Senator Ron Wyden introduces S. 420, a bill to legalize marijuana

There is no form of abuse too severe for pot growers. There is no sentence too long. Drug addiction is the worst crisis we have ever faced. It requires drastic action.

What's the "addiction rate" on marijuana? It's less than pizza...
It's not about addiction, it's about the next logical step after weed gets mundane.

The "Gateway Drug" theory? Mostly nonsense. There might be a few who progress to harder drugs. But most don't.
Just because almost every drug abuser started with weed...…..

Besides weed being a carcinogen that can be addictive like alcohol and heavy use causes mental illness, it is the perfect approach for governments wanting to keep the peons medicated and quite.

Quite what?
I live with two pot addicts. One whose life was destroyed. The other is schizophrenic with cannabis induced triggers.

Neither are worth the bullet to put them down.

And I'll burn a doob and trim a hedge. :dunno:

Eh, well. Used to anyways. Had to grow up.

Exactly! I was a teenager in the 1970s. Almost everyone I knew smoked weed at least occasionally. They grew up and most stopped. No rehab needed.

If someone gets addicted to pot, they were fucked up already.
This is correct, I've been a light-weight smoker all my adult life. Every few years I quit for 6 months or so and it's no big deal. I've known a lot of potheads that just about lose their mind when they run out. These people are self medicating for depression or anxiety.

You should have stopped after saying you have been a light-weight. :D
I’ll just say the same the i always say about this topic...

Marijuana will NEVER be legal in my property, in my car, or anywhere that I have jurisdiction over.

My tenants know that if it is found in the house they will be kicked out IMMEDIATELY. I left my sister in law stranded 30 miles from home a couple years ago because I refused to let her in my vehicle because she smelled of marijuana. I got a college roommate expelled in 1992 over thst shit.
Run for office. Yet another freedom lover.
If we just executed the sellers and users it would be way cheaper. Had we done it all along, we would not have the issues with addicts that we have.

Yes, you are just that ignorant, you stupid drunk!

Marijuana is only illegal because Big Pharma can't make any money off if and the drug is one of the most useful and powerful medications you can buy.

Marijuana reduces pain, increases appetite, and has been used to treat people with cancer for generations. Unlike the addictive and deadly opioids being pushed on the American public by Big Pharma, that have addicted millions and are killing 72,000 Americans each year, marijuiana has rarely killed anyone.

What is has done is allowed millions of people to lives with reduced pain and suffering. It is being used to treat children for seizures. Cancer patients for nausea, arthrtis suffers for pain. It reduces stress, and relieves insomnia. And I have never known two potheads to get high and get into a fight outside a bar.

I know of no marijuana user who has ever gone through D-tox, withdrawal, or rehab. Every jurisdiction where marijuana has been legalized, has reported a drop in violent crime.

And while you envision marijuana users as Cheech and Chong-like stoners, the reality is that most users are not smoking 6 inch blunts and staring off into space for hours, they're taking a hit or two off a vaporizer, for pain, or nausea, or at the end of a stressful day. And Cheech and Chong, for all their stoner stereo-types, are both hard-working, successful comedians, actors, and businessmen who have achieved wealth, fame and financial security.

Just like most people who drink have a cocktail or a glass of wine to relax, but don't end up staggering drunk, slurring their words, or publically embarrasing themselves as chronic alcoholics are wont to do, most recreational pot users are highly creative, intelligent, focused and hardworking.
The fact remains some people benefit from marijuana apparently, and some people do not at all.

And most people do not care one way or another.
The beneficial chemicals in weed are available in pill form.

It’s only about getting high.

Actually, the medicinal properties are due to the cannabinoids, not the THC. I gave hemp oil to my dog to hep with her arthritis. It worked wonders!
I respect that. But realize that rights or liberties are based on TOLERANCE of people doing things you do not endorse or like. Without that -- there'd be no liberty.. And folks that support issues like weed aren't promoting the practice. Just allowing that choice to be made...

Realize that I a not a proponent of Rights or Liberties. I definitely don’t believe in a right or Liberty to act in an immoral manner, which I believe marijuana use is (an immoral act).

First person who has ever told me they have NO interest in rights or liberty.. Look at you... :abgg2q.jpg:
I’ll just say the same the i always say about this topic...

