Seriously, my theory is that liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism...

I'm not sure why I expected that after nine pages the discussion would have moved on from baseless insults. I was wrong.

Brutus...if all you want to do is insult people...wait...that's basically all USMB is. Good going! Keep up the great work!

if you think liberals have the IQ to understand capitalism please say why you think that. I'd bet you're a low IQ liberal, can't do it, and so are trying to change the subject. PLease prove me wrong

So again you insult someone, then post a challenge. Why the FUCK would anyone respond to your bullshit?

Of want people to be insulted and not respond, because in your pea brain that registers as a "oh he can't do it! I win"...doesn't it?

Congrats on being a complete douche-tool.
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Thing 4: The washing machine has changed the world more than the Internet. The washing machine and other labor-saving devices made feasible the radical change in women’s roles we know as feminism. Similarly, without the humble air conditioner, America would have no Sunbelt. Twitter doesn’t come close.

That is funny.

Air conditioners caused the birth rate to go up in the south also.

But why don't economists suggest that everyone know accounting so they could do it on their computers.

The so called CAPITALISM wants some people to be ignorant. But didn't Adam Smith advocate enlightened self interest?

Some people's idea of enlightened is keeping others ignorant.

Any moron can hide information.

I'm not sure why I expected that after nine pages the discussion would have moved on from baseless insults. I was wrong.

Brutus...if all you want to do is insult people...wait...that's basically all USMB is. Good going! Keep up the great work!

if you think liberals have the IQ to understand capitalism please say why you think that. I'd bet you're a low IQ liberal, can't do it, and so are trying to change the subject. PLease prove me wrong

So again you insult someone, then post a challenge. Why the FUCK would anyone respond to your bullshit?

Of want people to be insulted and not respond, because in your pea brain that registers as a "oh he can't do it! I win"...doesn't it?

Congrats on being a complete douche-tool.

I love reading the insults people come up with on this site.
My current favourite is 'colon-jouster'.
1) I'm OK with some pollution standards, but so what, Republicans are not anarchists

2) world wars were dubious but ok too, but so what???????

Just trying to figure out how our views on American capitalism are different. For example with the pollution standards. Most folks agree in the idea of government regulated capitalism.

Brutus: so does BO thats why he took over 16% of the entire economy!!

The FDA FCC FDIC type agencies. There is much debate on particular regulations but the philosophical differences are small.

Too too stupid!!! THe Democrats want to grow government in 2011 even after 200 years of steady growth and $14 trillion in debt. If they can't always promise more welfare they can't get elected. Subverting the American soul is their goal. They are like a cancer

WWII was brought up as an example of the evils of government. I view our involvement as a necessary evil. Most folks who supported Bush1 removinf Sadam from Kuwait no doubt would have supported removing Germany from Poland or Japan from China for example. Charles Lindburgh and the isolationist folks interest me greatly.

Trying to find the differences.

liberal statist communists versus freedom and liberty from government

Curious, were you against the socialist health care system we have had since the 1950s? The one which provides treatment for any citizen who shows up at the hospital w/o forcing them to pay first?

Conservatives want a capitalist system where people spend mostly their own money, prices are published, and suppliers compete. Liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism so imagine government regulation can solve the problems that only capitalism and freedom can solve.[/QUOTE]

Conservatives....small government....

So you agree hospitals should be able to throw out folks who can not pay?

And you believe the Homestead Act was big government killing the American spirit?

How about that Transcontinental Railroad? Some HUGE ridiculous subsidies there. The Union Pacific is still selling off land our military won for them.
But why don't economists suggest that everyone know accounting so they could do it on their computers.

Since I doubt most economists know accounting why would they suggest it for everyone else? Accounting and Economics are not related fields. I didn't need to take accounting for my BA in economics and have never heard of it required anywhere.
But why don't economists suggest that everyone know accounting so they could do it on their computers.

Since I doubt most economists know accounting why would they suggest it for everyone else?

Accounting and Economics are not related fields.

I didn't need to take accounting for my BA in economics and have never heard of it required anywhere.


That is like saying that BASIC ELECTRICITY and ELECTRONICS are not related fields.

Aren't all of these corporations and banks that economists talk about doing accounting to manage themselves? Isn't the data that economists pour over the result of the accounting that these businesses are doing? This is why we can't figure out and manage what the hell is going on.

Too much STUPID compartmentalization!!!

Everything that goes on in electronics is dependent on electricity. Anyone that says they know electronics and does not know basic electricity is an idiot or a liar.

Economists are IDIOTS!!! Some of them must be LIARS! How much do Americans lose on the DEPRECIATION OF DURABLE CONSUMER GOODS, like automobiles, every year? They don't know! Only the depreciation of CAPITAL GOODS matter to them. But consumers have to buy more junk to replace what fell apart and the economists ADD THAT TO GDP.

