Sept. 11 families release letter supporting Bush

Lefty Wilbury

Active Member
Nov 4, 2003

Sept. 11 families release letter supporting Bush
By Associated Press, 3/6/2004 12:58

NEW YORK (AP) More than a dozen families who lost relatives in the Sept. 11 attacks released an ''Open Letter to America'' Saturday declaring their support for President Bush and his use of images of the destroyed World Trade Center in campaign ads.

''There is no better testament to the leadership of President Bush than Sept. 11,'' the letter states. ''In choosing our next leader we must not forget that day if we are to have a meaningful conversation.''

''In the November election we will have a clear choice laid before the American people,'' the letter reads. ''President Bush is rightly offering us that choice and the images of Sept. 11, although painful, are fundamental to that choice. The images in President Bush's campaign television ads are respectful of the memories of Sept. 11.''

Jimmy Boyle, former president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, spearheaded the letter, signed by 22 people who lost loved ones mostly firefighters in the Trade Center attacks.

Boyle, who said he will be voting for a Republican president for the first time in November, said he decided to ask other families to sign the letter after hearing that the president was being criticized for using Sept. 11 images in campaign ads.

''I don't think he's taking advantage of Sept. 11 and I feel that he's given us the leadership that we need,'' Boyle said.
I believe the majority of Americans feel this way....however the media will print what it wants to. In this case I am happy to read they do print truth once in a great while.
I have not seen that story yet on TV or in print. Why, what the hell man the fucking media makes the adds look like the whole country hates them. What f**ing socailists. I swear to God. Fox news better bet the pants off of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, and every other liberal news organization that thinks Bush is the worst..... F$#K OFF YOU F*!@ING SOCIALISTS!!!!!!!:finger: :blowup:

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