Marijuana will NEVER be legal in my property, in my car, or anywhere that I have jurisdiction over.

My tenants know that if it is found in the house they will be kicked out IMMEDIATELY. I left my sister in law stranded 30 miles from home a couple years ago because I refused to let her in my vehicle because she smelled of marijuana. I got a college roommate expelled in 1992 over thst shit.

I respect that. But realize that rights or liberties are based on TOLERANCE of people doing things you do not endorse or like. Without that -- there'd be no liberty.. And folks that support issues like weed aren't promoting the practice. Just allowing that choice to be made...
You could say the same thing about driving the wrong way on the freeway. Liberty is not the same as license. Without responsibility there is no liberty.

Wow, that's defining a Civil Liberty down to near zero.. Good job.. :113: About as relevant to bringing a sword to a pre-school.. :rolleyes: Why don't we make a list to child-proof society.. You start... LOL.....

Point is having the govt REQUIRE a driver's license, insurance and compliance with the traffic regulations DOES VIRTUALLY NOTHING to stop driving on the wrong side of freeway...

And de-criminalizing is NOT complete legalization.. As witnessed by the high-powered people like John Boehner and Gary Johnson volunteering their govt expertise to set in place the REGULATIONS and requirements for pot in the States that choose to "legalize" it.. It's complicated. And there has to be a regulated market and financial auditing of the enterprise and reasonable taxation..

Of course, it's the TAXATION aspect that's getting pot acceptance. Because they KILLED the lucrative tobacco revenue and now they need to fill the holes.. Govt was making 3X on pack of smokes as JP Reynolds. It was a Big Govt Tobacco cartel...
Over 40 years using it.
Nice home, nice job, toys out in the garage, credit rating of 825.
Yeah. A lot of generalization and outright falsifications regarding pot.
Reefer Madness was propaganda, not a documentary.

You’re the exception not the rule...but you know that.
Literally, every single stoner I know is a complete lowlife piece of shit with zero ambition to do and be better. This is not a revolutionary find, there’s plenty of data out there. Your “I know this ONE GUY” story is cool though.
There is no exception. 60% of those I know and call friends are all middle class users. Some for pain some for recreational.
All hold steady jobs, own homes, and live normal lives like anyone else.
You dont hear about moderate users because of legality, folks like us don't advertise our preference.
We have been deemed common criminals by a nanny state.

That’s cool,..that proves that you choose your friends wisely.
You would be surprised how many voted for Trump, and hold the belief that government should stay out of personal decisions. That goes for drinking and gambling. Which ironically the state sanctions in the form of lotteries, while banning online gaming.
Prohibition failed epically regarding alcohol, has failed completely regarding the drug war, and has emboldened the cartels.

I have no love for the tie dyed idiot with dreadlocks that the media displays as the typical user.
Might as well use a drunk driver to represent all alcohol users.

Those tie dyed's are not your typical user and I think you know that most are outstanding citizens in their respective communities, doctor's, lawyers, judges, etc. Some hold CEO position's some are mid level manager's, etc.
my friends, vets should be able to use recreational marijuana without losing access to the VA, which is the law right now. the VA should be privatized anyway, my friends
Over 40 years using it.
Nice home, nice job, toys out in the garage, credit rating of 825.
Yeah. A lot of generalization and outright falsifications regarding pot.
Reefer Madness was propaganda, not a documentary.

You’re the exception not the rule...but you know that.
Literally, every single stoner I know is a complete lowlife piece of shit with zero ambition to do and be better. This is not a revolutionary find, there’s plenty of data out there. Your “I know this ONE GUY” story is cool though.
There is no exception. 60% of those I know and call friends are all middle class users. Some for pain some for recreational.
All hold steady jobs, own homes, and live normal lives like anyone else.
You dont hear about moderate users because of legality, folks like us don't advertise our preference.
We have been deemed common criminals by a nanny state.

That’s cool,..that proves that you choose your friends wisely.
You would be surprised how many voted for Trump, and hold the belief that government should stay out of personal decisions. That goes for drinking and gambling. Which ironically the state sanctions in the form of lotteries, while banning online gaming.
Prohibition failed epically regarding alcohol, has failed completely regarding the drug war, and has emboldened the cartels.

I have no love for the tie dyed idiot with dreadlocks that the media displays as the typical user.
Might as well use a drunk driver to represent all alcohol users.