We are running a planet of almost SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE on defective grade school algebra.

When do they ever talk about the NET Domestic Product?

A businessman that doesn't know the difference between GROSS and NET is pretty damn stupid, but apparently it is OK for economists. Unless they know but don't tell. Which means they help make sure consumers don't know what is going on.

Economic Wargames <-- LINK


PS - BA is Bachelor of Arts. Physics is SCIENCE. Doesn't physics work the same way for cars purchased by Hertz as it does for Joe Blow consumer? So if cars purchased by Hertz depreciate then cars purchased by consumers must also. Banks and used car dealers know that but economists don't supposedly. :lol: :lol: :lol:
So you agree hospitals should be able to throw out folks who can not pay?

in certain cases, sure. You don't want a system where there is no incentive to plan ahead for food, clothing, shelter, and health care expenses.
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So if cars purchased by Hertz depreciate then cars purchased by consumers must also. Banks and used car dealers know that but economists don't supposedly. :lol: :lol: :lol

Brutus: is this your best example of economists' ignorance? What would be different if they considered depreciation of cars for personal use?? Seems like you got a head of steam up over a very very trivial matter?

Economists are ignorant because about 50% of them are liberal!! That is not trivial!!
and that is why they don't support it. If this is a mistake I'd appreciate it if a liberal would offer something to indicate an understanding of capitalism. Thank you.

I fully support Capitalism

I'm just not too keen on socialism for wall street, capitalism for the rest of us

but what's to understand?

tell you what, i'll go out on a limb here and and state that i'll even support the current system, on ONE condition

if there's another fiscal meltdown, it's CONGRESS's fault! let them find their own pockets, and not mine for a bailout!
I don't much evidence here that this board's defenders of what they imagine is capitalism really understand marco-economics.

In fact most of what these folks post suggests that they don't have a clue about that subject.

And few of their posts (there are noteable exceptions of course) suggest that the trolls for their version of capitalism, even understand the basics of that economic system, either.

But if Brutus would like to test his theory I'm more than prepared to prove that my understanding of capitalism and our macro-economy has got to be at least as good as his.
Anyone who posts that " X people don't know shit about Y" is a troll and, at the very least, intellectually dishonest (if not out right lying).
But if Brutus would like to test his theory I'm more than prepared to prove that my understanding of capitalism and our macro-economy has got to be at least as good as his.

my theory is that a liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism!!
Are you a liberal? Can you demonstrate an understanding of capitalism?
if there's another fiscal meltdown, it's CONGRESS's fault! let them find their own pockets, and not mine for a bailout!

well I think all sides agree that the bailout saved the system and was necessary. Now there are fewer firms so a bailout will be more necessary the next time.

The obvious solution is more firms, fully independent of the government, with less interlocking! Capitalism needs to be imposed on Wall Street.
So you agree hospitals should be able to throw out folks who can not pay?

in certain cases, sure. You don't want a system where there is no incentive to plan ahead for food, clothing, shelter, and health care expenses.

Are we talking life threatening cases? Give an example. This is important to understanding what your ideal country is like.

too stupid!! its like asking, if a man won't feed himself, must we feed him? As I said, we need all possible incentives for each person to be a productive, contributing, responsible member of society, not a leech liberal.

Obviously the decision about whether a specific man has made an effort to feed himself will be subjective.
But if Brutus would like to test his theory I'm more than prepared to prove that my understanding of capitalism and our macro-economy has got to be at least as good as his.

my theory is that a liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism!!
Are you a liberal? Can you demonstrate an understanding of capitalism?
My theory is Bluto is too CON$ervative to have the IQ to understand Capitalism! How comical! :lol:

if there's another fiscal meltdown, it's CONGRESS's fault! let them find their own pockets, and not mine for a bailout!

well I think all sides agree that the bailout saved the system and was necessary. Now there are fewer firms so a bailout will be more necessary the next time.

The obvious solution is more firms, fully independent of the government, with less interlocking! Capitalism needs to be imposed on Wall Street.

Can Capitalism be imposed?
I would have thought it would be the natural condition in the absence of a centrally imposed system.
if there's another fiscal meltdown, it's CONGRESS's fault! let them find their own pockets, and not mine for a bailout!

well I think all sides agree that the bailout saved the system and was necessary. Now there are fewer firms so a bailout will be more necessary the next time.

The obvious solution is more firms, fully independent of the government, with less interlocking! Capitalism needs to be imposed on Wall Street.

Actually a well thought out response Brutus. Not what I expected from someone with such an aggressive us vs. them mentality. The question I have though is; how much government do you actually want to take out of Wall Street?

How would you propose we create more granularity in the financial system without at least some degree of government intervention? And to that end, would you ever support a government led break up of financial institutions in order to limit the risk of institutions that are too big to fail?

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