Send American negros back to Africa

Send them ******* back to Africa?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Keep but Segregate!

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
Blacks are not the problem, they have been corrupted by the left. Abused to the point of turning some of them into animals. Hopelessness, decades of poverty, unable to escape the liberal inner city plantations. If any dare oppose them they are demonized as uncle Tom's and race traitors. We need to cut the head off the snake.
Negroes generally have IQs in the low eighties. A race with IQs like that attempting to pull their own weight among highly competitive races with IQs generally in the triple digits, in the 21th century and the outcome is self evident.
This isn't a 'racist' comment. It's a factual comment based on exhaustive scientific studies.
Address the reality first and then take steps to adjust people's fanciful/unrealistic expectations about negroes.
I'm reminded of a friend of the family, a mother who has a 'Special Needs' child.
From the first day the mother was adamant that her child was no different than any other child. She made the poor kids a living hell dragging her from one school to another demanding her child be treated and tested like all the other kids.
Her only explanation why her obviously retarded kid could never come close to the academic level as the other kids was because the teachers were "incompetent".
The kid is now a drooling fifty year old who still shit her pants. Her mother is still living in total denial.
THIS is the same sort of denial LIBs have towards the negro race generally.
Note to you LIBs fools: Life isn't a 'participation' event where everyone deserves a trophy..
Life is about winners and losers and the luck of the draw. Deal with it.
^Another Alt-Rightie for The Drumplethinskin.
I'll gladly take my black ass back to Africa for a small loan of a million dollar. :biggrin:
Earn it yourself. What a novel concept.

Oh, thats right. You are black. You don't have the ability.
^Another Alt-Rightie for The Drumplethinskin.
Blacks are not the problem, they have been corrupted by the left. Abused to the point of turning some of them into animals. Hopelessness, decades of poverty, unable to escape the liberal inner city plantations. If any dare oppose them they are demonized as uncle Tom's and race traitors. We need to cut the head off the snake.

There are more poor whites in America than poor blacks.

Isn't it funny, and very telling, that you never hear people like the above poster refer to the poor whites as animals...

A man just shot a 3 year old boy and killed him as his grandmother drove him to the store to go Christmas shopping...I said that animal should be put to death, his skin color was not a factor.
Im sorry but this has to be one of the most ignorant threads Ive seen.
Why would anyone suggest sending Americans out of the country? and then to say back to Africa? I dont know any blacks that actually came from Africa,, ok, one. but thats its.

Listening to this song and then reading about shit like this...

2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Makes me think we're better off segregated and sent back.

The so called "N******" who were "from" Africa are long dead, as are the barbaric, caucasoid invaders from Europe who brought syphllis and many other illnesses to the original native inhabitants of this land.

Blacks who were born here cannot be sent anywhere that they are not "from".............dumbass.
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Blacks are not the problem, they have been corrupted by the left. Abused to the point of turning some of them into animals. Hopelessness, decades of poverty, unable to escape the liberal inner city plantations. If any dare oppose them they are demonized as uncle Tom's and race traitors. We need to cut the head off the snake.
Another ignorant troublemaker who thinks that kniggers are too stupid to know what is good for them.

Right, everything is just peachy for blacks they are living the American dream thanks to Democrats. lol Seriously pull your head out of your ass.
My point is that it is not because of Democrats.

Yes it is, Democrats liberals in particular are filth.
so are many far right both sides have filth they need to cleanse...
Yo, NoNukes , you have yet to understand.

American conservatives are clearly more intelligent, compassionate and fair. They have the full force of divinity and the laws of man at their side. They are on the right side of history and have developed the foundations of democracy. The only thing that they cannot do is outsmart idiot libs when it comes to getting easily impressed minorities to support their policies.

It makes absolute sense.
Another kniggers are too smart to know what is good for them post. Good to see that Christmas did not thwart American hatred.

You should have asked Santa for a new sarcasm meter. can you NOT know where I stand on this issue by now?
I know, I was really confused, which shows how well you were applying it. Sorry for my stupidity.
I have a better idea:

Send all the whites back to Europe, the Asians back to Asia, and the Africans back to Africa and give the land that was stolen back to the Native population!?!

Seem like a great idea to me!
How about the strongest group just takes it and kicks the rest out? Lets see who deserves to own the land.
Because you know that you have no right to the land, so you want to take it by force, again. Then you will bring back slavery.
You think the indians didnt war with each other over land? Shit, all peoples across the globe throughout history fought and killed each other over land. The truth is, the problem isnt that we went to war with them; the problem is that we won. Now the losers are whining. How about you just shut up, cause we dont care.
I have a better idea:

Send all the whites back to Europe, the Asians back to Asia, and the Africans back to Africa and give the land that was stolen back to the Native population!?!

Seem like a great idea to me!
How about the strongest group just takes it and kicks the rest out? Lets see who deserves to own the land.
Because you know that you have no right to the land, so you want to take it by force, again. Then you will bring back slavery.
You think the indians didnt war with each other over land? Shit, all peoples across the globe throughout history fought and killed each other over land. The truth is, the problem isnt that we went to war with them; the problem is that we won. Now the losers are whining. How about you just shut up, cause we dont care.
We were happy until you White's came.
Yo, NoNukes , you have yet to understand.