Those tie dyed's are not your typical user and I think you know that most are outstanding citizens in their respective communities, doctor's, lawyers, judges, etc. Some hold CEO position's some are mid level manager's, etc.
Which is exactly the point I was making.
I respect that. But realize that rights or liberties are based on TOLERANCE of people doing things you do not endorse or like. Without that -- there'd be no liberty.. And folks that support issues like weed aren't promoting the practice. Just allowing that choice to be made...

Realize that I a not a proponent of Rights or Liberties. I definitely don’t believe in a right or Liberty to act in an immoral manner, which I believe marijuana use is (an immoral act).

First person who has ever told me they have NO interest in rights or liberty.. Look at you... :abgg2q.jpg:
He is sort of halfway between Stalin and Pee Wee Herman.
This is a subject where I part ways with those who claim to be small government conservatives, who are arguing for a nanny state.

And who still claims to be that? No one in office, surely...

This is a subject where I part ways with those who claim to be small government conservatives, who are arguing for a nanny state."

"And who still claims to be that?"

Every conservative on this board?

Rush Limbaugh and 20 million dittoheads?

Most every republican politician?

How many did I get right?
I’ll just say the same the i always say about this topic...

Marijuana will NEVER be legal in my property, in my car, or anywhere that I have jurisdiction over.

My tenants know that if it is found in the house they will be kicked out IMMEDIATELY. I left my sister in law stranded 30 miles from home a couple years ago because I refused to let her in my vehicle because she smelled of marijuana. I got a college roommate expelled in 1992 over thst shit.

You are a real nazi fascist ignorant piece of shit.

You are actually trying to destroy peoples lives simply because they smoke pot; a plant LESS dangerous than alcohol.

I truly believe that the law against pot is a crime against humanity and if you support it then YOU support crimes against humanity and should be PUNISHED APPROPRIATELY for your crimes.

Jail, at least.
You are a real nazi fascist ignorant piece of shit.

You are actually trying to destroy peoples lives simply because they smoke pot; a plant LESS dangerous than alcohol.

I truly believe that the law against pot is a crime against humanity and if you support it then YOU support crimes against humanity and should be PUNISHED APPROPRIATELY for your crimes.

Jail, at least.

I’ll take your first sentence as a compliment. Thank you.

I don’t allow alcohol or tobacco on my property or in my presence either.

I have very little use for the vast super-majority of humanity. I hope you’re part of the group that comes to arrest me. Just make sure your life insurance is paid up, and bring plenty of ammunition.
There is no form of abuse too severe for pot growers. There is no sentence too long. Drug addiction is the worst crisis we have ever faced. It requires drastic action.

You just replaced Miketx for my "oh my God, is this person even a real human when their IQ is that low?" award winner of 2019.
You are a real nazi fascist ignorant piece of shit.

You are actually trying to destroy peoples lives simply because they smoke pot; a plant LESS dangerous than alcohol.

I truly believe that the law against pot is a crime against humanity and if you support it then YOU support crimes against humanity and should be PUNISHED APPROPRIATELY for your crimes.

Jail, at least.

I’ll take your first sentence as a compliment. Thank you.

I don’t allow alcohol or tobacco on my property or in my presence either.

I have very little use for the vast super-majority of humanity. I hope you’re part of the group that comes to arrest me. Just make sure your life insurance is paid up, and bring plenty of ammunition.

You can always tell the ones who live in shit conditions and have nothing to live for; they're always threatening to shoot people.
I’ll just say the same the i always say about this topic...

Marijuana will NEVER be legal in my property, in my car, or anywhere that I have jurisdiction over.

My tenants know that if it is found in the house they will be kicked out IMMEDIATELY. I left my sister in law stranded 30 miles from home a couple years ago because I refused to let her in my vehicle because she smelled of marijuana. I got a college roommate expelled in 1992 over thst shit.

You are a real nazi fascist ignorant piece of shit.

You are actually trying to destroy peoples lives simply because they smoke pot; a plant LESS dangerous than alcohol.

I truly believe that the law against pot is a crime against humanity and if you support it then YOU support crimes against humanity and should be PUNISHED APPROPRIATELY for your crimes.

Jail, at least.
Potheads should be required to prove that plants are harmless by drinking a nice cup of foxglove tea.

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