims against Israel seriously.

The settlements Ms. Whitson supports are in Nagorno-Karabakh, an area that was within the borders of post-Soviet Azerbaijan until 1994, when Armenia occupied the region after a protracted war. Since then, the Armenian leadership in Yerevan has actively encouraged the movement of settlers into the area.

Ms. Whitson, who is from an Armenian family, served as master of ceremonies at a 2018 fundraiser for the Armenian National Committee of America, a pro-settler charity that views Karabakh as an “integral part of the Armenian homeland.”

Source: A Selective Opponent of Settlers

The is only one of MANY examples where a double standard of "illegal settlements" is applied only to Israel.

Is this not a violation of GCIV 49 concerning the transfer of settlers to occupied territory? Why or why not? Also feel free to address Cyprus, Western Sahara, East Timor and other examples.

If you can prove that there is an objective standard here and Israel is not being singled out -- go for it. Otherwise? You are participating in a special standard for Israel.
I don't think they're "illegal" because I consider the West Bank to be disputed territory, rather than "occupied". But it also depends on what Israel's endgame is, and whether they serve the purpose of peace.
Ah, that good, old Judenrein.

It's as popular a notion now as it was in 1940.

Yes, exactly...but not only that. It's the height of irony that Jews these days are allowed to live in NY or Paris or Sydney, but not in Hebron or Bethlehem or Shechem--where Judaism was first born, and which is the land of Judea.
If settlements in AREA C are legal they should "legal" for all Israelis and not just Jews to initiate, get permits for and receive infrastructure support. A lot of inequality there.

I know of no other country with a similar policy.
I know of no other country with a similar policy.

Your premise is in error, as Israel has no such policy but...

Of course you do. You just won't admit it.

Start with 'Palestine', where it is illegal to sell property to Jews.

Or consider Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. (Did you know that I am forbidden to visit those countries? I'm a Canadian citizen. I'm an American citizen. But because I've been to Israel I am forbidden to travel to those countries. That is if they knew about it, such as if I had a visa stamped in my passport. Israel stopped stamping visas and instead give out separate little cards for exactly this reason.)

And that is before we even actually get into the conversation in the OP.
If settlements in AREA C are legal they should "legal" for all Israelis and not just Jews to initiate, get permits for and receive infrastructure support. A lot of inequality there.

To correct your error here, ALL Israeli citizens, by law, are treated equally. No records on ethnic or religious background are collected or kept in the building application process, as it is illegal to ask these questions.

So, the Armenians are actively moving Armenian settlers into another State's territory. (Actual other State, not a wanna-be State).

Don't you think its hypocritical of highly visible people working with HRW to encourage this while condemning Israel? Why is it that one law applies to Israel but not to Armenia? Or Morocco? Or Turkey? Russia? There are a few others, but those are the main ones.
Hypocritical attacks on Israel are common, but Sarah Leah Whitson takes them to a new level. As Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, she is one of the sharpest critics of the Jewish state’s presence in the West Bank, promoting boycotts and international prosecution for the supposed crimes of occupation and settlement. Yet elsewhere Ms. Whitson strongly supports settlements in occupied territories—suggesting that she and her colleagues don’t take their own legal claims against Israel seriously.

The settlements Ms. Whitson supports are in Nagorno-Karabakh, an area that was within the borders of post-Soviet Azerbaijan until 1994, when Armenia occupied the region after a protracted war. Since then, the Armenian leadership in Yerevan has actively encouraged the movement of settlers into the area.

Ms. Whitson, who is from an Armenian family, served as master of ceremonies at a 2018 fundraiser for the Armenian National Committee of America, a pro-settler charity that views Karabakh as an “integral part of the Armenian homeland.”

Source: A Selective Opponent of Settlers

The is only one of MANY examples where a double standard of "illegal settlements" is applied only to Israel.

Is this not a violation of GCIV 49 concerning the transfer of settlers to occupied territory? Why or why not? Also feel free to address Cyprus, Western Sahara, East Timor and other examples.

If you can prove that there is an objective standard here and Israel is not being singled out -- go for it. Otherwise? You are participating in a special standard for Israel.
Settlements are just another piece in the mountain of evidence that the last thing Israelis want is peace.
Settlements are just another piece in the mountain of evidence that the last thing Israelis want is peace.

Right?! I mean the NERVE of Jews to think that they will be permitted to live near Arabs. Surely, they must know that trying to live near Arabs is an act of war. And that Jews deserve to be killed if they try to live near Arabs.
Settlements are just another piece in the mountain of evidence that the last thing Israelis want is peace.

Right?! I mean the NERVE of Jews to think that they will be permitted to live near Arabs. Surely, they must know that trying to live near Arabs is an act of war. And that Jews deserve to be killed if they try to live near Arabs.

Don't forget about the incredible chutzpah/nerve of these Jews to actually want to live in their historical and ancestral homeland! You would think that something as important as the Bible came from there, considering the fuss they make over it! What, the Bible DID come from there? Nevermind (said in a Gilda Radnor voice)!
If settlements in AREA C are legal they should "legal" for all Israelis and not just Jews to initiate, get permits for and receive infrastructure support. A lot of inequality there.

