Sensitivity of carbon cycle to tropical temperature variations has doubled

A catistrophic drought wiped out the Clovis Peoples who were the first humans in North America. they were from what is now Europe, BTW.
No cars, no coal mines, no oil wells, no internal combustion engines, WOW!

There is no evidence that that is true. The fact is that no one knows what happened to them. For all we know, they could have simply died out as the megafauna food source died out.

Listen, idiot. The fact that I don't buy into the fear does not make me a denier, it just means I can think.

are you serious? you really think extreme weather is nothing? I guess you need to be at least 30 yrs old to really get a grip...started back with hurricane andrew in 91 and its gotten worse. no one denies that, Mr Idiot. everyone can see it.

it doesn't mean you can think if you refuse to acknowledge that hurricanes and typhoons harm Americans. clearly you don't think the destruction of American towns matters as long as it doesn't affect you. that sounds awfully unpatriotic. it requires lotsa taxes to pay for rebuilding towns and disaster relief. it also has an impact on the economy. maybe you won't consider your ability to bury your head as "thought" if you lost your family due to a tornado. that unusual tornado would not have been there if it wasn't for climate change and excess pollution.

What do you think extreme weather is? Multiple studies have shown that this is one of the quietest times in history as regards violent storms. The US is at an all time low as regards tornado activity, hurricane landfalls and other weather related activity. The fact that the dollar amounts for the damage is so high is due to the inflation of the dollar.

If you remove the inflation the actual damage is far less than storms from the past.
Scientists don't call other people names to make their points.

If you truly believe that, then you've not been around very many scientists. Which just goes to show that you lie when you say that you are one yourself.

Scientists who are good at their jobs don't call people school yard names. We might use strong language but we don't resort to that low level of discourse. But you wouldn't know anything about that.

It's very clear you know nothing about science.
basically you start with a hypothesis, aka educated guess but it can just be a hunch too.

then you study on a case by case basis, aka empirical study.

record what you find. what you find needs to be able to be independently repeated.

then consensus develops and a theory is propounded. it offers an explanation of phenomenon or phenomena.

it gets debated and compared to other theories that propose to explain the events at hand.

climate change is the theory that explains erratic weather patterns that are observable today. unlike your silly petition evironmental biologists do not disagree that we will see a 3.5 C change in the next century and they also note this is really bad for climate stability. if you want the seasons to remain relatively stable and predictable, you need to maintain climate stability.

For your hypothesis that AGW is modifying the weather today you MUST show a time when these same weather patterns didn't exist. Now look up the Principle of Uniformitarianism.
the problem with swim is it thinks it has value. some bible camp early on must have drilled this in. so as it got older, swim still believed swim had value but never learned ANYTHING. anyone can say false this and "ain't gonna touch that cuz i'm stupid" but it takes learning and value to defend your disagreements and arguments.

let me show you a reasonable argument
1 swim is mortal
2. all mortals die
3. therefore swim will die, and thank god!

now the "thank god" part is unnecessary and is not part of the argument. can you see how stupid comments have no role in advancing any human discussion? i don't want you to die and that takes away from the whole argument and renders it worthless, just like ALL of your comments.

[ame=]Billy Madison - Best insult ever! I award you no points - YouTube[/ame]
Multiple studies have shown that this is one of the quietest times in history as regards violent storms. The US is at an all time low as regards tornado activity, hurricane landfalls and other weather related activity. The fact that the dollar amounts for the damage is so high is due to the inflation of the dollar.

If you remove the inflation the actual damage is far less than storms from the past.

I can't believe you believe your own dreck. What are your sources? Steady Increase in Climate Related Natural Disasters - Climate Change Weather Blog



Hurricanes and tornados having dipped the last single year means very little. Maybe you have a hard time with understanding trends? Inflation has a tiny role here. Just because there is more people alive today doesn't bring the overall damage totals down. like a per capita damage rate. absurd. Have you ignored the amount of "weather related" disasters? which is to say climate related disasters.
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