American conservatives are clearly more intelligent, compassionate and fair. They have the full force of divinity and the laws of man at their side. They are on the right side of history and have developed the foundations of democracy. The only thing that they cannot do is outsmart idiot libs when it comes to getting easily impressed minorities to support their policies.

It makes absolute sense.
Now that's funny.

10 dumbest...

1. Hawaii
2. Nevada

3. Mississippi
4. Alabama
5. Florida
6. South Carolina
7. West Virginia
8. Louisiana
9. North Carolina
10. Arizona

10 smartest...

1. Massachusetts
2. Minnesota
3. New Hampshire
4. Connecticut

5. Wisconsin
6. Kansas

7. Vermont
8. Iowa
9. New Jersey
10. Colorado

Actually, Mr. Trump, Iowa is one of the smartest states in the union

So what constitutes "smart" and "dumb"? Uni education? Not a reflection of number of Education Pork Barreled states? What criteria were used? Liberal studies aren't very well respected these liberals that is.

If you lived here, you'd no doubt be one of them dumb red-staters. The link lists the criteria. :eusa_doh:

Sorry: I posted before I finished the full post. I have completed the edit already. I would be delighted to consider myself a Red Stater. Texas is after all our sister State. I must visit one day.

Next time, think before you post. :badgrin:

Run away , fawn.

I have a better idea:

Send all the whites back to Europe, the Asians back to Asia, and the Africans back to Africa and give the land that was stolen back to the Native population!?!

Seem like a great idea to me!
How about the strongest group just takes it and kicks the rest out? Lets see who deserves to own the land.
Because you know that you have no right to the land, so you want to take it by force, again. Then you will bring back slavery.
You think the indians didnt war with each other over land? Shit, all peoples across the globe throughout history fought and killed each other over land. The truth is, the problem isnt that we went to war with them; the problem is that we won. Now the losers are whining. How about you just shut up, cause we dont care.
We were happy until you White's came.

I have a better idea:

Send all the whites back to Europe, the Asians back to Asia, and the Africans back to Africa and give the land that was stolen back to the Native population!?!

Seem like a great idea to me!
How about the strongest group just takes it and kicks the rest out? Lets see who deserves to own the land.
Because you know that you have no right to the land, so you want to take it by force, again. Then you will bring back slavery.
You think the indians didnt war with each other over land? Shit, all peoples across the globe throughout history fought and killed each other over land. The truth is, the problem isnt that we went to war with them; the problem is that we won. Now the losers are whining. How about you just shut up, cause we dont care.
We were happy until you White's came.

Glad to hear it. I'd say there was nothing Utopian about Indian life at all. I would also say that the quality varied. Some were peaceful; some were not. Competition for food and space were probably just as lethal in America as they were in other parts of the world. We can now only deal with the present and set our course for the future.

Thanksgiving guilt trip: How warlike were Native Americans before Europeans showed up?

only problem with that is man walked out of Africa and eventually populated the world. .. you have black dna BOY.

ship or plane?

There were no black men in Africa 40 000 years ago, there were swarthy bushmen. From these swarthy bushmen evolved black men and white men.

Unfortunately, the swarthy bushmen, the native African population, were genocided by black men, who were a tiny minority in central Africa about 5000 years ago.

Today black Africans dominate the sub-Saharan Africa, but this was not the case during the last ice age, because there was a different climate in Africa.
I have a better idea:

Send all the whites back to Europe, the Asians back to Asia, and the Africans back to Africa and give the land that was stolen back to the Native population!?!

Seem like a great idea to me!
How about the strongest group just takes it and kicks the rest out? Lets see who deserves to own the land.
Because you know that you have no right to the land, so you want to take it by force, again. Then you will bring back slavery.
You think the indians didnt war with each other over land? Shit, all peoples across the globe throughout history fought and killed each other over land. The truth is, the problem isnt that we went to war with them; the problem is that we won. Now the losers are whining. How about you just shut up, cause we dont care.
We were happy until you White's came.

Yes, White man, my mother was a Cherokee.
How about the strongest group just takes it and kicks the rest out? Lets see who deserves to own the land.
Because you know that you have no right to the land, so you want to take it by force, again. Then you will bring back slavery.
You think the indians didnt war with each other over land? Shit, all peoples across the globe throughout history fought and killed each other over land. The truth is, the problem isnt that we went to war with them; the problem is that we won. Now the losers are whining. How about you just shut up, cause we dont care.
We were happy until you White's came.

Yes, White man, my mother was a Cherokee.

So, "we" is all the millions of half-Cherokee who were "happy until (the) White's [sic] came"?

Because you know that you have no right to the land, so you want to take it by force, again. Then you will bring back slavery.
You think the indians didnt war with each other over land? Shit, all peoples across the globe throughout history fought and killed each other over land. The truth is, the problem isnt that we went to war with them; the problem is that we won. Now the losers are whining. How about you just shut up, cause we dont care.
We were happy until you White's came.

Yes, White man, my mother was a Cherokee.

So, "we" is all the millions of half-Cherokee who were "happy until (the) White's [sic] came"?


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