I know of no other country with a similar policy.
And yet not a peep out of you that 5 million Jordanians living under Israeli control, which includes Arabs in the Knesset , are not allowed into Jordan.
If settlements in AREA C are legal they should "legal" for all Israelis and not just Jews to initiate, get permits for and receive infrastructure support. A lot of inequality there.

I know of no other country with a similar policy.
And yet not a peep out of you that 5 million Jordanians living under Israeli control, which includes Arabs in the Knesset , are not allowed into Jordan.

I don't get this. What are you trying to say?
Settlements are just another piece in the mountain of evidence that the last thing Israelis want is peace.

Right?! I mean the NERVE of Jews to think that they will be permitted to live near Arabs. Surely, they must know that trying to live near Arabs is an act of war. And that Jews deserve to be killed if they try to live near Arabs.

Don't forget about the incredible chutzpah/nerve of these Jews to actually want to live in their historical and ancestral homeland! You would think that something as important as the Bible came from there, considering the fuss they make over it! What, the Bible DID come from there? Nevermind (said in a Gilda Radnor voice)!

Absolutely. And this is part of the hypocrisy. Settlers from Armenia have every right to live in the territory of another State because (their words) “it is an integral part of the Armenian homeland”.
Hypocritical attacks on Israel are common, but Sarah Leah Whitson takes them to a new level. As Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, she is one of the sharpest critics of the Jewish state’s presence in the West Bank, promoting boycotts and international prosecution for the supposed crimes of occupation and settlement. Yet elsewhere Ms. Whitson strongly supports settlements in occupied territories—suggesting that she and her colleagues don’t take their own legal claims against Israel seriously.

The settlements Ms. Whitson supports are in Nagorno-Karabakh, an area that was within the borders of post-Soviet Azerbaijan until 1994, when Armenia occupied the region after a protracted war. Since then, the Armenian leadership in Yerevan has actively encouraged the movement of settlers into the area.

Ms. Whitson, who is from an Armenian family, served as master of ceremonies at a 2018 fundraiser for the Armenian National Committee of America, a pro-settler charity that views Karabakh as an “integral part of the Armenian homeland.”

Source: A Selective Opponent of Settlers

The is only one of MANY examples where a double standard of "illegal settlements" is applied only to Israel.

Is this not a violation of GCIV 49 concerning the transfer of settlers to occupied territory? Why or why not? Also feel free to address Cyprus, Western Sahara, East Timor and other examples.

If you can prove that there is an objective standard here and Israel is not being singled out -- go for it. Otherwise? You are participating in a special standard for Israel.

Great thread.
I learned a lot, thank You.
Yes, exactly...but not only that. It's the height of irony that Jews these days are allowed to live in NY or Paris or Sydney, but not in Hebron or Bethlehem or Shechem--where Judaism was first born, and which is the land of Judea.

Not to mention how the same posters supporting Judenrein are the first to demand all western countries take in unlimited numbers of Muslims who want nothing but to change their culture.
If settlements in AREA C are legal they should "legal" for all Israelis and not just Jews to initiate, get permits for and receive infrastructure support. A lot of inequality there.

To correct your error here, ALL Israeli citizens, by law, are treated equally. No records on ethnic or religious background are collected or kept in the building application process, as it is illegal to ask these questions.
Well..again...why do we seeJewish outpostsand settlements being built but but no Arab ones?

The law means nothing if it is not followed.
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Yes, exactly...but not only that. It's the height of irony that Jews these days are allowed to live in NY or Paris or Sydney, but not in Hebron or Bethlehem or Shechem--where Judaism was first born, and which is the land of Judea.

Not to mention how the same posters supporting Judenrein are the first to demand all western countries take in unlimited numbers of Muslims who want nothing but to change their culture.
I get that you hate Muslims so much you can’t tolerate the fact that we might take in Muslim refugees who have suffered tremendously under our war with Iraq, the Syrian Civil War, and the horrors of Isis, or the Rohinga of Myanmar who have been subject to genocide, brutality, child rape and more at the hands of the Bhuddist majority. I don’t know about you and those who agree with you, but I don’t CARE what religion refugees and immigrants are. I am all to aware of our countries own shameful history in this regard. Are you? Why are you so keen on repeating it?

As far as where Jews can live? They can live anywhere they want, just like any other ethnic group.

Can you say the same?
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Settlements are just another piece in the mountain of evidence that the last thing Israelis want is peace.

Right?! I mean the NERVE of Jews to think that they will be permitted to live near Arabs. Surely, they must know that trying to live near Arabs is an act of war. And that Jews deserve to be killed if they try to live near Arabs.

Don't forget about the incredible chutzpah/nerve of these Jews to actually want to live in their historical and ancestral homeland! You would think that something as important as the Bible came from there, considering the fuss they make over it! What, the Bible DID come from there? Nevermind (said in a Gilda Radnor voice)!

Absolutely. And this is part of the hypocrisy. Settlers from Armenia have every right to live in the territory of another State because (their words) “it is an integral part of the Armenian homeland”.

So, the Armenians are actively moving Armenian settlers into another State's territory. (Actual other State, not a wanna-be State).

Don't you think its hypocritical of highly visible people working with HRW to encourage this while condemning Israel? Why is it that one law applies to Israel but not to Armenia? Or Morocco? Or Turkey? Russia? There are a few others, but those are the main ones.
Firstoff, I have no knowledge of what you are talking about so please provide a link then I can comment.

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